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AWS related utilities that are compatible with both AWS Javascript SDK v3 and v2, and also some utilities that require v3.

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How to use


First add it as a dependency:

npm install @handy-common-utils/aws-utils

Then you can use it in the code:

import { AwsUtils } from '@handy-common-utils/aws-utils';

const domainNameObjects = await AwsUtils.repeatFetchingItemsByPosition(
  pagingParam => apig.getDomainNames({ limit: 100, ...pagingParam }).promise(),

You can either import and use the class as shown above, or you can import individual functions directly like below:

import { repeatFetchingItemsByNextToken, repeatFetchingItemsByMarker, parseArn } from '@handy-common-utils/aws-utils';


S3 related utility functions can be imported and used in this way:

import { S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
import { decodeS3ObjectKey, deleteS3Object } from '@handy-common-utils/aws-utils/s3';

const srcEncodedKey = record.s3.object.key;
const srcKey = decodeS3ObjectKey(srcEncodedKey);
const destKey = srcKey.replace('/src-dir/', '/dest-dir/')

const s3 = new S3Client();
await copyS3Object(s3, bucket, srcEncodedKey, destKey);
await deleteS3Object(s3, bucket, srcKey);

To use S3 related utilities, you need to add @aws-sdk/client-s3 as a dependency of your project because it is not included as a dependency of this package.

For uploading content to S3, there are two functions available. putS3Object(...) is simpler but can't handle stream content with unknown length. uploadS3Object(...) can handle stream content and supports concurrent uploading.

If you need uploadS3Object(...), remember to also add @aws-sdk/lib-storage as a dependency of your project.


SSM related utility functions can be imported and used in this way:

import { SSM } from '@aws-sdk/client-ssm';
import { getSsmParameter, getSsmParameterParsed } from '@handy-common-utils/aws-utils/ssm';

const ssm = new SSM();
const workDir = await getSsmParameter(ssm, '/my-config/work-dir', '/tmp');
const config = await getSsmParameterParsed<Config>(ssm, '/my-config/config');

To use SSM related utilities, you need to add @aws-sdk/client-ssm as a dependency of your project because it is not included as a dependency of this package.





Class: AwsUtils




new AwsUtils()



Static dynamodbLocalClientOptions(endpoint?): Object

Build an object that can be passed into DynamoDB.DocumentClient(...) for DynamoDB Local (

Name Type Default value Description
endpoint string 'http://localhost:8000' if omitted, the endpoint will be 'http://localhost:8000' which is the default


the options object

Name Type
accessKeyId string
endpoint string
region string
secretAccessKey string


const ddbClient = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient(process.env.IS_OFFLINE === 'true' ? AwsUtils.dynamodbLocalClientOptions() : undefined);


Static fetchAllByContinuationToken<T, M>(fetchItemsByContinuationToken, itemsFieldName?, filterFunc?): Promise<T[]>

Fetch all items through repeatedly calling API with ContinuationToken/NextContinuationToken based pagination. This function is useful for client side pagination when the response from AWS API contains NextContinuationToken and items fields.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
T T type of the items returned by AWS API
M string -
Name Type Default value Description
fetchItemsByContinuationToken FetchItemsFunction<{ ContinuationToken?: M }, { NextContinuationToken?: M }> undefined the function for fetching one batch/page of items by ContinuationToken
itemsFieldName string 'Contents' name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response
filterFunc? (entry: T) => boolean undefined Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested items in a huge number of entries, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.


all items fetched


const objects = await fetchAllByContinuationToken(() => s3.send(new ListObjectsV2Command({Bucket: bucket})));


Static fetchAllByExclusiveStartKey<T, K>(fetchItemsByExclusiveStartKey, itemsFieldName?, filterFunc?): Promise<T[]>

