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Nonparametric Extension
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happma committed Apr 20, 2018
1 parent f148c38 commit 5f69d93
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Showing 20 changed files with 1,331 additions and 284 deletions.
420 changes: 182 additions & 238 deletions R/Repeated.R

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions R/deprecated.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
### Filename: deprecated.R
### Description: Deprecated functions for compatibility with older versions; will be removed in of the next updates

#' @title Deprecated functions in package \pkg{HRM}.
#' @description The functions listed below are deprecated and will be defunct in
#' the near future. When possible, alternative functions with similar
#' functionality are also mentioned. Help pages for deprecated functions are
#' available at \code{help("hrm.test.matrix-deprecated")} and \code{help("hrm.test.dataframe-deprecated")}.
#' @name HRM-deprecated
#' @keywords internal

#' @title hrm.test.matrix
#' @description The function listed below is deprecated and will be defunct in the near future. Please use 'hrm.test' instead.
#' @usage hrm.test.matrix(data, alpha = 0.05)
#' @param data A list of matrices
#' @param alpha alpha level used for the test
#' @name hrm.test.matrix-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{HRM-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal

#' @title hrm.test.dataframe
#' @description The function listed below is deprecated and will be defunct in the near future. Please use 'hrm.test' instead.
#' @usage hrm.test.dataframe(data, alpha = 0.05, group , subgroup,
#' factor1, factor2, factor3, subject, response)
#' @param data A data.frame containing the data
#' @param alpha alpha level used for the test
#' @param subject column name within the data frame identifying the subjects
#' @param group column name within the data frame specifying the first whole-plot factor
#' @param subgroup column name within the data frame specifying the second whole-plot factor
#' @param factor1 column name within the data frame specifying the first sub-plot factor
#' @param factor2 column name within the data frame specifying the second sub-plot factor
#' @param factor3 column name within the data frame specifying the third sub-plot factor
#' @param response column name within the data frame specifying the measurements
#' @name hrm.test.dataframe-deprecated
#' @seealso \code{\link{HRM-deprecated}}
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname HRM-deprecated
#' @keywords export
hrm.test.matrix <- function(data, alpha = 0.05){
.Deprecated("hrm_test", package=NULL,
old = as.character([1L])
hrm_test(data, alpha)

#' @rdname HRM-deprecated
#' @details For \code{hrm.test.dataframe} and \code{hrm.test.matrix} use \code{\link{hrm_test}} instead.
#' @keywords export
hrm.test.dataframe <- function(data, alpha = 0.05, group , subgroup, factor1, factor2, factor3, subject, response ){

.Deprecated("hrm_test", package=NULL,
old = as.character([1L])

# generate formula object
factors <- c()

factors <- paste( c(factors, group), collapse = "*" )
factors <- paste( c(factors, subgroup), collapse = "*" )
factors <- paste( c(factors, factor1), collapse = "*" )
factors <- paste( c(factors, factor2), collapse = "*" )
factors <- paste( c(factors, factor3), collapse = "*" )
form <- as.formula(paste(response, factors, sep=" ~ "), env = parent.frame())

# calculate test statistics with method hrm_test
hrm_test(formula = form, alpha = alpha, subject = subject, data = data)

#' Graphical User Interface for Testing Multi-Factor High-Dimensional Repeated Measures
#' @description Graphical User Interface (R Package RGtk2 needed) for the Function 'hrm_test': Test for main effects and interaction effects of one or two between-subject factors and one, two or three within-subject factors (at most four factors can be used).
#' @return The results can be saved as LaTeX Code or as plain text. Additionally a plot of the group profiles an be saved when using one whole- and one subplot factor.
#' @keywords internal
hrm.GUI <- function(){
.Deprecated("hrm_GUI", package=NULL,
old = as.character([1L])
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions R/f3_sub3.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
### Filename: f3_sub3.R
### Description: Functions for calculating the test statistic for only three subplot factor

#' Test for two subplot factors
#' @param X dataframe containing the data in the long table format
#' @param alpha alpha level used for the test
#' @param group column name of the data frame X specifying the groups
#' @param factor1 column name of the data frame X of the first factor variable
#' @param factor2 column name of the data frame X of the second factor variable
#' @param factor3 column name of the data frame X of the third factor variable
#' @param subject column name of the data frame X identifying the subjects
#' @return Returns a data frame consisting of the degrees of freedom, the test value, the critical value and the p-value
#' @keywords internal
hrm.test.3.three <- function(X, alpha , factor1, factor2, factor3, subject, data, formula, testing = rep(1,7), nonparametric ){

ranked <- NULL

# create list for storing results; NULL used, because it is ignored by rbind
for(i in 1:7){
if(testing[i]) {
temp[[i]] <- hrm.0w.3s(X, alpha , factor1, factor2, factor3, subject, data, i, "", nonparametric, ranked)

output <- list()
output$result <- rbind(temp[[1]], temp[[2]], temp[[3]], temp[[4]], temp[[5]], temp[[6]], temp[[7]])
output$formula <- formula
output$alpha <- alpha
output$subject <- subject
output$factors <- list(c("none"), c(factor1, factor2, factor3))
output$data <- X
output$nonparametric <- nonparametric
class(output) <- "HRM"

return (output)

