we all have way too many links bookmarked away, screenshots lying around in our camera roll & unprocessed thoughts. corner is your all-in-one place to plan your next study session, draw out your next startup or design your new bedroom.
[Insert Project Structure Image]
- Corner Library
- A "Corner": Infinite Canvas
- Canvas Primitive Elements
- Text
- Image
- Embeds
- Shapes
- Links (2 variants: Screenshot Thumbnail or Google Search Link)
- Defaults for Z-Index of Elements?
- Publishing/sharing?
- Language: Typescript
- Frontend: React, Tailwind
- Backend: Express
- Database: PostgreSQL, Drizzle
- Drag/Resize Elements: React-RND
- Website Screenshots: APIFlash OR OpenGraph.XYZ (Metadata & Media Thumbnails)
- Transcription: OpenAI Whisper
- Summaries/TLDR for Supported Media Embeds: OpenAI 4o/4o Mini