A Mindustry mod based around refinery, recycling and filtering. _ This mod adds / changes (this information might be outdated):
· New ores: Bauxite, Iron, Aluminum, Halite and Sulfur
· New materias and alloys: Dense alloy, Insulattor Alloy Sludge and Stone
· New liquids: Heavy oil, Light oil, Fuel, Natrium, Lava, Polluted water, Tinted water and Sulfur water
· New enviropment: Black stone, Dirt, Polluted dirt, Red stone, Red soil and Tainted ice
· New factories:
> Condesner - Slowly condensates water from the atmosphere
> Tainter - Taints water by using spore pods
> Oil refinery - Processes raw oil into heavy oil
> Heavy oil processor - Processes heavy oil into fuel
> Chemical plant - Processes heavy oil into light oil
> Light oil orocessor - Processes light oil into fuel
> Polluted water recycler - Recycles polluted water
> Smelter and Arc smelter - Smelts iron and lead into dense alloy
> Bauxite smelter - Smelts raw bauxite into iron using coal as fuel
> Bauxite melter - Melts bauxite into liquid
> Bauxite refinery - Separates molten bauxite into aluminum, titanium, iron and silicon
> Centrifuge - Separates and cools lava in order to obtain various minerals contained in molten stone
> Coal liquidifier - Crushes and processes coal into oil
> Filter - Filters tainted water by using coal
> Sulfur filter - Filters sulfur water by removing sulfur
> Insulator weaver - Parses and combines aluminum, silicon and light oil to sew insulator alloy
> Lava solidifer - Cools lava to stone at a fast pece
> Stone melter - Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava
> Sifter - Sifts sand to receive scrap
> Sludge recycler - Recycles sludge into small bits of oil
> Natrium extractor - Extracts natrium from halite
> Salt extractor - Extracts salt from water
> Sulfur extractor - Extracts sulfur from sulfur water
> Rock crusher - Crushes stone into sand
· Power and liquid related blocks and turrets: Liquid distributor, Liquid combustion generators, Meddium battery and solar panel, "Burner", "Tsunami" and "Radius"
· Changes almost every single mid-game vanilla craft and almost all vanilla blocks requirments
_ NoiTech Discord server link: https://discord.gg/NcuNTQx