#' Test for interaction of factor A and B
#' @param X dataframe containing the data in the long table format
#' @param alpha alpha level used for the test
#' @param group column name of the data frame X specifying the groups
#' @param factor1 column name of the data frame X of the first factor variable
#' @param subject column name of the data frame X identifying the subjects
#' @param data column name of the response variable
#' @param H string specifying the hypothesis
#' @param text a string, which will be printed in the output
#' @return Returns a data frame consisting of the degrees of freedom, the test value, the critical value and the p-value
#' @keywords internal
hrm.0w.3s <- function(X, alpha , factor1, factor2, factor3, subject, data, H = 1, text ="", nonparametric, ranked ){

stopifnot(,is.character(subject), is.character(factor1), is.character(factor2), alpha<=1, alpha>=0, is.logical(nonparametric))
f <- 0
f0 <- 0
crit <- 0
test <- 0

factor1 <- as.character(factor1)
factor2 <- as.character(factor2)
factor3 <- as.character(factor3)
subject <- as.character(subject)

X <-
setnames(X, c(data, factor1, subject, factor2, factor3), c("data", "factor1", "subject", "factor2", "factor3"))

a <- 1
d <- nlevels(X[,factor1])
c <- nlevels(X[,factor2])
c2 <- nlevels(X[,factor3])
n <- dim(X)[1]

if(nonparametric & is.null(ranked)){
X[,data := (rank(X[,data], ties.method = "average")-1/2)*1/(n[1]*a*d*c*c2)]

for(i in 1:a){
X <- X[ order(subject, factor1, factor2, factor3), ]
X <- X[,data]
X <- matrix(X,ncol=d*c*c2,byrow=TRUE)
n[i] <- dim(X)[1]

} else {
X <- ranked

# creating X_bar (list with a entries)
X_bar <- colMeans(X) # as.matrix(vec(sapply(X, colMeans, na.rm=TRUE)))

# main effects
K <- kronecker(kronecker(P(d), 1/c*J(c)), 1/c2*J(c2))
text <- paste(as.character(factor1) )
K <- kronecker(kronecker(1/d*J(d), P(c)), 1/c2*J(c2))
text <- paste(as.character(factor2) )
K <- kronecker(kronecker(1/d*J(d), 1/c*J(c)), P(c2))
text <- paste(as.character(factor3) )
# inferaction effects of 2 factors
K <- kronecker(kronecker(P(d), P(c)), 1/c2*J(c2))
text <- paste(as.character(factor1), ":", as.character(factor2) )
K <- kronecker(kronecker(P(d), 1/c*J(c)), P(c2))
text <- paste(as.character(factor1), ":", as.character(factor3) )
K <- kronecker(kronecker(1/d*J(d), P(c)), P(c2))
text <- paste( as.character(factor2), ":", as.character(factor3) )
# interaction effect of three factors
K <- kronecker(kronecker(P(d), P(c)), P(c2))
text <- paste(as.character(factor1), ":", as.character(factor2), ":", as.character(factor3) )

S <- 1
# creating dual empirical covariance matrices
K_B <- kronecker(S, K)
V <- list(DualEmpirical2(Data = X, B=K)) #lapply(X, DualEmpirical2, B=K)

### U statistics
Q = data.frame(Q1 = rep(0,a), Q2 = rep(0,a))
for(i in 1:a){
Q[i,] <- calcU_onegroup(X,n,K)


# f
f_1 <- 0
f_2 <- 0

for(i in 1:a){
f_1 <- f_1 + (1*1/n[i])^2*.E1(n,i,V[[i]], nonparametric, Q)
j <- i+1
f_1 <- f_1 + 2*(1*1/n[i])*(S[j,j]*1/n[j])*.E3(V[[i]],V[[j]])
j <- j+1

for(i in 1:a){
f_2 <- f_2 + (1*1/n[i])^2*.E2(n,i,V[[i]], nonparametric, Q)
j <- i+1
f_2 <- f_2 + 2*S[i,j]*S[j,i]*1/(n[i]*n[j])*.E4(1/(n[i]-1)*P(n[i])%*%X,1/(n[j]-1)*K%*%t(X)%*%P(n[j])%*%X%*%K%*%t(X)%*%P(n[i]))
j <- j+1

f <- f_1/f_2


# f0
f0_1 <- f_1
f0_2 <- 0

for(i in 1:a){
f0_2 <- f0_2 + (1*1/n[i])^2*1/(n[i]-1)*.E2(n,i,V[[i]], nonparametric, Q)

f0 <- f0_1/f0_2


# critical value
crit <- qf(1-alpha,f,f0)

# Test

direct <- 1/n[1]*var(X)
test <- (t(X_bar)%*%K_B%*%X_bar)/(t(rep(1,dim(K_B)[1]))%*%(K_B*direct)%*%(rep(1,dim(K_B)[1])))
p.value <- 1-pf(test,f,f0)
output <- data.frame(hypothesis=text,df1=f,df2=f0, crit=crit, test=test, p.value=p.value, sign.code=.hrm.sigcode(p.value))

return (output)

# End ------------------------------------------------------------


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