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Add disjointness reasoning for BbML (#260)
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NeilKleistGao authored Jan 21, 2025
1 parent dedfc2d commit c26c656
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Showing 39 changed files with 695 additions and 220 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions hkmc2/jvm/src/test/scala/hkmc2/BbmlDiffMaker.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,14 +28,15 @@ abstract class BbmlDiffMaker extends JSBackendDiffMaker:
given Elaborator.Ctx = curCtx
bbml.BbCtx.init(_ => die)

var bbmlTyper: Opt[BBTyper] = None

override def processTerm(trm: semantics.Term.Blk, inImport: Bool)(using Raise): Unit =
super.processTerm(trm, inImport)
if bbmlOpt.isSet then
given Scope = Scope.empty
val bbmlTyper = S(BBTyper())
if bbmlTyper.isEmpty then
bbmlTyper = S(BBTyper())
given hkmc2.bbml.BbCtx = bbCtx.copy(raise = summon)
val typer = bbmlTyper.get
val ty = typer.typePurely(trm)
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions hkmc2/shared/src/main/scala/hkmc2/bbml/ConstraintSolver.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,12 +33,13 @@ object CCtx:
inline def init(origin: Term, exp: Opt[GeneralType])(using Scope) = CCtx(Set.empty, Nil, origin, exp)
def cctx(using CCtx): CCtx = summon

class ConstraintSolver(infVarState: InfVarUid.State, tl: TraceLogger):
class ConstraintSolver(infVarState: InfVarUid.State, elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TraceLogger):
import tl.{trace, log}

import hkmc2.bbml.NormalForm.*

private def freshXVar(lvl: Int, sym: Symbol, hint: Str): InfVar = InfVar(lvl, infVarState.nextUid, new VarState(), false)(sym, hint)
private def freshXVar(lvl: Int, sym: Symbol, hint: Str): InfVar =
InfVar(lvl, infVarState.nextUid, new VarState(), false)(InstSymbol(sym)(using elState), hint)

def extrude(ty: Type)(using lvl: Int, pol: Bool, cache: ExtrudeCache, bbctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx, tl: TL): Type =
trace[Type](s"Extruding[${printPol(pol)}] ${ty.showDbg}", r => s"~> ${r.showDbg}"):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ class ConstraintSolver(infVarState: InfVarUid.State, tl: TraceLogger):
nv.state.upperBounds = // * propagate
case FunType(args, ret, eff) =>
case ft @ FunType(args, ret, eff) =>
FunType( => extrude(arg)(using lvl, !pol)), extrude(ret), extrude(eff))
case ComposedType(lhs, rhs, p) =>
Type.mkComposedType(extrude(lhs), extrude(rhs), p)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hkmc2/shared/src/main/scala/hkmc2/bbml/NormalForm.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ object Conj:
// * Conj objects cannot be created with `new` except in this file.
// * This is because we want to sort the vars in the apply function.
def apply(i: Inter, u: Union, vars: Ls[(InfVar, Bool)]) = new Conj(i, u, vars.sortWith {
case ((InfVar(lv1, _, _, sk1), _), (InfVar(lv2, _, _, sk2), _)) => !(sk1 || !sk2 && lv1 <= lv2)
case ((v1 @ InfVar(lv1, _, _, sk1), _), (v2 @ InfVar(lv2, _, _, sk2), _)) => !(sk1 || !sk2 && lv1 <= lv2)
lazy val empty: Conj = Conj(Inter.empty, Union.empty, Nil)
def mkVar(v: InfVar, pol: Bool) = Conj(Inter.empty, Union.empty, (v, pol) :: Nil)
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55 changes: 37 additions & 18 deletions hkmc2/shared/src/main/scala/hkmc2/bbml/TypeSimplifier.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ class TypeSimplifier(tl: TraceLogger):

var curPath: Ls[IV] = Nil
var pastPathsSet: MutSet[IV] = MutSet.empty

val outerPol: MutMap[IV, Bool] = MutMap.empty[IV, Bool] // outer polarity before entering next level

val varSubst: MutMap[IV, IV] = MutMap.empty

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,16 +111,40 @@ class TypeSimplifier(tl: TraceLogger):
val oldPath = curPath
curPath ::= tv

if pol
then posVars += tv
else negVars += tv
// * If tv is forall-qualified in a negative position, we need to **flip** the polarity
// * e.g., ([A] -> A -> Int) -> ([A] -> A -> Int)
// * Both `[A] -> A -> Int` should be simplified to the same type
// * The first `[A] -> A -> Int` is in a negative position
// * but the argument type `A` should be treated as negative instead of positive
if !outerPol.get(tv).getOrElse(true) then
if !pol
then posVars += tv
else negVars += tv
if pol
then posVars += tv
else negVars += tv

