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HiddenLayer Artifactory Model Security User Plugin

This plugin submits models downloaded from a HuggingFace repository to the HiddenLayer API for scanning. The plugin will block the download if the model is flagged as malicious.


For repositories that the plugin monitors, when a file is requested, it will submit it to HiddenLayer for scanning. It will mark the the artifact in the repository with a property hiddenlayer.status as either SAFE or UNSAFE.

This plugin is configurable and will work with both local and remote artifactory repositories. This plugin can also be configured to use the HiddenLayer SaaS platform or a self-hosted enterprise instance of the model scanning service.


This plugin needs to be added to the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/plugins directory. This can be done by copying the contentes of ./core/src to the plugins directory.


The plugin can be configured by editing the file in the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/plugins directory.

The following configuartion options are available:

  • hiddenlayer.auth.url - The URL for the HiddenLayer API. Required for SaaS, Optional for Enterprise
  • hiddenlayer.auth.client_id - The client ID for the HiddenLayer API. Required for SaaS, Optional for Enterprise
  • hiddenlayer.auth.client_secret - The client secret for the HiddenLayer API. Required for SaaS, Optional for Enterprise
  • hiddenlayer.api.url - The URL for the HiddenLayer API. Required. Change to the URL of your enterprise instance if using an enterprise instance.
  • hiddenlayer.api.version - The version of the HiddenLayer API. Required. Defaults to v2
  • hiddenlayer.scan.repo_ids - A comma separated list of repository IDs to scan. Required
  • hiddenlayer.scan.decision_missing - The decision to make if the hiddenlayer.status property is missing. Optional. Set to deny or allow.
  • hiddenlayer.scan.missing_decision_retry - If the scan cannot complete or fails during the intial request, this option will determine if the plugin will attempt to rescan the file. This may lead to excessive API calls. Optional. Set to true or false. Defaults to false.
  • hiddenlayer.scan.delete_adhoc_models_after_scan - If the plugin should delete the adhoc model from the HiddenLayer platform after the scan is complete. Note: This feature is only available against SaaS versions of the model scanner. Optional. Set to true or false. Defaults to true.


Getting Started


We use Devcontainers to provide a consistent IDE experience Please follow the IDE Bootstrap steps to ensure that you are running in a devcontainer.

IDE Bootstrap

  1. Install VSCode Extension:
  2. cmd-shift-p -> "Dev Containers: Reopen In Container" (or click the blue array at the bottom-left corner)
  3. gh auth login
  4. gh auth setup-git
  5. git config --global "[username_here]" && git config --global "[first_name] [last_name]"

To facilitate testing and setup, the following environment variables will be brought into the devcontainer environment:

  • HL_CLIENT_ID - The client ID for the HiddenLayer API
  • HL_CLIENT_SECRET - The client secret for the HiddenLayer API

Running the Plugin

  1. Start Artifactory Container
docker compose up
  1. Navigate to localhost:8082 to see the
    • If prompted enter a new password. (i.e. Fr0gg3r)
  2. Click on the banner to activate Artifactory. activate-banner
  3. Enter a License and click Save.
  4. Set up a new HuggingFace Repository
    • Click on Welcome in the top right corner
    • Click on New Remote Repository
    • Select HuggingFace
    • Set the repository key (something like hf)
    • Click Create Remote Repository
  5. Configure the plugin
    • Open the file ./core/src/
    • Add your hiddenlayer API auth client_id and client_secret
    • record the repository IDs for the repositories you want to scan
  6. Reload the plugin
    curl -XPOST -uadmin:<password> localhost:8081/artifactory/api/plugins/reload

Now, whenever you download a model using the HuggingFace cli, the plugin will upload the model to the HiddenLayer API for scanning. Based on your configuration, the plugin will either block the download or allow it to proceed.

Running automated tests

  1. Ensure the Artifactory container is running
docker compose up
  1. Run the tests
gradle clean
gradle artifactory_common
gradle modelscanner

The artifactory_common set of tests will check the health of JFrog artifactory and install the license set in the environment variable HL_LICENSE_KEY. The modelscanner set of tests will set up a remote huggingface repository and attempt to download a huggingface model from it.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be configured and override the values in the core/src/ file:

  • HL_CLIENT_ID - The client ID for the HiddenLayer API
  • HL_CLIENT_SECRET - The client secret for the HiddenLayer API
  • HL_LICENSE_KEY - The license key for JFrog Artifactory
  • HL_API_URL - The URL for the HiddenLayer API
