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eHMP - Enterprise Health Management Platform

This guide is for the installation of eHMP on a Unix-based OS. It has not yet been tested on Windows.

Summary of eHMP

The next evolution of VistA requires a world-class, open, modular, and extensible user experience. eHMP is a new web-based clinical application that migrates the current functionality in VistA’s existing user interface, Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS).

eHMP leverages and integrates the enhanced graphical user interface, standards-based data, and core clinical applications deployed during the User Experience project, Joint Legacy Viewer (JLV), and Health Informatics Initiative (Hi2).

A key objective of the VistA Evolution Program is to enhance cross-Agency (DoD/VA) interoperability by providing all clinically relevant data at the point of care for Veterans. eHMP is targeted to be the replacement for the CPRS application. eHMP accomplishes this by integrating an enhanced graphical user interface, standards-based data, and integrating core clinical applications.

Original Code Source

This project's source code came from OSEHRA

Summary of major changes

  • GT.M support
  • Removed terminology
  • Minimized needed VM's to two
  • Added Vagrant installer

Screenshots and Documents

Screenshots of eHMP-UI, as well as additional documents can be found in the docs directory.


  1. Install VISTA and KIDS Builds.

    1. Directions are in: docs/ Follow those steps before moving on to the following steps

    2. In the Vista Vagrantfile comment out all the forwarded ports and create a private network by adding this line: :private_network, ip: ""

    3. Reload Vagrant and ssh in:

      vagrant reload
      vagrant ssh
      sudo su - osehra
    4. Delete and replace XUSRB1.m to contain the correct cipher hash.

      cd /home/osehra/r
      sudo rm -f XUSRB1.m
    5. Configure the test doctor Robert Alexander to have access to eHMP on the OSEHRA VistA VM:

      • mumps -dir
      • S DUZ=1 D Q^DI

      alt text

      • NEW PERSON
      • <PRESS ENTER>
      • <PRESS ENTER>

      alt text

      • alex
      • hmp ui context
      • Yes
      • <PRESS ENTER>
      • <PRESS ENTER>
      • <PRESS ENTER>
      • <PRESS ENTER>
      • H

      alt text

  2. Install and Configure JDS on same VM as VISTA

    1. Copy the JDS Instance script JDS/ into the mounted vagrant folder of the VISTA VM.

      cd ~/Development
      cp eHMP/JDS/ VistA/Scripts/Install
    2. Clone JDS into the mounted vagrant folder for VISTA.

      cd /VistA/Scripts/Install
      git clone
    3. Vagrant ssh into the VISTA VM

      cd Ubuntu
      vagrant ssh
    4. cd /vagrant

    5. Type: dos2unix

    6. Type: sudo chmod +x

    7. Run the script that is in the mounted Vagrant folder. You must supply an instance name. We named ours jds. sudo ./ -i jds

    8. Type: sudo dos2unix /home/jds/r/*.m

    9. Type: sudo chown jds:jds /home/jds/r/*.m

    10. Type: sudo chmod ugo-x /home/jds/r/*.m

    11. Type: sudo chmod g+w /home/jds/r/*.m

    12. Run sudo su - jds

    13. Run source etc/env

    14. Run mumps -dir This will open a prompt

    15. Type D FULLRSET^VPRJ. JDS should now be (you may see errors appear in the terminal - these can be ignored since they are protected and only for CACHE)

    16. To verify JDS is running, run the following curl command. If JDS is okay, you should see this JSON response {"status":"running"}

    curl -X GET
    1. Exit out of the VM, type Exit
  3. Configuring Vx-Sync & Running Operational Data Sync

    1. Switch to the eHMP directory cd ~/Development/eHMP

    2. Install vagrant-berkshelf: vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf

    3. Install vagrant-omnibus: vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

    4. Install chef-dk:

    5. Start vagrant and ssh to the vm

      vagrant up
      vagrant ssh
    6. (Optional if local changes were done to Vagrantfile) Modify line 2 in ehmp/product/production/vx-sync/worker-config.json to reflect the ehmp VM's IP Lines 15-28 tell VxSync where VistA is and what credentials are needed. Make sure the first sub under vistaSites matches parameter HMP SYSTEM NAME on the target VistA system. Lines 589-594 tell VxSync where JDS is. Ensure these lines all have the correct values.

    7. Run cd /vagrant/ehmp/product/production/vx-sync

    8. Run sudo npm install --no-bin-link

    9. Run mkdir logs

    10. Run ./scripts/

    11. Run ps -fCnode to ensure VX-Sync processes are running - you should see beanstalk and more than a couple of subscriberHost and a couple of endpoints

    12. (sam): Add hmp-development-box as an entry to file HMP SUBSCRIPTION (800000).