// log(s">>>> $curPath")
// traversingTVs += tv
// traversedTVs += tv
// traversingTVs -= tv
curPath = oldPath
case pt @ PolyType(tvs, outer, _) => // Avoid simplify outer variables to Top unexpectedly
outer.foreach(outer => {
posVars += outer
negVars += outer
val oldPath = curPath
pastPathsSet ++= oldPath
curPath = Nil
outerPol ++= ( => v -> pol))
outerPol --= tvs
curPath = oldPath
pastPathsSet --= oldPath
case _ =>
val oldPath = curPath
pastPathsSet ++= oldPath
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,20 +212,13 @@ class TypeSimplifier(tl: TraceLogger):

def simplifyForall(ty: GeneralType): GeneralType = ty match
case PolyType(tvs, body) =>
val visited = MutSet.empty[InfVar]
object CollectTVs extends TypeTraverser:
override def apply(pol: Boolean)(ty: GeneralType): Unit = ty match
case v @ InfVar(_, _, state, _) =>
if visited.add(v) then
state.lowerBounds.foreach: bd =>
state.upperBounds.foreach: bd =>
case _ => super.apply(pol)(ty)
case PolyType(tvs, outer, body) =>
val newBody = simplifyForall(body)
val visited = PolyType.collectTVs(newBody)
val newTvs = tvs.filter(visited)
if newTvs.isEmpty then body
else PolyType(newTvs, body)
val newOuter = outer.filter(visited)
if newTvs.isEmpty && newOuter.isEmpty then newBody
else PolyType(newTvs, newOuter, newBody)
case PolyFunType(args, ret, eff) =>
PolyFunType( => simplifyForall(arg)), simplifyForall(ret), eff)
case _ => ty
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hkmc2/shared/src/main/scala/hkmc2/bbml/TypeTraverser.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class TypeTraverser:
case ComposedType(lhs, rhs, _) =>
case PolyType(tv, body) =>
case PolyType(tv, outer, body) =>
case PolyFunType(args, ret, eff) =>
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88 changes: 59 additions & 29 deletions hkmc2/shared/src/main/scala/hkmc2/bbml/bbML.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ final case class BbCtx(
ctx: Ctx,
parent: Option[BbCtx],
lvl: Int,
env: HashMap[Uid[Symbol], GeneralType]
env: HashMap[Uid[Symbol], GeneralType],
outRegAcc: Type,
outVar: Option[InfVar]
def +=(p: Symbol -> GeneralType): Unit = env += p._1.uid -> p._2
def get(sym: Symbol): Option[GeneralType] = env.get(sym.uid) orElse parent.dlof(_.get(sym))(None)
Expand All @@ -37,6 +39,14 @@ final case class BbCtx(
env += p._1.uid -> BbCtx.varTy(p._2, p._3)(using this)
def nest: BbCtx = copy(parent = Some(this), env = HashMap.empty)
def nextLevel: BbCtx = copy(parent = Some(this), lvl = lvl + 1, env = HashMap.empty)
def nestReg(reg: InfVar): BbCtx =
copy(parent = Some(this), lvl = lvl + 1, env = HashMap.empty, outRegAcc = outRegAcc | reg)
def nestWithOuter(outer: InfVar): BbCtx =
copy(parent = Some(this), lvl = lvl + 1, env = HashMap.empty, outRegAcc = Bot, outVar = S(outer))
def getRegEnv: Type = outVar match
case S(v) => v | outRegAcc
case N => outRegAcc