Fetch all items through repeatedly calling API with ExclusiveStartKey/LastEvaluatedKey based pagination. This function is useful for client side pagination when the response from AWS API contains LastEvaluatedKey and items fields.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
T T type of the items returned by AWS API
K { [key: string]: any; } -
Name Type Default value Description
fetchItemsByExclusiveStartKey FetchItemsFunction<{ ExclusiveStartKey?: K }, { LastEvaluatedKey?: K }> undefined the function for fetching one batch/page of items by ExclusiveStartKey
itemsFieldName string 'Items' name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response, the default value is 'Items'
filterFunc? (entry: T) => boolean undefined Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested items in a huge number of entries, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.


all items fetched


const allItemsInDynamoDbTable = await AwsUtils.fetchAllByExclusiveStartKey<MyTableItem>(
  pagingParam => dynamoDbDocumentClient.scan({...pagingParam, TableName: 'my-table', limit: 20}).promise(),


Static fetchAllByMarker<T, M>(fetchItemsByMarker, itemsFieldName, filterFunc?): Promise<T[]>

Fetch all items through repeatedly calling API with Marker/NextMarker based pagination. This function is useful for client side pagination when the response from AWS API contains NextMarker and items fields.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
T T type of the items returned by AWS API
M string -
Name Type Description
fetchItemsByMarker FetchItemsFunction<{ Marker?: M }, { NextMarker?: M }> the function for fetching one batch/page of items by Marker
itemsFieldName string name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response
filterFunc? (entry: T) => boolean Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested items in a huge number of entries, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.


all items fetched


const functionConfigurations = await AwsUtils.fetchAllByMarker<Lambda.FunctionConfiguration>(
  pagingParam => withRetry(() => lambda.listFunctions({ ...pagingParam }).promise()),


Static fetchAllByNextToken<T, K>(fetchItemsByNextToken, itemsFieldName, filterFunc?): Promise<T[]>

Fetch all items through repeatedly calling API with NextToken based pagination. This function is useful for client side pagination when the response from AWS API contains NextToken and items fields.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
T T type of the items returned by AWS API
K string -
Name Type Description
fetchItemsByNextToken FetchItemsFunction<{ NextToken?: K }, { NextToken?: K }> the function for fetching one batch/page of items by NextToken
itemsFieldName string name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response
filterFunc? (entry: T) => boolean Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested items in a huge number of entries, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.


all items fetched


const topics = await AwsUtils.fetchAllByNextToken<SNS.Topic>(
  pagingParam => sns.listTopics({...pagingParam}).promise(),


Static fetchAllByNextTokenV3<T, K>(fetchItemsByNextToken, itemsFieldName, filterFunc?): Promise<T[]>

Fetch all items through repeatedly calling API with nextToken based pagination which is used in aws-sdk v3. This function is useful for client side pagination when the response from AWS API contains nextToken and items fields.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
T T type of the items returned by AWS API
K string -
Name Type Description
fetchItemsByNextToken FetchItemsFunction<{ nextToken?: K }, { nextToken?: K }> the function for fetching one batch/page of items by nextToken
itemsFieldName string name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response
filterFunc? (entry: T) => boolean Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested items in a huge number of entries, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.


all items fetched


const executions = await AwsUtils.fetchAllByNextTokenV3<ExecutionListItem>(
  (pagingParam) => this.client.send(new ListExecutionsCommand({
    statusFilter: status,


Static fetchAllByPosition<T, P>(fetchItemsByPosition, itemsFieldName?, filterFunc?): Promise<T[]>

Fetch all items through repeatedly calling API with position based pagination. This function is useful for client side pagination when the response from AWS API contains position and items fields.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
T T type of the items returned by AWS API
P string -
Name Type Default value Description
fetchItemsByPosition FetchItemsFunction<{ position?: P }, { position?: P }> undefined the function for fetching one batch/page of items by position
itemsFieldName string 'items' name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response, default value is 'items'
filterFunc? (entry: T) => boolean undefined Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested items in a huge number of entries, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.


all items fetched


const domainNameObjects = await AwsUtils.fetchingAllByPosition(
  pagingParam => apig.getDomainNames({limit: 500, ...pagingParam}).promise(),


