All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
bulk_send_job_get |
GET /bulk_send_job/{bulk_send_job_id} |
Get Bulk Send Job |
bulk_send_job_list |
GET /bulk_send_job/list |
List Bulk Send Jobs |
BulkSendJobGetResponse bulk_send_job_get(bulk_send_job_id)
Get Bulk Send Job
Returns the status of the BulkSendJob and its SignatureRequests specified by the bulk_send_job_id
- Basic Authentication (api_key):
- Bearer (JWT) Authentication (oauth2):
from pprint import pprint
from dropbox_sign import ApiClient, ApiException, Configuration, apis
configuration = Configuration(
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: api_key
# or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
# access_token="YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
bulk_send_job_api = apis.BulkSendJobApi(api_client)
bulk_send_job_id = "6e683bc0369ba3d5b6f43c2c22a8031dbf6bd174"
response = bulk_send_job_api.bulk_send_job_get(bulk_send_job_id)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: %s\n" % e)
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| `bulk_send_job_id` | **str** | The id of the BulkSendJob to retrieve. | |
| `page` | **int** | Which page number of the BulkSendJob list to return. Defaults to `1`. | [optional][default to 1] |
| `page_size` | **int** | Number of objects to be returned per page. Must be between `1` and `100`. Default is 20. | [optional][default to 20] |
### Return type
### Authorization
[api_key](../, [oauth2](../
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - <br> * X-RateLimit-Remaining - <br> * X-Ratelimit-Reset - <br> |
**4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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# ```bulk_send_job_list```
> ```BulkSendJobListResponse bulk_send_job_list()```
List Bulk Send Jobs
Returns a list of BulkSendJob that you can access.
### Example
* Basic Authentication (api_key):
* Bearer (JWT) Authentication (oauth2):
from pprint import pprint
from dropbox_sign import ApiClient, ApiException, Configuration, apis
configuration = Configuration(
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: api_key
# or, configure Bearer (JWT) authorization: oauth2
# access_token="YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
bulk_send_job_api = apis.BulkSendJobApi(api_client)
page = 1
page_size = 20
response = bulk_send_job_api.bulk_send_job_list(
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: %s\n" % e)
### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| `page` | **int** | Which page number of the BulkSendJob List to return. Defaults to `1`. | [optional][default to 1] |
| `page_size` | **int** | Number of objects to be returned per page. Must be between `1` and `100`. Default is 20. | [optional][default to 20] |
### Return type
### Authorization
[api_key](../, [oauth2](../
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - <br> * X-RateLimit-Remaining - <br> * X-Ratelimit-Reset - <br> |
**4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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