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Notion Ruby mapping is currently under development.

Development note is here. → Idea note of "notion_ruby_mapping"

Table of Contents

1. Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'notion_ruby_mapping'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install notion_ruby_mapping

2. Example code

2.1 Set icon to all icon unsettled pages

The following code sets a "💿" icon on all unset pages in the database.

require "notion_ruby_mapping"

include NotionRubyMapping

database_id = ENV["DATABASE_ID"]

NotionCache.instance.create_client token

db = id: database_id
db.query_database.each do |page|
  p page.set_icon(emoji: "💿").id unless page.icon
Before execution After execution
Before execution After execution

2.2 Renumbering pages

The following code sets serial numbers to the pages whose title is not empty in ascending order of titles.

db = id: database_id, assign: [RichTextProperty, "TextTitle"]
tp =["TextTitle"]
query = tp.filter_is_not_empty.ascending(tp)
db.query_database(tp.filter_is_not_empty.ascending(tp)).each.with_index(1) do |page, index|["NumberTitle"].number = index
After execution
After exuecution

2.3 Change title

The following code update the page title.

Pattern 1 (replace existing text partially)

page = Page.find page_id # API access
print page.title # -> ABC\nDEF
tp =["Title"]
tp[1].text = "GHI"
page.update # API access
print page.title # -> ABC\nGHI

Pattern 2 (replace all text)

page = id: page_id, assign: [TitleProperty, "Title"]
tp =["Title"]
tp <<"JKL")
page.update # API access
print page.title # -> JKL

3. Preparation

3.1 Create a New Integration

Please check Notion documentation.

3.2 Create client

Please create a client (notion-ruby-client) before you use the following class.

NotionCache.instance.create_client ENV["NOTION_API_TOKEN"]

4. Usage

4.1 Page

4.1.1 Retrieve a page

Page.find(id) creates a Page object with retrieving page API. The created object has page information generated from the JSON response.

page = Page.find "c01166c6-13ae-45cb-b968-18b4ef2f5a77" # Notion API call creates a Page object without the Notion API. Since does not acquire property information, so you need to assign yourself.

# Assign some properties for update manually
# The argument of assign keyword is Array with the multiple pairs of PropertyClass and Property name
page = id: "c01166c6-13ae-45cb-b968-18b4ef2f5a77",
                assign: [TitleProperty, "Title", NumberProperty, "NumberTitle"]

4.1.2 Update page properties

Page properties with values can be obtained from the retrieved page using find. On the other hand, Page properties without values can be obtained from the property assigned page.

tp =["Title"] # TitleProperty
np =["Number"] # NumberProperty

Each property object can change values using corresponded methods. After changing value, will_update flag of the property object also set to true. These methods are explained in the section of each property object class.

to = tp[1] # TitleProperty has Array of TextObject
to.text = "ABC" # TextObject can set text by ".text="
# or tp[1].text = "ABC"

np.number = 3.14159

After update some properties, page.update method sends update page API and replace the page information using the response of API.

page.update # Notion API call

4.1.3 Update other page information

page.set_icon can change the page icon using emoji or external url.

# both methods call Notion API
obj.set_icon emoji: "💿" # set emoji
obj.set_icon url: "" # set external url

4.1.4 other methods

  • page.title returns plain_text string of Title.
  • page.icon returns JSON hash for the page icon.
  • page[key] returns a hash or an array object except "properties".

4.2 Page

4.2.1 Retrieve a database

Database.find(id) creates a Database object with retrieving database API. The created object has database information generated from the JSON response.

db = Database.find("c37a2c66-e3aa-4a0d-a447-73de3b80c253") # Notion API call creates a Database object without the Notion API. Since does not acquire property information, so you need to assign yourself.

# assign some properties for update manually
db = id: "c37a2c66-e3aa-4a0d-a447-73de3b80c253",
                assign: [TitleProperty, "Title", NumberProperty, "NumberTitle"]

4.2.2 Query a database

db.query_database obtains a List object with Page objects contained in the database. You can obtain filtered and ordered pages using Query object.