Static fetchAllWithPagination<IT, RT, IFN, PFN, PFT>(fetchOnePageOfItems, itemsFieldName, paginationFieldName, shouldFetchNextPage?, filterFunc?): Promise<Exclude<RT[IFN], undefined>>

Fetch all items through repeatedly calling pagination based API. This function is useful for client side pagination when the calling AWS API.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
IT IT type of the items returned by AWS API
RT extends Record<IFN, undefined | IT[]> & Partial<Record<PFN, PFT>> type of the response returned by AWS API
IFN extends string name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response
PFN extends string name of the field containing the pagination token in AWS API response, such like "ExclusiveStartKey", "Marker", "NextToken", "nextToken"
PFT string type of the pagination token in AWS API response, usually it is string
Name Type Description
fetchOnePageOfItems FetchItemsFunction<Partial<Record<PFN, PFT>>, RT> the function for fetching one batch/page of items by nextToken
itemsFieldName IFN name of the field containing returned items in AWS API response
paginationFieldName PFN name of the field containing the pagination token in AWS API response, such like "ExclusiveStartKey", "Marker", "NextToken", "nextToken"
shouldFetchNextPage? (response: RT) => boolean a function to determine if the fetch should continue, the default value is always true and will continue fetching items until the response does not contain nextToken field.
filterFunc? (entry: IT) => boolean Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested items in a huge number of entries, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.

Promise<Exclude<RT[IFN], undefined>>

all items fetched


const executions = await AwsUtils.fetchAllWithPagination(
  (pagingParam) => this.client.send(new ListExecutionsCommand({
    statusFilter: status,
  (resp) => resp.executions != null && resp.executions.some((exe) => exe.startDate!.getTime() <= beginTime),


Static fibonacciRetryConfigurationOptions(maxRetries, base?): PartialConfigurationOptions

Generate part of a ConfigurationOptions object having maxRetries as specified and a custom RetryDelayOptions for fibonacci sequence based retry delays.

Name Type Default value Description
maxRetries number undefined The maximum amount of retries to perform for a service request.
base number 100 The base number of milliseconds to use in the fibonacci backoff for operation retries. Defaults to 100 ms.


part of a ConfigurationOptions object that has maxRetries as specified and a customBackoff utilising fibonacci sequence for calculating delays


Static parseArn(arn): undefined | null | Arn & { arn: string }

Parse ARN

Name Type Description
arn undefined | null | string the ARN string that could be null or undefined

undefined | null | Arn & { arn: string }

null or undefined if the input is null or undefined, or parsed ARN including the original ARN string


Static promiseWithRetry<Result, TError>(operation, backoff?, statusCodes?): Promise<Result>

Perform an AWS operation (returning a Request) with retry. This function is quite handy when you are using AWS SDK v2. If you are using AWS SDK v3, use withRetry(...) instead.

The retry would happen when the error coming from AWS indicates HTTP status code 429, and has property retryable/$retryable.throttling equals to true or property name/code equals to "ThrottlingException". If you want to customise the retry logic, use PromiseUtils.withRetry(...) directly.

Type parameters
Name Type
Result Result
TError any
Name Type Description
operation (attempt: number, previousResult: undefined | Result, previousError: undefined | TError) => WithPromiseFunction<Result> the AWS operation that returns a Request, such like () => apig.getBasePathMappings({ domainName, limit: 500 })
backoff? number[] | (attempt: number, previousResult: undefined | Result, previousError: undefined | TError) => undefined | number Array of retry backoff periods (unit: milliseconds) or function for calculating them. If retry is desired, before making next call to the operation the desired backoff period would be waited. If the array runs out of elements or the function returns undefined, there would be no further call to the operation. The attempt argument passed into backoff function starts from 2 because only retries need to backoff, so the first retry is the second attempt. If omitted or undefined, a default backoff array will be used. In case AWS has retryDelay property in the returned error, the larger one between retryDelay and the backoff will be used.
statusCodes? null | (undefined | number)[] Array of status codes for which retry should be done. If omitted or undefined, only 429 status code could result in a retry. If it is null, status code would not be looked into. If it is an empty array, retry would never happen.


result came out from the last attempt


Static withRetry<Result, TError>(operation, backoff?, statusCodes?): Promise<Result>

Perform an AWS operation (returning a Promise) with retry. This function is quite handy when you are using AWS SDK v3. If you are using AWS SDK v2, promiseWithRetry(...) could be more convenient.