    13. Run node tools/rpc/rpc-unsubscribe-all.js --host --port 9430 --accessCode XXX --verifyCode XXX to make sure all subscriptions are reset

    14. Run a get request with curl or another rest client against VX-Sync. The IP should be the IP of the eHMP VM. You should get see a 201 response if it worked correctly.

    curl -I
    1. To check if the operational data sync completed, check the Operational Data Sync status. If the Operational Data Sync completed successfully you should see a long JSON response with multiple "syncCompleted": true
    curl -X GET
    1. VxSync is now connected to JDS and VistA.
  4. Configuring RDK

    1. On the eHMP Vm switch to RDK directory, cd /vagrant/rdk/product/production/rdk
    2. Run sudo npm install
    3. (Optional) Modify config/config.js (if you use something outside of the configuration specified in this document)
    4. (Optional) There are two VistA sites listed; remove the second one and modify the first to match the one you setup.
    5. The OSEHRA VistA division can be set to '6100'
    6. (Optional) Find the hmpServer: block and update it to point to the VistA instance.
    7. (Optional) Find the vxSyncServer: block and update it to point to the VM VxSync is running on.
    8. (Optional) Find the generalPurposeJdsServer: and jdsServer: block to update to point to the Vista/JDS VM
    9. After saving the config, to start RDK run ./ --config config/config.js
    10. There will be a lot of output, the key is the health metrics. All of them should come as success except for MVI and Solr as they are not included.
    11. RDK runs in the foreground; therefore you will need an additional terminal window to continue after this.
  5. Configuring ADK and UI

    1. In a new console window navigate to ehmp and ssh into the VM

      cd ~/Development/eHMP
      vagrant ssh
    2. Go to ADK directory on the VM, cd /vagrant/adk/product/production/

    3. Modify ADK's app.json - The attribute resourceDirectoryPath should point to the ip address of RDK:

    4. Run the following commands to install necessary packages:

      sudo apt-get install ruby-full -y
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install gradle-1.11
      sudo apt-get install git -y
      sudo gem install compass
      sudo gem install breakpoint -v 2.5
      sudo npm install -g bower
      sudo npm install -g bower-installer
      sudo npm install -g grunt
      sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
      sudo npm install
      grunt compass
    5. Fix npm permissions: sudo chown -R vagrant:vagrant /home/vagrant/.npm

    6. Move up a directory: cd /vagrant/adk/product/

    7. Run gradle clean test grunt_deploy This will build adk to /vagrant/adk/product/production/build/adk.tgz (sam): This step gave me so much trouble. I had to run bower manually; and had to fix the requires manually; and move the bower componets over to _asset.

    8. Change to ehmp-ui directory: cd /vagrant/ehmp-ui/product/production

    9. Modify eHMP-UI's app.json - The attribute resourceDirectoryPath should point to the ip address of RDK:

    10. Move up a directory cd /vagrant/ehmp-ui/product/

    11. Run gradle clean test zipEhmpuiApp This will build adk to /vagrant/ehmp-ui/product/build/

    12. Install NginX: sudo apt-get install nginx -y

    13. Type cd /usr/share/nginx/www

    14. Type sudo rm *.html

    15. Type sudo tar xvzf /vagrant/adk/product/production/build/adk.tgz

    16. Type sudo mkdir app && cd app

    17. Type sudo unzip /vagrant/ehmp-ui/product/build/ehmp-ui-1.2.0.?.zip

    18. Type cd ..

    19. Fix the permissions sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

    20. Start nginx: sudo service nginx start

    21. If your webserver is running, as well as the rest of the infrastructure (RDK, VxSync, JDS, VistA), you may open EHMP in your browser and login.

    22. The user login must have ehmp-ui context access in VistA. access: fakedoc1 verify: 1Doc!@#$


The following endpoints can be helpful in troubleshooting the connection of VxSync, JDS, and VistA.

  • Detailed stats of jobs in Beanstalk queue: curl -X GET

  • To view the Job's queue inside VistA to see if any are running or have run:

    1. In the Vista prompt type s DUZ=1 D ^XUP
    2. hmpmgr
    3. mon
    4. hmp
    5. Press enter to refresh.
    • If either JDS or VistA are redeployed or cleared (by typing D FULLRSET^VPRJ in JDS) VistA remembers the subscriptions that were there previously, you will need to reset all subscriptions to sync operational data or patients. To reset all subscriptions on the eHMP VM type cd /vagrant/ehmp/product/production/vx-sync then run node tools/rpc/rpc-unsubscribe-all --host --port 9430


eHMP - Enterprise Health Management Platform







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