# query_database method calls Notion API
db.query_database # retrieves all pages (no filter, no sort)
db.query_database query # retrieves using query

The query object can be generated from the Property objects included in the database object. The Property object can be obtained from the retrieved or assigned database object like as the Page object.

filter_xxxx methods of the property objects generates a query object. These methods are explained in the section of each property object class.

tp =["Title"]
query = tp.filter_starts_with("A").ascending(tp)
pages = db.query_database query Complex conditions

Complex filters can be generated and / or methods of the Query object. Here are some sample scripts and the json parameters created from them.

# Prepare some sample properties
db = id: "sample database id",
                  assign: [
                    TitleProperty, "tp",
                    NumberProperty, "np",
                    CheckboxProperty, "cp",
                    LastEditedTimeProperty, "letp",
properties = # PropertyCache object
# PropertyCache object can receive [] or values_at methods.
# `values_at` method is useful when retrieving multiple properties at once.
(tp, np, cp, letp) = properties.values_at "tp", "np", "cp", "letp"
  • query1: (A and B) filter
query1 = tp.filter_starts_with("start")

# Result of query1.filter
  "and" => [
      "property" => "tp",
      "title" => {"starts_with" => "start"},
      "property" => "np",
      "number" => {"greater_than" => 100},
  • query2: (A and B and C) filter
query2 = tp.filter_starts_with("start")

# Result of query2.filter
  "and" => [
      "property" => "tp",
      "title" => {"starts_with" => "start"},
      "property" => "np",
      "number" => {"greater_than" => 100},
      "property" => "cp",
      "checkbox" => {"equals" => true},
  • query3: (A or B) filter
query3 = tp.filter_starts_with("start")

# Result of query3.filter
  "or" => [
      "property" => "tp",
      "title" => {"starts_with" => "start"},
      "property" => "np",
      "number" => {"greater_than" => 100},
  • query4: (A or B or C) filter
query4 = tp.filter_starts_with("start")

# Result of query4.filter
  "or" => [
      "property" => "tp",
      "title" => {"starts_with" => "start"},
      "property" => "np",
      "number" => {"greater_than" => 100},
      "property" => "cp",
      "checkbox" => {"equals" => true},
  • query5: ((A and B) or C) filter
query5 = tp.filter_starts_with("start")

# Result of query5.filter
  "or" => [
      "and" => [
          "property" => "tp",
          "title" => {"starts_with" => "start"},
          "property" => "np",
          "number" => {"greater_than" => 100},
      "property" => "cp",
      "checkbox" => {"equals" => true},
  • query6: ((A or B) and C) filter
query6 = tp.filter_starts_with("start")

# Result of query6.filter
  "and" => [
      "or" => [
          "property" => "tp",
          "title" => {"starts_with" => "start"},
          "property" => "np",
          "number" => {"greater_than" => 100},
      "property" => "cp",
      "checkbox" => {"equals" => true},
  • query7: ((A and B) or (C and D)) filter
query7 = np.filter_greater_than(100).and(np.filter_less_than(200))

# Result of query7.filter
  "or" => [
      "and" => [
          "property" => "np",
          "number" => {"greater_than" => 100},
          "property" => "np",
          "number" => {"less_than" => 200},
      "and" => [
          "property" => "np",
          "number" => {"greater_than" => 300},
          "property" => "np",
          "number" => {"less_than" => 400},
} Sort criteria

Sort criteria can be appended to an existing query object. If you don't use the previous filters, you can generate by

  • sort criteria only
query8 = tp
query9 = letp
query10 = tp
query11 = letp
query12 = letp

# Result of query8.sort
[{"property" => "tp", "direction" => "ascending"}]

# Result of query9.sort
[{"timestamp" => "letp", "direction" => "ascending"}]

# Result of query10.sort
[{"property" => "tp", "direction" => "descending"}]

# Result of query11.sort
[{"timestamp" => "letp", "direction" => "descending"}]

# Result of query12.sort
  {"property" => "tp", "direction" => "ascending"},
  {"timestamp" => "letp", "direction" => "descending"},
  • filter with sort
query13 = tp.filter_starts_with("A").ascending(tp)

# Result of query13.filter
{"property" => "tp", "title" => {"starts_with" => "start"}}

# Result of query13.sort
[{"property" => "tp", "direction" => "ascending"}]

4.2.3 Update database

=== under construction ===

4.3 List class

db.query_database and other API list results returns a List object. The list object is an Enumerable object, so usually combines with .each method.

db.query_database(query).each do |page|
  # exec some methods for a page object

Notion API returns only the first page-size objects. The default page-size of this library is 100. Since the above .each method is supported for paging, it will automatically execute API call that obtain the following 100 objects when you used the first 100 objects. Users do not have to worry about paging.

