PauliOpt is a Python library to simplify quantum circuits composed of phase and Pauli gadgets. We currently collect architecture-aware synthesis algorithms for circuits of phase gadgets and Pauli gadgets, and we plan to add more algorithms in the future.
PauliOpt comes with PhaseCircuit
and PauliPolynomial
classes for representing phase and Pauli polynomials,

and a Circuit
class that can convert to and from qiskit
and pytket
Circuit(3, [H(0), H(1), H(2), CRz(π/2, 0, 1), CRz(π/2, 1, 2), CX(0, 1), CX(1, 2)])

We view this library as a collection of algorithms for the simplification of quantum circuits. We currently support the following algorithms:
- "Annealing Optimisation of Mixed ZX Phase Circuits" (arXiv:2206.11839)
- "Towards a generic compilation approach for quantum circuits through resynthesis" (arXiv:2304.08814)
- "Architecture-Aware Synthesis of Stabilizer Circuits from Clifford Tableaus" (arXiv:2309.08972)
Please Note: This software library is in a pre-alpha development stage. It is not currently suitable for use by the public.
You can install the library with pip
pip install pauliopt
If you already have the library installed and would like the latest version, you can also
upgrade with pip
pip install --upgrade pauliopt
The documentation for this library was generated with pdoc. Jupyter notebooks exemplifying various aspects of the library are available in the notebooks folder.
The goal of this libary is to provide a simple interface and a collection of algorithms relevant for the synthesis of quantum circuits.
As a first step we can create a PhaseCircuit
object, which represents a trotterized
circuit of phase gadegets.
from pauliopt.phase import PhaseCircuit, Z, X, pi
circ = PhaseCircuit(4)
circ >>= Z(pi / 2) @ {0, 1}
circ >>= X(pi) @ {0, 2}
circ >>= X(-pi / 4) @ {1, 2, 3}
circ >>= Z(pi / 4) @ {0, 3}
circ >>= X(pi / 2) @ {0, 1, 3}
We can then define the topology of the device we want to map the circuit to. For example, we can define a circle topology with 4 qubits:
from pauliopt.topologies import Topology
topology = Topology.cycle(4)
Finally we can run a simulated annealing algorithm to find a nice optimized circuit:
from pauliopt.phase import OptimizedPhaseCircuit
num_cx_layers = 3
opt_circ = OptimizedPhaseCircuit(circ, topology, num_cx_layers, rng_seed=0)
You can create a Clifford tableau and append/prepend operations (H, S, CX), with the following code fragment:
from pauliopt.clifford.tableau import CliffordTableau
ct = CliffordTableau(3)
ct.append_cnot(0, 2)
You can visualize the tableau with the following code fragment:
To synthesize the circuit, you can use the following code fragment (note we have used to topology from above):
from pauliopt.clifford.tableau_synthesis import synthesize_tableau
qc, perm = synthesize_tableau(ct, topology, include_swaps=False)
qc = qc.to_qiskit()
To run the unit tests, install the additional requirements using
our requirements-dev.txt
recommended python: 3.9), then to launch then, run:
python -m unittest discover -s ./tests/ -p "test_*.py" -v
(You must run this command from the root directory of the repository.)