Notion Ruby Mapping is a library that makes it easy to access data on Notion using Ruby. It is currently under development.
Notion Ruby Mapping は Ruby で Notion 上のデータを簡単にアクセスできるようにするライブラリです。現在開発中です。
Development note is here.
開発ノートは以下の URL にあります。
→ Idea note of "notion_ruby_mapping"
- notion_ruby_mapping
Since the number of Japanese users has increased, we decided to include Japanese as well. In addition, we have simplified the method of setting up integration tokens.
NotionRubyMapping v0.6.0 now supports Notion-Version 2022-06-28.
In 2022-06-28, property values are no longer returned when retrieving pages. NotionRubyMapping temporarily creates a Property Object and calls the retrieve a property item API when a value is needed. Therefore, users do not need to be aware of any differences, and existing scripts should work as they are.
NotionRubyMapping v0.6.0 は、Notion-Version 2022-06-28 に対応しました。 ~~ 2022-06-28 では、ページを取得する際にプロパティ値を返さなくなりました。NotionRubyMapping は、一時的に Property Object を作成し、値が必要なときにプロパティ項目を取得する API を呼び出します。そのため、ユーザーはこの違いを意識する必要はなく、既存のスクリプトはそのまま動作するはずです。~~
NotionRubyMapping v0.5.0 now supports block updates. For efficiency, subclasses are provided under Block class. As a result, they are no longer compatible with the scripts used in v0.4.0.
NotionRubyMapping v0.5.0 では、ブロック更新をサポートするようになりました。 効率化のため、Blockクラスの下にサブクラスが提供されています。そのため、v0.4.0で使用していたスクリプトとは互換性がなくなりました。
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'notion_ruby_mapping'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install notion_ruby_mapping
Please check Notion documentation.
Notion documentation を読んでください。
From v0.7.0, it can be set with NotionRubymapping.configuration
v0.7.0 から NotionRubyMapping.configuration
NotionRubyMapping.configuration do |config|
config.notion_token = "secret_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # write directly
config.wait = 0
NotionRubyMapping.configuration { |c| c.notion_token = ENV["NOTION_API_TOKEN"] } # from environment
- Database and page access sample / データベースとページのアクセスサンプル
- Append block children sample / 子ブロック要素の追加サンプル
- Update block sample / ブロック要素の更新サンプル
- Set icon to all icon unsettled pages / 全てのページのアイコンを同一に設定
- Renumbering pages / ページのナンバリング
- Change title / タイトルの変更
- Create ER Diagram from Notion database / Notion データベースの ER 図を作成
- Create Sitemap from Notion pages / Notion page からサイトマップを作成
- Create Notion databases from ER Diagram / ER 図から Notion データベースを作成
- NotionTimeRecorder & GTD template
- 2025/2/11 [v0.8.9] Add verification_property
- 2024/9/15 [v0.8.8] Add link_mention support
- 2024/5/29 [v0.8.7] Change file attribute for button_property
- 2024/5/29 [v0.8.6] Change Query.page_size to writable
- 2024/4/26 [v0.8.5] change permission of button_property.rb
- 2024/4/1 [v0.8.4] fix payload for update database
- 2024/2/5 [v0.8.3] Add Button Property
- 2023/7/13 [v0.8.2] add 'after' option to append_block_chidren, 'append_after' method to block, and 'public_url' method to page
- 2023/7/10 [v0.8.1] Automatically change type to external when file object is updated
- 2023/6/4 [v0.8.0] add unique_id properties, filter_properties
- 2023/4/14 [v0.7.7] add token= method for Notion API book typo
- 2023/4/1 [v0.7.6] bug fix Ignore last ? option for page_id
- 2023/3/8 [v0.7.5] add notionTimeRecorder.rb
- 2023/2/9 [v0.7.4] bug fix for rollup property of erdToNotionRb.rb script
- 2023/1/26 [v0.7.3] release beta version of erdToNotionRb.rb script
- 2023/1/25 [v0.7.2] bug fix for creating relation property / add erdToNotionRb.rb script
- 2022/12/16 [v0.7.1] bug fix for query rollup property
- 2022/11/28 [v0.7.0] add this_week filter and NotionRubyMapping.configure
- 2022/11/13 [v0.6.8] remove error checking for start and end dates, add Users.all, and change Rollup and Formula query specification
- 2022/9/2 [v0.6.7] add support for Status property, is_toggleable for headings block, and page property values
- 2022/8/10 [v0.6.6] Bug fix(notionSitemap.rb): Skip if child page is empty.
- 2022/8/10 [v0.6.5] add notionSitemap.rb, rename createErDiagram to notionErDiagram, and move them to exe directory
- 2022/8/9 [v0.6.4] url can be entered instead of page_id, block_id and database_id
- 2022/8/9 [v0.6.3] update createErDiagram.rb (Fixed a bug with non-ASCII database titles)
- 2022/8/7 [v0.6.2] add comment_object support
- 2022/7/28 [v0.6.1] added createErDiagram.rb
- 2022/7/22 [v0.6.0] updates for Notion-Version 2022-06-28 (lazy retrieve property values, retrieve page/database/block parent, single_property/dual_property for RelationProperty)
- 2022/6/24 [v0.5.5] add file_names= to FileProperty
- 2022/6/23 [v0.5.4] add update 'is_inline' and 'description' for database object
- 2022/6/14 [v0.5.3] add time zone for query database by Date (before, after, on_or_before, on_or_after)
- 2022/6/8 [v0.5.2] Change query database filter for date with time zone
- 2022/6/5 [v0.5.1] bug fix for append_block_children. added synced_block_original to SyncedBlock
- 2022/6/4 [v0.5.0] added subclasses of the block class and update_block API support
- 2022/5/19 [v0.4.1] added delete_block
- 2022/4/29 [v0.4.0] Change directory structure, TEST_IDs are moved from env.yml to TestConnection's constants, added retrieve_block spec, added append_block_children
- 2022/4/27 added Base#children
- 2022/3/27 [v0.3.3] create_child_page can receive a block for initialization.
- 2022/3/27 [v0.3.2] properties of a created child page are automatically assigned using the parent database.
- 2022/3/25 [v0.3.0] added create_child_database, update_database, add_property, rename_property and remove_property
- 2022/3/17 [v0.2.3] added template_mention objects, tools/an command
- 2022/3/16 [v0.2.2] added database.create_child_page and instead of base.update/create
- 2022/3/15 Fixed not to reload from API when all contents are loaded
- 2022/3/14 [v0.2.0] Exclude notion-ruby-client, update Property values, update for Notion-Version 2022-02-22
- 2022/2/25 add_property_for_update -> assign_property, update
- 2022/2/20 add support for MultiSelectProperty
- 2022/2/19 add support for SelectProperty
- 2022/2/17 added Page#properties, Page#add_property_for_update, Page#update
- 2022/2/17 added Page#properties, Page#add_property_for_update, Page#update
- 2022/2/16 added PropertyCache and Payload class
- 2022/2/14 added Database#set_icon
- 2022/2/13 added Page#set_icon
- 2022/2/13 First commit
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the NotionRubyMapping project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.