The marketplace
module facilitates the listing, delisting, and purchasing of properties in a marketplace. Each property is represented by a PropertyDetail
struct, and the module keeps track of listed properties using a Table
. Additionally, it manages user-specific property information in a UserPropertyList
: The sender is not the expected owner.ERROR_PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS
: The property with the given name already exists.ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME
: The specified property does not exist.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
: The resource already exists.ERROR_SELLER_CANNOT_BE_BUYER
: The seller cannot be the buyer.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS
: Insufficient funds to perform the operation.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PLATFORM_FEE
: Insufficient platform fee.
- capability: SignerCapability
- property_name: string::String
- amount: u64
- timestamp: u64
- listing_id: u64
- seller_address: address
- property_name: string::String
- amount: u64
- owner_address: address
- user_property_list: Table<string::String, UserPropertyDetail>
- property_name: string::String
- amount: u64
- timestamp: u64
- listing_id: u64
- seller_address: address
- property_name: string::String
- amount: u64
- timestamp: u64
- listing_id: u64
- seller_address: address
- property_name: string::String
- amount: u64
- timestamp: u64
- listing_id: u64
- seller_address: address
- property_name: string::String
- amount: u64
- timestamp: u64
- buyer_address: address
- listed_properties: Table<string::String, PropertyDetail>
- listing_event: EventHandle
- delisting_event: EventHandle
- price_change_event: EventHandle
- buy_property_event: EventHandle
- ListingEvent
- DelistingEvent
- PriceChangeEvent
- BuyPropertyEvent
public entry fun initialize(sender: &signer)
- Initializes the marketplace module, creating a resource account for the sender and setting up data structures.
public entry fun list_property(seller: &signer, amount: u64, property_name: string::String) acquires MarketCapability, PropertyListing, UserPropertyList
- Lists a property for sale in the marketplace.
public entry fun delist_property(seller: &signer, property_name: string::String) acquires PropertyListing, MarketCapability
- Removes a listed property from the marketplace.
public entry fun buy_property(buyer: &signer, property_name: string::String) acquires PropertyListing, MarketCapability, UserPropertyList
- Allows a buyer to purchase a listed property.
fun return_market_signer_address(): (signer, address) acquires MarketCapability
- Returns the signer and address of the marketplace module.
aptos move init --name projectname
- Initializes a Move project named
aptos init
- Creates a default account for use in the project.
aptos init --profile accountname
- Creates an additional account with the specified profile
aptos move publish
- Publishes or deploys the Move contract to the blockchain.
aptos move publish --named-addresses my_addrx=0x4b68f19d3afd9c53cb7e6caa89929cc432e0e1c8124945e6504d096b3d796068 --private-key 0x6cf8b57c96c505045da044a14a55570456ae9cd832fbd3c16b27a77030d7622e --url --assume-yes
aptos move compile
- Compiles the Move contract.
aptos move test
- Runs tests for the Move contract.
- Test cases for the above module have not been written yet.
aptos move run --function-id --args [pass the arguments with the arguments type]
- Executes a function from the CLI with the specified function ID and arguments.
aptos move run --function-id module_address::property_coin::initialize_property_token --args string:"PropertyToken" string:"PT" u8:18 bool:true
aptos move view --function-id [function name]
- Views the result of a view function with the specified function name.
aptos move view --function-id module_address::property_coin::decimals
Feel free to adapt this README to your specific needs. It provides a comprehensive guide to commands and functions associated with the Move marketplace module.