This repository contains a Python script to control the haptic feedback (vibration) of the SteelSeries Rival 700 mouse via USB in Linux. It allows you to trigger various vibration patterns with a customizable delay, replicating functionality originally implemented in a C++ project. It also contains a Matlab code, which can be used with the Python integration.
- Supports all tactile patterns from the original SteelSeriesControl project (e.g., "Buzz", "Strong", "Pulse").
- Accepts numeric vibration values (0–127) for custom effects.
- Configurable delay before triggering the vibration (in milliseconds).
- Pure Python implementation using pyusb for USB communication.
- Operating System: Tested on Linux (Fedora), should work on other platforms with libusb support.
- Hardware: SteelSeries Rival 700 mouse (VID: 0x1038, PID: 0x1700). [change wherever your model changes]
- Python: Version 3.x
- Dependencies:
- pyusb: Python USB library.
- libusb: Backend for pyusb.
- Install Python Dependencies:
Install pyusb:
pip install pyusb
Install libusb (required by pyusb):
sudo dnf install libusb libusb-devel #as per your distro
- Set Up USB Permissions To access the mouse without root privileges, add a udev rule:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-steelseries.rules
Add the following line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1038", ATTR{idProduct}=="1700", MODE="0666"
Save and exit, then apply:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
Unplug and replug the mouse.
- Clone the Repository
git clone<your-username>/steelseries-rival700-haptic.git
cd steelseries-rival700-haptic
Python Command-Line Run the script directly:
python3 <vibration_type> <delay_ms>
- <vibration_type>: A named vibration (e.g., Buzz, Strong) or a number (0–127).
- <delay_ms>: Delay in milliseconds before the vibration (e.g., 250).
python3 Buzz 250 # Buzz with 250ms delay python3 Strong 500 # Strong with 500ms delay
As a Python Module Import and use the trigger_vibration function:
from steelseries_vibration import trigger_vibration success = trigger_vibration("Buzz", 250) if success: print("Vibration triggered!") else: print("Failed to trigger vibration.")
- This script can be called from MATLAB using the Python integration:
- To do this you need to setup python environment in MATLAB. Follow How to Configure Your System to Use Python.
- See the accompanying MATLAB function triggerVibration.m for a complete example
- Run the script directly from MATLAB (navigate or add the folder to MATLAB path):
triggerVibration('Buzz',250) # Buzz with 250ms delay triggerVibration('Strong',500) # Strong with 500ms delay
The script supports the following named vibration patterns (matching the original C++ implementation):
- Strong (0b000001)
- Soft (0b000010)
- Sharp (0b000100)
- Ping (0b001000)
- Bump (0b000111)
- Double (0b001010)
- QuickDouble (0b011011)
- QuickDoubleSoft (0b100000)
- QuickTriple (0b001100)
- Buzz (0b101111)
- LongBuzz (0b001111)
- Ring (0b010000)
- LongButLight (0b111111)
- LightBuzz (0b110011)
- Tick (0b011000)
- Pulse (0b110101)
- StrongPulse (0b110100)
You can also use any integer from 0 to 127 for custom effects. (Each number has a different pattern)
- "Could not find SteelSeries Rival 700": Ensure the mouse is connected (running lsusb should show ID 1038:1700). Adjust idVendor/idProduct in the script if your device differs.
- "Could not claim interface": Verify the udev rule is active and you have permissions.
- Python Errors: Ensure pyusb and libusb are installed correctly.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Based on the original C++ project SteelSeriesControl ( by HughPH.
- Built with pyusb for USB communication.
Happy buzzing!