given (using ctx: BbCtx): Raise = ctx.raise

Expand All @@ -57,27 +67,38 @@ object BbCtx:
def refTy(ct: Type, sk: Type)(using ctx: BbCtx): Type =
ClassLikeType(ctx.getCls("Ref").get, Wildcard(ct, ct) :: Wildcard.out(sk) :: Nil)
def init(raise: Raise)(using Elaborator.State, Elaborator.Ctx): BbCtx =
new BbCtx(raise, summon, None, 1, HashMap.empty)
new BbCtx(raise, summon, None, 1, HashMap.empty, Bot, N)

val builtinOps = Set("+", "-", "*", "/", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "&&", "||")
end BbCtx

class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL):
import tl.{trace, log}

private val infVarState = new InfVarUid.State()
private val solver = new ConstraintSolver(infVarState, tl)
private val solver = new ConstraintSolver(infVarState, elState, tl)

private def freshSkolem(sym: Symbol, hint: Str = "")(using ctx: BbCtx): InfVar =
InfVar(ctx.lvl, infVarState.nextUid, new VarState(), true)(sym, hint)
private def freshVar(sym: Symbol, hint: Str = "")(using ctx: BbCtx): InfVar =
InfVar(ctx.lvl, infVarState.nextUid, new VarState(), false)(sym, hint)
private def freshWildcard(sym: Symbol)(using ctx: BbCtx) =
val in = freshVar(sym)
val out = freshVar(sym)
val in = freshVar(sym, "-")
val out = freshVar(sym, "+")
// in.state.upperBounds ::= out // * Not needed for soundness; complicates inferred types
Wildcard(in, out)
private def freshReg(sym: Symbol)(using ctx: BbCtx) =
val state = new VarState()
state.upperBounds = ctx.getRegEnv.! :: Nil
InfVar(ctx.lvl + 1, infVarState.nextUid, state, true)(sym, "")
private def freshOuter(sym: Symbol)(using ctx: BbCtx): InfVar =
InfVar(ctx.lvl + 1, infVarState.nextUid, new VarState(), true)(sym, "")
private def freshEnv(sym: Symbol)(using ctx: BbCtx): InfVar =
val state = new VarState()
state.upperBounds = ctx.getRegEnv :: Nil
state.lowerBounds = ctx.getRegEnv :: Nil
InfVar(ctx.lvl, infVarState.nextUid, state, false)(sym, "")

private def error(msg: Ls[Message -> Opt[Loc]])(using BbCtx) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,10 +128,12 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
case t: Type => t
case _ => error(msg"Effect cannot be polymorphic." -> ty.toLoc :: Nil)
case Term.Forall(tvs, body) =>
val nestCtx = ctx.nextLevel
case f @ Term.Forall(tvs, outer, body) =>
val outVar = freshOuter(outer.getOrElse(new TempSymbol(S(f), "outer")))(using ctx)
val nestCtx = ctx.nestWithOuter(outVar)
outer.foreach(sym => nestCtx += sym -> outVar)
given BbCtx = nestCtx
genPolyType(tvs, typeAndSubstType(body, pol))
genPolyType(tvs, outVar, typeAndSubstType(body, pol))
case Term.TyApp(cls, targs) =>
// log(s"Type application: ${cls.nme} with ${targs}")
cls.symbol.flatMap(_.asTpe) match
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,9 +166,10 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
case _ =>
ty.symbol.flatMap(_.asTpe) match
case S(cls: (ClassSymbol | TypeAliasSymbol)) => typeAndSubstType(Term.TyApp(ty, Nil), pol)
case _ => error(msg"${ty.symbol.get.getClass.toString()} is not a valid type" -> ty.toLoc :: Nil) // TODO
case S(_) => error(msg"${ty.symbol.get.getClass.toString()} is not a valid type" -> ty.toLoc :: Nil)
case N => error(msg"Invalid type" -> ty.toLoc :: Nil) // TODO

