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Dungeons, dragons, dotfiles and dives

A bunch of simple scripts and dotfiles I use. Should eventually be able to recreate my preferred linux environment really quicly.


  1. Run a new-ish fedora workstation
  2. sudo
  3. Run ./ from the repository root
  4. Install rust stuff (in order)
    1. Install Rustup
    2. Run ./
    3. Install python and node with mise (mise use --global xxxx)
    4. Install nvim with bob use stable
  5. Install the following (not found in dnf by default)
    1. swaylock-effects

      1. Compile by hand to avoid a bug on the lock screen
      2. Deps: sudo dnf install meson ninja wayland-devel wayland-protocols-devel libxkbcommon-devel cairo-devel gdk-pixbuf2-devel pam-devel scdoc libomp bash-completion-devel
    2. obsidian - link

      1. Make it executable with chmod +x
      2. Move it to /usr/local/bin/obsidian
      3. Get the icon and put it in ~/Pictures/obsidian-icon.png
  6. Check git email with git config
  7. Edit crontab to run bin/ (for laptops)
  8. Handle ssh keys (See instructions)
  9. Setup Tmux
    1. Install tpm
    2. Open fish (should open tmux as well)
    3. tmux source ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
    4. Install tpm packages with prefix+I
  10. Misc one time conf
    1. Enable dark mode with gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme 'prefer-dark'
    2. Passwordless sudo:
      1. sudo visudo (give %wheel NOPASSWD)
      2. sudo usermod -a -G wheel <username>

What goes where

  • dotfiles/* is linked to $HOME/*
  • home_config/* -> $HOME/.config/*
  • bin -> $HOME/bin

Setting up SSH key magic


  • Python3
  • pip-package pexpect
  • gpg
  1. Generate an ssh key with a passphrase
  2. Generate a gpg key with gpg --generate-key
  3. Put <path to ssh key> <ssh key passphrase> in a file
  4. Encrypt previous file with gpg --output ~/.ssh/key_password_vault.asc --encrypt --recipient <email> <path of file from previous step>
  5. Remove ~/.sshagentenv if it exists
  6. reload
  7. Remove the file you temporarily had your password in written in plain text


Dungeons, dragons, dotfiles and dives







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