The retry would happen when the error coming from AWS indicates HTTP status code 429, and has property retryable/$retryable.throttling equals to true or property name/code equals to "ThrottlingException". If you want to customise the retry logic, use PromiseUtils.withRetry(...) directly.

Type parameters
Name Type
Result Result
TError any
Name Type Description
operation (attempt: number, previousResult: undefined | Result, previousError: undefined | TError) => Promise<Result> the AWS operation that returns a Promise, such like () => apig.getBasePathMappings({ domainName, limit: 500 }).promise()
backoff number[] | (attempt: number, previousResult: undefined | Result, previousError: undefined | TError) => undefined | number Array of retry backoff periods (unit: milliseconds) or function for calculating them. If retry is desired, before making next call to the operation the desired backoff period would be waited. If the array runs out of elements or the function returns undefined or either the array or the function returns a negative number, there would be no further call to the operation. The attempt argument passed into backoff function starts from 2 because only retries need to backoff, so the first retry is the second attempt. If omitted or undefined, a default backoff array will be used. In case AWS has retryDelay property in the returned error, the larger one between retryDelay and the backoff will be used.
statusCodes null | (undefined | number)[] Array of status codes for which retry should be done. If omitted or undefined, only 429 status code could result in a retry. If it is null, status code would not be looked into. If it is an empty array, retry would never happen.


result came out from the last attempt




Module: aws-utils





Type Aliases


Ƭ PossibleAwsError: PossibleAwsV2Error | PossibleAwsV3Error


Ƭ PossibleAwsV2Error: Error & { cfId?: string ; code: string ; extendedRequestId?: string ; hostname?: string ; message: string ; originalError?: Error ; region?: string ; requestId?: string ; retryDelay?: number ; retryable?: boolean ; statusCode?: number ; time: Date }

Possibly an error thrown from by AWS SDK v2, about a service or networking error.


Ƭ PossibleAwsV3Error: Error & { $fault: "client" | "server" ; $metadata: { httpStatusCode: number } ; $retryable?: { throttling?: boolean } }

Possibly an error thrown from by AWS SDK v3






awsErrorRetryable(error): boolean

Check whether the error thrown from AWS SDK v2 or v3 is retryable.

Name Type Description
error PossibleAwsError AWS error


true of retryable


awsErrorStatusCode(error): number | undefined

Get the status code of the error thrown from AWS SDK v2 or v3.

Name Type Description
error PossibleAwsError AWS error

number | undefined

status code


isPossibleAwsError(error): error is PossibleAwsError

Check whether it could be an error thrown from AWS SDK v2 or v3.

Name Type Description
error any to be checked

error is PossibleAwsError

true if it could be an error thrown from AWS SDK v2 or v3


isPossibleAwsThrottlingError(error): error is PossibleAwsError

Check whether the error thrown from AWS SDK v2 or v3 is a throttling error.

Name Type Description
error any AWS error

error is PossibleAwsError

true if it is a throttling error


isPossibleAwsV2Error(error): error is PossibleAwsV2Error

Check whether it could be an error thrown from AWS SDK v2. Normally you should use isPossibleAwsError(...) function instead for best compatibility.

Name Type Description
error any to be checked

error is PossibleAwsV2Error

true if it could be an error thrown from AWS SDK v2


isPossibleAwsV3Error(error): error is PossibleAwsV3Error

Check whether it could be an error thrown from AWS SDK v3. Normally you should use isPossibleAwsError(...) function instead for best compatibility.