private def genPolyType(tvs: Ls[QuantVar], body: => GeneralType)(using ctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx) =
private def genPolyType(tvs: Ls[QuantVar], outer: InfVar, body: => GeneralType)(using ctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx) =
val bds =
case qv @ QuantVar(sym, ub, lb) =>
val tv = freshVar(sym)
Expand All @@ -158,25 +182,26 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
val lbty = tv.state.lowerBounds.foldLeft[Type](Bot)(_ | _)
val ubty = tv.state.upperBounds.foldLeft[Type](Top)(_ & _)
constrain(lbty, ubty)
PolyType(, body)
PolyType(, S(outer), body)

private def typeMonoType(ty: Term)(using ctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx): Type = monoOrErr(typeType(ty), ty)

private def typeType(ty: Term)(using ctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx): GeneralType =
typeAndSubstType(ty, pol = true)(using Map.empty)

private def instantiate(ty: PolyType)(using ctx: BbCtx): GeneralType = ty.instantiate(infVarState.nextUid, ctx.lvl)(tl)
private def instantiate(ty: PolyType)(using ctx: BbCtx): GeneralType =
ty.instantiate(infVarState.nextUid, freshEnv(new TempSymbol(N, "env")), ctx.lvl)(tl)

private def extrude(ty: GeneralType)(using ctx: BbCtx, pol: Bool, cctx: CCtx): GeneralType = ty match
case ty: Type => solver.extrude(ty)(using ctx.lvl, pol, HashMap.empty)
case PolyType(tvs, body) => PolyType(tvs, extrude(body))
case PolyFunType(args, ret, eff) =>
case PolyType(tvs, outer, body) => PolyType(tvs, outer, extrude(body))
case pf @ PolyFunType(args, ret, eff) =>
PolyFunType( ctx, !pol)), extrude(ret), solver.extrude(eff)(using ctx.lvl, pol, HashMap.empty))

private def constrain(lhs: Type, rhs: Type)(using ctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx): Unit =
solver.constrain(lhs, rhs)

private def typeCode(code: Term)(using ctx: BbCtx): (Type, Type, Type) =
private def typeCode(code: Term)(using ctx: BbCtx, scope: Scope): (Type, Type, Type) =
given CCtx = CCtx.init(code, N)
code match
case Lit(lit) => ((lit match
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,26 +265,27 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
case _ =>
(error(msg"Cannot quote ${code.toString}" -> code.toLoc :: Nil), Bot, Bot)

private def typeFunDef(sym: Symbol, lam: Term, sig: Opt[Term], pctx: BbCtx)(using ctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx) = lam match
private def typeFunDef(sym: Symbol, lam: Term, sig: Opt[Term], pctx: BbCtx)(using ctx: BbCtx, cctx: CCtx, scope: Scope) = lam match
case Term.Lam(params, body) => sig match
case S(sig) =>
val sigTy = typeType(sig)(using ctx)
pctx += sym -> sigTy
ascribe(lam, sigTy)
case N =>
given BbCtx = ctx.nextLevel
val outer = freshOuter(new TempSymbol(S(lam), "outer"))(using ctx)
given BbCtx = ctx.nestWithOuter(outer)
val funTyV = freshVar(sym)
pctx += sym -> funTyV // for recursive functions
val (res, _) = typeCheck(lam)
val funTy = tryMkMono(res, lam)
given CCtx = CCtx.init(lam, N)
constrain(funTy, funTyV)(using ctx)
pctx += sym -> PolyType.generalize(funTy, 1)
pctx += sym -> PolyType.generalize(funTy, S(outer), 1)
case _ => error(msg"Function definition shape not yet supported for ${sym.nme}" -> lam.toLoc :: Nil)

private def typeSplit
(split: Split, sign: Opt[GeneralType])(using ctx: BbCtx)(using CCtx)
(split: Split, sign: Opt[GeneralType])(using ctx: BbCtx)(using CCtx, Scope)
: (GeneralType, Type) =
split match
case Split.Cons(Branch(scrutinee, Pattern.ClassLike(sym, _, _, _), cons), alts) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +340,7 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
case Split.End => (Bot, Bot)