4.4 Block class

=== under construction ===

4.5 Property classes

4.5.1 How to obtain Property object

There are the following 17 XXXProperty classes corresponding to Notion databases.

  1. TitleProperty
  2. RichTextProperty
  3. UrlProperty
  4. EmailProperty
  5. PhoneNumberProperty
  6. NumberProperty
  7. CheckboxProperty
  8. SelectProperty
  9. MultiSelectProperty
  10. PeopleProperty
  11. CreatedByProperty
  12. LastEditedByProperty
  13. DateProperty
  14. CreatedTimeProperty
  15. LastEditedTimeProperty
  16. FilesProperty
  17. FormulaProperty

They are child classes of a Property class and generated from Page or Database objects.

page = page_id, assign: [XXXProperty, "property_name"]
# or
page = Page.find page_id

xp =["property_name"]
# or
xp, yp = "xp_name", "yp_name"

4.5.2 Query object generator of property objects

The following methods for the Property objects generate a query object.

  • TitleProperty, RichTextProperty, UrlProperty, EmailProperty, PhoneNumberProperty
    • filter_equals(value)
    • filter_does_not_equal(value)
    • filter_contains(value)
    • filter_does_not_contain(value)
    • filter_starts_with(value)
    • filter_ends_with(value)
    • filter_is_empty
    • filter_is_not_empty
  • NumberProperty
    • filter_equals(value)
    • filter_does_not_equal(value)
    • filter_greater_than(value)
    • filter_less_than(value)
    • filter_greater_than_or_equal_to(value)
    • filter_less_than_or_equal_to(value)
    • filter_is_empty
    • filter_is_not_empty
  • CheckboxProperty
    • filter_equals(value)
    • filter_does_not_equal(value)
  • SelectProperty
    • filter_equals(value)
    • filter_does_not_equal(value)
    • filter_is_empty
    • filter_is_not_empty
  • MultiSelectProperty, PeopleProperty, CreatedByProperty, LastEditedByProperty
    • filter_contains(value)
    • filter_does_not_contain(value)
    • filter_is_empty
    • filter_is_not_empty
  • DateProperty, CreatedTimeProperty, LastEditedTimeProperty
    • filter_equals(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_does_not_equal(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_before(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_after(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_on_or_before(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_on_or_after(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_past_week
    • filter_past_month
    • filter_past_year
    • filter_next_week
    • filter_next_month
    • filter_next_year
  • FilesProperty
    • filter_is_empty
    • filter_is_not_empty
  • FormulaProperty
    • filter_equals(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_does_not_equal(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_before(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_after(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_on_or_before(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_on_or_after(value(Date / Time / DateTime / String))
    • filter_past_week
    • filter_past_month
    • filter_past_year
    • filter_next_week
    • filter_next_month
    • filter_next_year
    • filter_contains(value)
    • filter_does_not_contain(value)
    • filter_starts_with(value)
    • filter_ends_with(value)
    • filter_greater_than(value)
    • filter_less_than(value)
    • filter_greater_than_or_equal_to(value)
    • filter_less_than_or_equal_to(value)
    • filter_is_empty
    • filter_is_not_empty

4.5.3 create or update values for Page properties

Retrieving Page object has XXXProperties with values. On the other hand, Assigned Page object has also XXXProperties, but they don't have any information for pages.

XXXProperties can change property values by setter methods. Since the setter method is different for each class, it will be explained separately. NumberProperty

NumberProperty can set a number by .number=.

np =["NumberTitle"]
np.number = 3.14
p np.property_values_json
# Result => => {"np"=>{"number"=>3.14, "type"=>"number"}} SelectProperty

NumberProperty can set a select name by .select=.

sp =["SelectTitle"] = "Select 2"
p sp.property_values_json
# Result => {"sp"=>{"type"=>"select", "select"=>{"name"=>"Select 2"}}} MultiSelectProperty

MultiSelectProperty can set a select value or Array of select values by .multi_select=.