Name Type Description
error any to be checked

error is PossibleAwsV3Error

true if it could be an error thrown from AWS SDK v3

Module: s3

Type Aliases


Ƭ S3ObjectSummary: Exclude<ListObjectsV2CommandOutput["Contents"], undefined>[0]



copyS3Object(s3, srcBucket, srcEncodedKey, destDecodedKey, metadata?, destBucket?, options?): Promise<CopyObjectCommandOutput>

Copy S3 object

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
srcBucket string bucket of the source object
srcEncodedKey string key (URL encoded) of the source object
destDecodedKey string key (NOT URL encoded) of the destination object
metadata? Record<string, string> metadata to be set on the destination object, if it is not specified then the metadata from source object will be copied
destBucket? string bucket of the destination object, if it is not specified then the source bucket will be used
options? Partial<CopyObjectCommandInput> Additional options for the CopyObjectCommand


S3 command output


decodeS3ObjectKey(key): string

Decode the raw object key which is URL encoded and could contain "+" as replacement of " "

Name Type Description
key string The raw S3 object key which is URL encoded


Decoded key


deleteS3Object(s3, bucket, key, options?): Promise<DeleteObjectCommandOutput>

Delete an S3 object. No error would be thrown if the object does not exist.

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string bucket name
key string object key (without URL encoding)
options? Partial<DeleteObjectCommandInput> Additional options for the DeleteObjectCommand


S3 command output


encodeS3ObjectKey(key): string

URL encode the object key, and also replace "%20" with " " and "%2F with "/" which is the convention of AWS

Name Type Description
key string The S3 object key before encoding


URL encoded object key


generatePresignedUrlForDownloading(s3, bucket, key, expiresIn?, options?): Promise<string>

Generate a pre-signed URL for downloading the S3 object

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string Name of the bucket
key string Key of the object
expiresIn? number The number of seconds before the presigned URL expires
options? Omit<GetObjectCommandInput, "Bucket" | "Key"> Additional options. For example, you can specify content-disposition and content-type in it.


An URL that can be used to download the S3 object.


generatePresignedUrlForUploading(s3, bucket, key, expiresIn?, options?): Promise<string>

Generate a pre-signed URL for uploading content to the S3 object

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string Name of the bucket
key string Key of the object
expiresIn? number The number of seconds before the presigned URL expires
options? Omit<PutObjectCommandInput, "Bucket" | "Key"> Additional options


An URL that can be used to upload content to the S3 object.


getS3Object(s3, bucket, key, options?): Promise<GetObjectCommandOutput | undefined>

Get the details (including the content) of the S3 object.

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string bucket of the source object
key string object key (without URL encoding)
options? Partial<GetObjectCommandInput> Additional options for the GetObjectCommand

Promise<GetObjectCommandOutput | undefined>

details (including the content) of the S3 object. If the object does not exist, undefined will be returned.


getS3ObjectContentByteArray(s3, bucket, key, range?, options?): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined>

Get the content of the S3 object as a Uint8Array.

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string bucket of the source object
key string object key (without URL encoding)
range? string See
options? Partial<GetObjectCommandInput> Additional options for the GetObjectCommand

Promise<Uint8Array | undefined>

Content of the S3 object as a Uint8Array. If the object does not have content, an empty Uint8Array will be returned. If the object does not exist, undefined will be returned.


getS3ObjectContentString(s3, bucket, key, encoding?, options?): Promise<string | undefined>

Get the content of the S3 object as a string.

Name Type Default value Description
s3 S3Client undefined S3Client
bucket string undefined bucket of the source object
key string undefined object key (without URL encoding)
encoding string 'utf8' Text encoding of the content, if not specified then "utf8" will be used
options? Partial<GetObjectCommandInput> undefined Additional options for the GetObjectCommand

Promise<string | undefined>

Content of the S3 object as a string. If the object does not have content, an empty string will be returned. If the object does not exist, undefined will be returned.


headS3Object(s3, bucket, key, treat403AsNonExisting?, options?): Promise<HeadObjectCommandOutput | undefined>

Get details of the S3 object without downloading its content.

