#Hoist Javascript Library
##Setting the api key
The library must be given the api key for your application before any other actions are performed. This can be done in either of the following ways:
Hoist.config("apiKey", apiKey);
When your app is hosted on Hoist (as even-cushion.app.hoi.io, say), it has an endpoint /settings which knows the api key and the current environment. To read from the endpoint and set the Hoist config automatically, you can simply call
providing a callback as discussed below. You may find it useful to create a json file called settings in your development environment to mimic this behaviour.
You might want to be able to talk to multiple Hoist applications. In this case, you should call Hoist.clone()
and set the api key for the new copy:
var OtherHoist = Hoist.clone();
##Callback syntax
Calls to the Hoist api are by nature asynchronous. All methods provided by the client library take a success
callback (which will be called with the response passed as the first argument). an error
callback (which will be called with an error message), and an optional value to be used as the context
when these functions are called.
The raw XMLHttpRequest object is always passed as the second argument, if you're into that sort of thing.
In the api methods listed below, the argument list can be terminated with any of the following:
success, error, context
success, error
success, context
- ø
Any method that takes these callbacks will also return a Promises/A+ conforming promise. (If for some strange reason you are mixing these two conventions, the callback in the argument will be called before any callbacks attached to the promise.)
Use Hoist.status(…)
to check whether the user is logged in:
Hoist.status(function (user) {
console.log("Logged in as user with id " user.id);
}, function () {
console.log("Truly I tell you, I do not know you.");
To log the user in or out or to create a new user, use the following, respectively:
Hoist.login({ email: "bob@invalid", password: "password"}, …)
Hoist.signup({ email: "bob@invalid", password: "password"}, …)
After any of these methods has been successfully called, the library will remember the user object returned. This can be accessed by calling Hoist.user()
###Social Signup/Login ####To sign up new users with Google / Facebook
POST /user {"provider" : "facebook" | "google" }
{"redirectUrl": <some url> }
You should then redirect to that URL to complete the signup process; the user will then go to login / accept the permissions on the provider website (both services request access to the users Email Address).
If the user accepts the permissions then they will be redirected to the origin of the /user call with the query string ?create=true If the user refuses, then it will redirect to the origin of the call with the query string ?create=false
They will be logged in on the return if successful
####To login with Google / Facebook
POST /login
{"provider" : "facebook" | "google" }
{"redirectUrl": <some url> }
You should then redirect to that Url
The user will then go to login / accept the permissions on the provider (both request access to the users Email Address)
If the user accepts the permissions then they will be redirected to the origin of the /user call with the query string ?login=true If the user refuses then it will redirect to the orgin of the call with the query string ?login=false
NOTE: You are expected to redirect from the /login or /user in a timely fashion as the redirect contains a time sensitive token.
The data methods can be used in two ways. A "data manager" can be created by passing a model type to the Hoist function, and then the methods can be called on the resulting object:
var projects = Hoist("project");
// get all projects
projects.get(function (data) {
console.log("Got " + data.length + " projects");
// get a single project by id
projects.get(projectId, function (data) {
// save an object; the object returned will have an _id parameter.
// anything passed to this method with an _id parameter will overwrite
// the object with the given id.
// You can post multiple objects by passing an array instead.
name: "Cool Project",
coolness: "Very Cool"
}, function (data) {
console.log("Project " + data.name + " has been saved with id " + data._id);
// save an object by id
projects.post("cool-project", {
name: "Cool Project",
coolness: "Super Cool"
// delete all projects
projects.clear(function () {
console.log("No more projects.");
// delete a single project
projects.remove("cool-project", function () {
console.log("no more cool project.");
A shorthand can be used if you have no need for the "data manager" pattern:
Hoist.get(modelType, id, …)
Hoist.post(modelType, id, data, …)
Hoist.post(modelType, data, …)
Hoist.clear(modelType, …)
Hoist.remove(modelType, id, …)
The query represented by a data manager can be made more specific by using LINQ-style method chaining to add where clauses, sorting and paging:
Hoist("article").limit(10).skip(50).get(…) // return at most 10 articles and skip the first 50
Hoist("person").sortBy("LastName", "FirstName asc").thenBy("DateOfBirth desc").get(…) // sort by properties
Hoist("person").where("LastName").equals("Morrison").get(…) // where clauses
The predicates supported in where clauses (like equals
in the last example above) are as follows:
: test equalitynotEquals
: not equalgreaterThan
: greater thanatLeast
: greater than or equallessThan
: less thanatMost
: less than or equalelem
: test containment in an arraynotElem
: test non-containmentexists
: test property existence
At the moment the query manager object returned by these methods only supports the get()
and use()
To upload a file, call Hoist.file(id, file, …)
with an id for the file, where file
can be any of the following:
- A
object - An HTML file input element
- A jQuery wrapper HTML file input element
- A
object (this must be in the format required by the Hoist api)
To retrieve a file, call Hoist.file(id, …)
. The response will be a javascript Blob
To send the notification with template id id
, populated with the data data
, use either of the following:
Hoist.notify(id, data, …)
Hoist.notify({id: id, data: data}, …)
Hoist provides buckets to allow different members access to different data. When the member logs in, they start out in the default bucket. Use the following method to list the buckets the current member has access to.