msp =["MultiSelectTitle"]
msp.multi_select = "MS2"
p msp.property_values_json
# Result => {"msp"=>{"type"=>"multi_select", "multi_select"=>[{"name"=>"MS2"}]}}

msp.multi_select = %w[MS2 MS1]
p msp.property_values_json
# Result => {"msp"=>{"type"=>"multi_select", "multi_select"=>[{"name"=>"MS2"}, {"name"=>"MS1"}]}} DateProperty

DateProperty can set a start_date or end_date by .start_date= or end_date=. Date, Time, DateTime or String object can be used to the argument.

dp =["DateTitle"]
dp.start_date =, 2, 22)
p dp.property_values_json
# Result => {"dp"=>{"type"=>"date", "date"=>{"start"=>"2022-02-22", "end"=>nil, "time_zone"=>nil}}}

dp.start_date =, 2, 22, 1, 23, 45, "+09:00")
p dp.property_values_json
# Result =>{"dp"=>{"type"=>"date", "date"=>{"start"=>"2022-02-22T01:23:45+09:00", "end"=>nil, "time_zone"=>nil}}}

dp.start_date =, 2, 23, 1, 23, 45, "+09:00")
p dp.property_values_json
# Result => {"dp"=>{"type"=>"date", "date"=>{"start"=>"2022-02-23T01:23:45+09:00", "end"=>nil, "time_zone"=>nil}}}

dp.start_date =, 2, 20)
dp.end_date =, 2, 22)
p dp.property_values_json
# Result => => {"dp"=>{"type"=>"date", "date"=>{"start"=>"2022-02-20", "end"=>"2022-02-22", "time_zone"=>nil}}}

dp.start_date =, 2, 21, 1, 23, 45, "+09:00")
dp.end_date =, 2, 22, 1, 23, 45, "+09:00")
p dp.property_values_json
# Result => {"start" => "2022-02-21T01:23:45+09:00", "end" => "2022-02-22T01:23:45+09:00"}

dp.start_date =, 2, 21, 1, 23, 45, "+09:00")
dp.end_date =, 2, 22, 1, 23, 45, "+09:00")
p dp.property_values_json
# result => {"dp"=>{"type"=>"date", "date"=>{"start"=>"2022-02-21T01:23:45+09:00", "end"=>nil, "time_zone"=>nil}}} UrlProperty

UrlProperty can set a url by .url=.

up =["UrlTitle"]
up.url = ""
p up.property_values_json
# result => {"up"=>{"url"=>"", "type"=>"url"}} EmailProperty

EmailProperty can set an email by .email=.

ep =["MailTitle"] = ""
p ep.property_values_json
# result => {"ep"=>{"email"=>"[email protected]", "type"=>"email"}} PhoneNumberProperty

PhoneNumberProperty can set an phone number by .phone_number=.

pp =["TelTitle"]
pp.phone_number = "xx-xxxx-xxxx"
p pp.property_values_json
# result => {"pp"=>{"phone_number"=>"xx-xxxx-xxxx", "type"=>"phone_number"}} PeopleProperty

PeopleProperty can set an people by .people=. PeopleProperty can set a user_id/UserObject value or Array of user_id/UserObject values by .people=.

pp =["UserTitle"]
pp.people = "user_id1"
p pp.property_values_json
# result => {"pp"=>{"type"=>"people", "people"=>[{"object"=>"user", "id"=>"user_id1"}]}}

pp.people = json: user1_json
p pp.property_values_json
# result => {"pp"=>{"type"=>"people", "people"=>[{"object"=>"user", "id"=>"user_id1_from_json"}]}}
pp.people = %w[user_id2 user_id3]
p pp.property_values_json
# result => {"pp"=>{"type"=>"people", "people"=>[{"object"=>"user", "id"=>"user_id2"}, {"object"=>"user", "id"=>"user_id3"}]}}

u2 = user2_json)
u3 = user3_json)
pp.people = [u2, u3]
p pp.property_values_json
# result => {"pp"=>{"type"=>"people", "people"=>[{"object"=>"user", "id"=>"user_id2_from_json"}, {"object"=>"user", "id"=>"user_id3_from_json"}]}} TitleProperty, RichTextProperty

TextProperty's subclasses (TitleProperty, RichTextProperty) have an array of TextObject objects. [] method returns an existing TextObject. The obtained TextObject can be set text by .text=.