// * Note: currently, the returned type is not used or useful, but it could be in the future
private def ascribe(lhs: Term, rhs: GeneralType)(using ctx: BbCtx): (GeneralType, Type) =
private def ascribe(lhs: Term, rhs: GeneralType)(using ctx: BbCtx, scope: Scope): (GeneralType, Type) =
trace[(GeneralType, Type)](s"${ctx.lvl}. Ascribing ${lhs.showDbg} : ${rhs.showDbg}", res => s"! ${res._2.showDbg}"):
given CCtx = CCtx.init(lhs, S(rhs))
(lhs, rhs) match
Expand All @@ -332,8 +358,10 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
constrain(effTy, eff)
(ft, Bot)
case (Term.Lam(params, body), ft @ FunType(args, ret, eff)) => ascribe(lhs, PolyFunType(args, ret, eff))
case (term, pt: PolyType) => // * generalize
val nextCtx = ctx.nextLevel
case (term, pt @ PolyType(_, outer, _)) => // * generalize
val nextCtx = outer match
case S(outer) => ctx.nestWithOuter(outer)
case N => ctx.nextLevel
given BbCtx = nextCtx
constrain(ascribe(term, skolemize(pt))._2, Bot) // * never generalize terms with effects
(pt, Bot)
Expand All @@ -353,7 +381,7 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):

// TODO: t -> loc when toLoc is implemented
private def app(lhs: (GeneralType, Type), rhs: Ls[Elem], t: Term)
(using ctx: BbCtx)(using CCtx)
(using ctx: BbCtx)(using CCtx, Scope)
: (GeneralType, Type) =
lhs match
case (PolyFunType(params, ret, eff), lhsEff) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,13 +415,13 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
ty.monoOr(error(msg"General type is not allowed here." -> sc.toLoc :: Nil))

// * Try to instantiate the given type if it is forall quantified
private def tryMkMono(ty: GeneralType, sc: Located)(using BbCtx): Type = ty match
private def tryMkMono(ty: GeneralType, sc: Located)(using BbCtx, Scope): Type = ty match
case pt: PolyType => tryMkMono(instantiate(pt), sc)
case ft: PolyFunType =>
ft.monoOr(error(msg"Expected a monomorphic type or an instantiable type here, but ${} found" -> sc.toLoc :: Nil))
case ty: Type => ty

private def typeCheck(t: Term)(using ctx: BbCtx): (GeneralType, Type) =
private def typeCheck(t: Term)(using ctx: BbCtx, scope: Scope): (GeneralType, Type) =
trace[(GeneralType, Type)](s"${ctx.lvl}. Typing ${t.showDbg}", res => s": (${res._1.showDbg}, ${res._2.showDbg})"):
given CCtx = CCtx.init(t, N)
t match
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,6 +454,8 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
case TermDefinition(_, Fun, sym, Nil, sig, S(body), _, _, _) :: stats =>
typeFunDef(sym, body, sig, ctx) // * may be a case expressions
case TermDefinition(_, Fun, sym1, _, S(sig), None, _, _, _) :: (td @ TermDefinition(_, Fun, sym2, _, _, S(body), _, _, _)) :: stats
if sym1 === sym2 => goStats(td :: stats) // * avoid type check signatures twice
case TermDefinition(_, Fun, sym, _, S(sig), None, _, _, _) :: stats =>
ctx += sym -> typeType(sig)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,9 +548,9 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
ascribe(term, res)
case Term.IfLike(Keyword.`if`, branches) => typeSplit(branches, N)
case reg @ Term.Region(sym, body) =>
val nestCtx = ctx.nextLevel
val sk = freshReg(sym)(using ctx)
val nestCtx = ctx.nestReg(sk)
given BbCtx = nestCtx
val sk = freshSkolem(sym)
nestCtx += sym -> BbCtx.regionTy(sk)
val (res, eff) = typeCheck(body)
val tv = freshVar(new TempSymbol(S(reg), "eff"))(using ctx)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,7 +590,7 @@ class BBTyper(using elState: Elaborator.State, tl: TL, scope: Scope):
case _ =>
(error(msg"Term shape not yet supported by BbML: ${t.toString}" -> t.toLoc :: Nil), Bot)

def typePurely(t: Term)(using BbCtx): GeneralType =
def typePurely(t: Term)(using BbCtx, Scope): GeneralType =
val (ty, eff) = typeCheck(t)
given CCtx = CCtx.init(t, N)
constrain(eff, Bot)
Expand Down

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