Meal Plan Creator is a web application that allows nutritionists to create personalized meal plans and grocery lists for their clients. This project is built with Python Flask framework, wtforms for form validation, and PostgreSQL database, using SQLAlchemy to connect to the database. The front-end is based on JavaScript.
Authentication system: Users can create an account, login and logout..
Meal plan creator: Users can create a new meal plan
Recipe search: Nutritionists can search for recipes and save them to the database..
Saved recipes: Saved recipes are displayed on a saved recipes page..
Ingredient search: Users can search for ingredients and mark them as liked or disliked..
Saved meal plans: Nutritionists can create a meal plan and save it to the database. Saved meal plans are displayed on a saved meal plans page.
Flask: Python based web framework for building web applications.
wtforms: A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python web development.
PostgreSQL: A powerful, open source relational database system.
Hashing: To covert user passwords to hash before storing them to increase security. </br />
SQLAlchemy: A SQL toolkit and ORM that provides a set of high-level API for connecting to databases.
JavaScript: A programming language that allows you to add dynamic content to your web pages.
$ git clone
$ python3 venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ createdb remplr
$ flask run
Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:5000
Contributions are always welcome! If you have any ideas or suggestions for this project, feel free to submit an issue or a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.