pp =["Title"]
tp[0].text = "ABC\n"
p tp.property_values_json
# result => {"tp"=>{"type"=>"title", "title"=>[{"type"=>"text", "text"=>{"content"=>"ABC\n", "link"=>nil}, "plain_text"=>"ABC\n", "href"=>nil}]}}

<< method appends a new TextObject or a String.

to = "DEF"
to.bold = true
to.italic = true
to.strikethrough = true
to.underline = true
to.code = true
to.color = "default"
tp << to
p tp.property_values_json
# result => {"tp"=>{"type"=>"title","title"=>[{"type"=>"text","text"=>{"content"=>"ABC\n","link"=>nil},"plain_text"=>"ABC\n","href"=>nil},{"type"=>"text","text"=>{"content"=>"DEF","link"=>nil},"plain_text"=>"DEF","href"=>nil,"annotations"=>{"bold"=>true,"italic"=>true,"strikethrough"=>true,"underline"=>true,"code"=>true,"color"=>"default"}}]}}

delete_at(index) method remove a TextObject at index.

tp.delete_at 1
tp << "GHI"
p tp.property_values_json
# result => {"tp"=>{"type"=>"title", "title"=>[{"type"=>"text", "text"=>{"content"=>"ABC\n", "link"=>nil}, "plain_text"=>"ABC\n", "href"=>nil}, {"type"=>"text", "text"=>{"content"=>"DEF", "link"=>nil}, "plain_text"=>"DEF", "href"=>nil, "annotations"=>{"bold"=>true, "italic"=>true, "strikethrough"=>true, "underline"=>true, "code"=>true, "color"=>"default"}}, {"type"=>"text", "text"=>{"content"=>"GHI", "link"=>nil}, "plain_text"=>"GHI", "href"=>nil}]}} CheckboxProperty

PeopleProperty can set a boolean value by .checkbox=.

cp =["CheckboxTitle"]
cp.checkbox = true
p cp.property_values_json
# result => {"cp"=>{"checkbox"=>true, "type"=>"checkbox"}} EmailProperty

EmailProperty can set an email address by .email=.

ep =["MailTitle"] = "[email protected]"
p ep.property_values_json
# result => {"ep"=>{"email"=>"[email protected]", "type"=>"email"}} FilesProperty

FilesProperty can set an external url or Array of external urls by .files=.

fp =["FilesTitle"]
fp.files = "F1"
p fp.property_values_json
# Result => {"fp"=>{"files"=>[{"name"=>"F1", "type"=>"external", "external"=>{"url"=>"F1"}}], "type"=>"files"}}

fp.files = %w[F2 F3]
p fp.property_values_json
# Result => {"fp"=>{"files"=>[{"name"=>"F2", "type"=>"external", "external"=>{"url"=>"F2"}}, {"name"=>"F3", "type"=>"external", "external"=>{"url"=>"F3"}}], "type"=>"files"}} RelationProperty

RelationProperty can set an relation's page_id or Array of relation's page_ids by .relation=.

rp =["RelationTitle"]
rp.relation = "R1"
p rp.property_values_json
# Result => {"rp"=>{"type"=>"relation", "relation"=>[{"id"=>"R1"}]}}

rp.relation = %w[R2 R3]
p rp.property_values_json
# Result => {"rp"=>{"type"=>"relation", "relation"=>[{"id"=>"R2"}, {"id"=>"R3"}]}}

6. ChangeLog

  • 2022/3/14 Exclude notion-ruby-client, update Property values, update for Notion-Version 2022-02-22
  • 2022/2/25 add_property_for_update -> assign_property, update
  • 2022/2/20 add support for MultiSelectProperty
  • 2022/2/19 add support for SelectProperty
  • 2022/2/17 added Page#properties, Page#add_property_for_update, Page#update
  • 2022/2/17 added Page#properties, Page#add_property_for_update, Page#update
  • 2022/2/16 added PropertyCache and Payload class
  • 2022/2/14 added Database#set_icon
  • 2022/2/13 added Page#set_icon
  • 2022/2/13 First commit

6. Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

7. License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

8. Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the NotionRubyMapping project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

9. Acknowledgements

The code depends on notion-ruby-client.