Reproduce the Gaussian Pancakes using gt pose and depth as an alternative way compared to RNNSLAM (since we not have access to RNNSLAM)
I modified the data pipeline, using the gt pose and depth to generate the init_pts similar strategy used in EndoGaussians. By the way the most important thing is that we used the real range depth in C3VD (0-100mm) on both initing point cloud, depth loss and following metrics computation. see scene/ scene/ and for further information.
see GaussianPancakes source repo and gaussian-splatting for details. I'd like to offer help if you need. My email is [email protected]
├── depths/ # Directory containing depth maps (e.g., .png files)
├── images/ # Directory containing image frames
├── camera_poses.txt # TUM format pose file:
│ # timestamp tx ty tz qx qy qz qw
├── camera.json # i.e. {"w": 338, "h": 270, "fx": 200.87690518518517, "fy": 200.47125, "cx": 167.31901333333332, "cy": 136.93325}
└── points3D.ply # 3D points in PLY format