Use one of the following to create a new bucket, with key key
and attached metadata meta
. The bucket created
will be owned by the current user.
Hoist.bucket.post(key, meta, …)
Hoist.bucket(key, meta, …)
To update the metadata of the bucket with a given key, call the following:
Hoist.bucket.meta(key, meta, …)
To set the current bucket, use one of
Hoist.bucket.set(key, …)
Hoist.bucket(key, …)
where key
is the key for the bucket that you want to enter, or null
for the default bucket.
To check what bucket the member is currently in, use one of the following. The success
callback will be called
with the current bucket if there is one; otherwise the error
callback will be called.
Once you're in a bucket, you can use the following to set the metadata of the current bucket.
Hoist.bucket(meta, …)
After the bucket is set or the status is checked, the library will remember the current bucket with its metadata.
You can simply call Hoist.bucket()
to get it. (Note that calling Hoist.bucket()
without arguments does not return a promised call to get the bucket status. You must use the long form Hoist.bucket.status()
in this case.)
Finally, to invite a user to the current bucket, do:
Hoist.bucket.invite({ "email": "[email protected]" }, …)
Many times it doesn't make sense to rely on state on the server to remember which bucket you're in. To get a
Hoist data manager whose calls are always scoped to a given bucket, use the use()
method as in the following:
var bucketHoist = Hoist.use("my-bucket-key");
bucketHoist.get(…); // works as above for Hoist.get
bucketHoist.meta(data, …); // post metadata against this bucket
var modelTypeManager = Hoist("model-type").use("bucket-key"); // or bucketHoist("model-type");
modelTypeManager.get(…); // work as above for data managers
If your project is of a decent size, you will probably find that on page load you are getting a bunch of models of
different types in a fairly straightforward fashion. Instead of nesting a bunch of callbacks, you can provide the
function with a hash instead of a model type. For example, if you want to load all models of type "article"
and "section", you can use:
articles: "article",
sections: "section"
}).get(function (data) {
Single models can be retrieved in this way by setting the value in the hash to be the model type and the model id,s eparated by a space:
membership: "membership 63688436-9bd4-4fc6-8c2c-ab3398ec2961",
companies: "company"
}, function (data) {
// do the things
If the type or id of one model being retrieved depends on the property of another, use square brackets to indicate
these dependencies, and the library will make sure to request the data in the right order, then swap out the tags
before making the calls. You can also provide a string (accessible as [id]
) or hash (accessible through its
property names) as the first argument of the get(…)
function as additional context. This allows things like:
var allData = Hoist({
membership: "membership [id]",
company: "company [membership.companyId]",
employees: "[company._id]-employee"
Hoist.status(function (user) {
allData.get(user, function (data) {
// do the things
Hoist supports the Google AJAX crawling scheme to allow AJAX content to appear in search results.
To use this scheme add ! to the start of your hash fragments.
should be changed to
If your page does not have a hash fragment then add this to the head of the HTML of the page:
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
You then need to send us the HTML snapshot for the page using Hoist.index(path, content, ...)
Hoist.index('/ajax.html#!key=value', htmlSnapshot
You can also send us an array of pages:
path: '/ajax.html#!page1',
content: htmlSnapshot1
}, {
path: '/ajax.html#!page2',
content: htmlSnapshot2
To remove pages from the index use Hoist.deIndex(path, [regex], ...)
// remove a single page
Hoist.deIndex('/ajax.html#!page1', ...)
// use a regex to delete multiple pages whose paths start with the regex
// note: ending a regex with '/*' or '/+' have the same functionality
// it will search for an exact match without the '/' and then regex search with '/+'
// both of the below will remove
// /ajax.html#!page
// /ajax.html#!page/something
// but not
// /ajax.html#!pagesomething
Hoist.deIndex('/ajax.html#!page/*', true)
Hoist.deIndex('/ajax.html#!page/+', true)
To get a page from the index use Hoist.getIndex(path, ...)