Name Type Default value Description
s3 S3Client undefined S3Client
bucket string undefined bucket of the source object
key string undefined object key (without URL encoding)
treat403AsNonExisting boolean false If this flag is true, then 403 response from AWS is considered as the object does not exist. Otherwise, only 404 response from AWS is considered as the object does not exist. Background info: If the caller does not have s3:ListBucket permission, AWS responses with 403 when the object does not exists.
options? Partial<HeadObjectCommandInput> undefined Additional options for the HeadObjectCommand

Promise<HeadObjectCommandOutput | undefined>

S3 command output, or undefined if the object does not exist.


listS3Objects(s3, bucket, options?, filterFunc?): Promise<{ commonPrefixes: CommonPrefix[] ; contents: S3ObjectSummary[] }>

Scan S3 bucket and return both normal objects and directory objects. Directory objects have keys ending with '/'. This function handles pagination automatically.

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string Name of the bucket
options? Partial<ListObjectsV2CommandInput> Optional settings for the scan
filterFunc? (entry: _Object | CommonPrefix) => boolean Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested objects in a bucket having huge number of object, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.

Promise<{ commonPrefixes: CommonPrefix[] ; contents: S3ObjectSummary[] }>

Array of normal and directory objects found


putS3Object(s3, bucket, key, content, options?): Promise<PutObjectOutput>

Store content into S3. Please note that the type of the content parameter can't be a Readable (stream) with unknown length. For uploading stream with unknown length, use uploadS3Object(...) instead.

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string Name of the bucket
key string Key of the object
content undefined | StreamingBlobPayloadInputTypes Content of the object, or undefined if the object is a directory.
options? Partial<PutObjectCommandInput> Additional options




scanS3Bucket(s3, bucket, options?, filterFunc?): Promise<S3ObjectSummary[]>

Scan S3 bucket and return both normal objects and directory objects. Directory objects have keys ending with '/'. This function handles pagination automatically.

Name Type Description
s3 S3Client S3Client
bucket string Name of the bucket
options? Partial<ListObjectsV2CommandInput> Optional settings for the scan
filterFunc? (entry: _Object) => boolean Optional filter function to filter out objects based on certain conditions. This function is called for each paged output during pagination. For finding few interested objects in a bucket having huge number of object, utilising this function can avoid keeping too many useless array entries in memory.


Array of normal and directory objects found


uploadS3Object(s3, bucket, key, content, options?, uploadOptions?, setupCallback?): Promise<void>

Name Type
s3 S3Client
bucket string
key string
content undefined | StreamingBlobPayloadInputTypes
options? Partial<PutObjectCommandInput>
uploadOptions? Partial<Options>
setupCallback? (upload: Upload) => void


Module: ssm



getSsmParameter(ssm, parameterName, fallbackValue?): Promise<string | undefined>

Get a parameter from SSM Parameter Store. If the parameter is not found and a fallbackValue is given, the fallbackValue will be returned. If the parameter is not found and there is no fallbackValue given, undefined will be returned. If any other error occurs, the error will be thrown.

Name Type Description
parameterName string Name/path of the parameter to get from SSM Parameter Store.
fallbackValue? string the value to return if the parameter is not found. If not given, undefined will be returned when the parameter is not found.

Promise<string | undefined>

Value of the parameter, or the fallbackValue, or undefined


getSsmParameterParsed<T>(ssm, parameterName, fallbackValue?): Promise<T | undefined>

Get a parameter from SSM Parameter Store and return it parsed as JSON. If the parameter is not found and a fallbackValue is given, the fallbackValue will be returned. If the parameter is not found and there is no fallbackValue given, undefined will be returned. If any other error occurs, the error will be thrown.

Type parameters
Name Type Description
parameterName string Name/path of the parameter to get from SSM Parameter Store.
fallbackValue? T the value to return if the parameter is not found. If not given, undefined will be returned when the parameter is not found.

Promise<T | undefined>

Value of the parameter parsed as JSON, or the fallbackValue, or undefined


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