hipchat-cli is a simple command line interface to common hipchat api calls. It's main intention is to use it from scripts.
Make sure you have a working Go environment.
To install hipchat-cli, simply run:
> go get -v github.com/houtmanj/hipchat-cli
Make sure your PATH
includes to the $GOPATH/bin
directory so your commands
can be easily used:
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Register the plugin with hipchat by running: hipchat-cli register --name
This will create a small webserver and starts the flow for granting access to your hipchat. After the flow you will be redirected to the webserver started by the command. Here you can find the credentials of your plugin, which need to be stored in the configuration.
~/.hipchat-cli.yaml is the default location for the configuration file. Using --config an alternative location could be specified.
Example of a configuration file:
oauthid: <secret>
oauthsecret: <secret>
proxy: http://proxy:3128
endpoint: hipchat.myspace.com
Only the oauthid and oauthsecret are mandatory keys.
Playing hide and seek
for i in $seq 1 60); do
hipchat-cli room notify --room hideandseek --message ${i}
sleep 1
hipchat-cli room notify --room hideandseek --message "Ready or not, here I come" --notify