This document outlines all the necessary details required for:
- Setting up a performance test tool (Locust - to generate load on Harness system
- Python scripts that emulate actual user scenarios via Harness apis
Test Report - 06-Oct-2023
Test Report - 27-Oct-2023
Test Report - 28-Dec-2023
Test Report - 31-Jan-2024
Test Report - 29-Feb-2024
Test Report - 01-Apr-2024
Test Report - 30-Apr-2024
Test Report - 05-June-2024
Test Report - 08-July-2024
Test Report - 28-Aug-2024
Test Report - 08-Jan-2025
If there is CI/CD pipeline already available and you would like to just run it 'n' times repeatedly.
Perform following:
- Add Harness user credentials in credentials.csv
- Setup Locust
- Execute Test with Test Scenario [TRIGGER_PIPELINE]
Add new users into Harness account and list them in credentials.csv
These credentials will be used during test runs for performing authentication
eg: [email protected]:Test@123
Run mongo query to add user (admin role) into harness User group user.
Replace the username with harness user of type : account admin.
This user will be used to provision the new users in step2.
Execute script
- repo userIds
- repo tokens
- repo url
- repo branch name
- kubernetes namespace (to host build | deployment pods)
Input data and execute
Input count of entities required and execute
eg: Add 'x' organisations and 'y' projects in each organisation in Harness account
- update webhook payload on ci_webhook_payload.json
- update webhook payload on cd_webhook_payload.json
Note: Make sure to include {"zen": "$zen"} inside webhook payload which is required to match the Harness pipeline triggers to execute
- Install python3
brew install python3
- Install Locust >
pip3 install locust
- Git clone
- Update locust master ip to '' in
- Execute >
locust -f locust_tasks/tasks
Note: If run into SSL/TLS verification error append certificates to python cacert.pem file.
Locate cacert.pem file via terminal
python -c "import certifi; print(certifi.where())"
- Git clone
- Connect to GCP cluster
- Procure static IP address
- Update GCP project, cluster namespace and locust master ip (static ip) in
- Execute under cloned directory
Note: If run into SSL/TLS verification error add certificates to smp_certificates.pem and run again
Navigate to (on local setup) or http://Locust_MASTER_IP:8089
Number of users : Total concurrent users [eg: 1]
Spawn rate : no. of users to start per second
Host : <Harness URL> [eg: http://<ip_address>]
Run time : Test duration [eg: 5m]
note: Click on Advanced options to view this field
Rps : request per second per user
eg: Generate 40 requests per 60s with 1 user [ (40 req / 60 sec)/(1 user) = 0.6 ]
eg: Generate 40 requests per 60s with 5 user [ (40 req / 60 sec)/(5 user) = 0.13 ]
Note: This is applicable only for test scenarios *_RUN and TRIGGER_PIPELINE
Test scenario : Test class to execute
eg: CI_CREATE_PIPELINE,CI_EXECUTE_PIPELINE (single or comma separated class names)
Pipeline url (optional) : Pipeline url (without payload) or Custom Webhook Url to execute ‘n’ times
eg: https://<ip_address>/ng/account/EuVfUT4wTfqIYugqfpssQw/all/orgs/default/projects/ScaleTestPOC/pipelines/Test/pipeline-studio?storeType=INLINE
To pick pipeline url : Navigate to project > Pipelines > Select pipeline from list to view pipeline-studio > Copy pipeline url
Webhook payload : JSON payload of webhook request
eg: {"key": "inputSetId"}
Blank if there is no payload to be sent with webhook
Note: This is applicable only for test scenario TRIGGER_PIPELINE
Pipeline execution count (optional) : no. of times pipeline or webhook should run [eg: 50]
Auth mechanism :
1. Harness : If username/password authentication is confiugured on account (default)
2. Local-Login : If SSO authentication is configured on account, Local-Login will be used for making requests in tests
There might be a slight delay of approximately 60 seconds before the test execution begins, as pre-requisite data is being generated
STATUS = TESTDATA SETUP is set on locust web UI during this phase
Note: Any error during this phase is not visible on locust WebUI and had to be checked in locust master logs
curl --location '<LOCUST_MASTER_IP>:8089/swarm'
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
--data 'user_count=2&spawn_rate=1&host=<HARNESS_SMP_URL>&run_time=2m&test_scenario=CI_CREATE_PIPELINE,CI_EXECUTE_PIPELINE&pipeline_url=&pipeline_execution_count=1'
capture no. of requests, failures, 99%ile, avg response time, etc.
Navigate to locust server URL while tests are running to view real time metrics
capture requests, failures, etc.
Scenario | Pre-requisite data | Locust params | Comments |
TRIGGER_PIPELINE Trigger pipeline or webhook 'n' times |
Find pipeline link - Open Harness left nav -> Builds -> Select project -> Click on pipelines -> Click on pipeline name -> copy pipeline url eg: http://<ip_address>/ng/account/DbSRs-u5QgukRP_ODtvGkw/ci/orgs/default /projects/ScaleTestPOC/pipelines/CITest/pipeline-studio/?storeType=INLINE |
Test scenario : TRIGGER_PIPELINE Pipeline url: Pipeline execution count : 10 |
CI_PIPELINE_RUN Execute CI pipeline 'n' times |
Create Organization, project, connectors, step template and pipeline |
Test scenario : CI_PIPELINE_RUN Pipeline url: blank Pipeline execution count : 10 |
CD_PIPELINE_RUN Execute CD pipeline 'n' times |
Create Organization, project, K8s service, env, infra, connectors, pipeline | Test scenario : CD_PIPELINE_RUN Pipeline url: blank Pipeline execution count : n |
CI_PIPELINE_REMOTE_RUN Execute CI pipeline 'n' times (gitX) |
Create Organization, project, 15 github code repo connectors, 15 gitX (step template, stage template, pipelines, pipeline input set, pipeline triggers) Manual steps : 1. Add Harness pipeline trigger 2. Get webhook payload under github repo 3. Add one property {"zen": "$zen"} in webhook payload 4. Replace webhook payload in resources/NG/pipeline/ci/ci_webhook_payload.json file |
Test scenario : CI_PIPELINE_REMOTE_RUN Pipeline url: blank Pipeline execution count : 10 |
Pipeline is triggered via webhook and each pipeline_execution_count triggers 15 pipelines To execute 1500 pipelines - set pipeline_execution_count = 100 |
Create Organization, project, 15 github connectors, pipeline template | Test scenario : CI_PIPELINE_SAVE Pipeline url: blank Pipeline execution count : 0 |
‘n’ users will Save - Get - Update CI pipeline concurrently and repeat until duration |
Create Organization, project, 15 github connectors, 15 gitX step template, 15 gitX stage templates |
Test scenario : CI_PIPELINE_REMOTE_SAVE Pipeline url: blank Pipeline execution count : 0 |
‘n’ users will Save - Get - Update gitX CI pipeline concurrently and repeat until duration |
User behaviour under steady load | Create Organizations, projects, connectors, 200 pipeline and execute them | Test scenario : CI_CREATE_PIPELINE,CI_EXECUTE_PIPELINE, CI_UPDATE_PIPELINE,CI_VIEW_EXECUTION Pipeline url: blank Pipeline execution count : 0 |
- data : contains harness username list
- kubernetes-config : locust master and worker deployment yaml
- locust_tasks : test scripts and api helpers
- resources : request payload files
- locust_tasks > : execution starting point and all the test scripts have to be imported here