Django Project for reading official Finnish Parliament election result data to a database.
I have written this project basically just for my own use but I am sharing it in case it turns out to be useful to someone else.
You are free to use and modify the code but I'd appreciate if you'd mention my name as the author.
Markku Hänninen, [email protected], twitter: @markkuhanninen
Short instructions for use:
set up Django DB access settings in electiondata/
run syncdb --noinput
download XML result data from
read area data ./ xmlreader areas
read nominator (i.e. party) data: ./ xmlreader nominators
read candidate data: ./ xmlreader candidates
Addition for handling Finnish Municipal election data in 2017. Currently supports reading the csv nominator & candidate data provided at
Please ask instructions by email or twitter if you are interested in using the data.