Cite as: Haici Yang, Inseon Jang, and Minje Kim. "Generative De-Quantization for Neural Speech Codec Via Latent Diffusion." ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2024.
- Paper:
- Webpage: (Audio samples and supplement)
pip -r install requirements.txt
- EnCodec -
- Descript Audio Codec (DAC) -
Symbol | Description |
run_diff | Running diffusion model |
diff_dims | Dimension of input feature to the diffusion model |
cond_quantization | Whether the condition features should be quantized . Turn it on when training diffusion model on codecs. |
cond_bandwidth | The designated bitrate of this codec model |
scaling_feature | Apply scaling on each feature map only |
scaling_global | Apply scaling globally |
enc_ratios | The downsampling ratios of encoder (and decoder) |
We provided pretrained 16khz EnCodec and LaDiffCodec at 1.5kbps and 3kbps at link. The downsampling rate of the provided LaDiffCodec is 8.
To use the pretrained models -
- 3kbps
python -m srcs.sample --model_for_cond 'EnCodec_libri_3kb/model_best.amlt' --model_path 'Ladiff_3kb_8/model_best.amlt' --run_diff --scaling_global --cond_bandwidth 3 --unet_scale_cond --input_dir [INPUT_DIR] --output_dir [OUTPUT_DIR]
- 1.5kbps
python -m srcs.sample --model_for_cond 'EnCodec_libri_1_5kb/model_best.amlt' --model_path 'Ladiff_1_5kb_8/model_best.amlt' --run_diff --scaling_global --cond_bandwidth 1.5 --unet_scale_cond --input_dir [INPUT_DIR] --output_dir [OUTPUT_DIR]
The diffusion model is built upon pre-trained EnCodec or DAC codecs.
- Encodec specific hyper-parameters:
Symbol | Description |
rep_dims | Running diffusion model |
n_residual_layers | number of residual layers |
n_filters | feature dimension |
lstm | number of lstm layers |
python -m srcs.train --lr 0.00005 --seq_len_p_sec 2.4 --rep_dims 128 --n_residual_layers 1 --enc_ratios 8 5 4 2 --quantization --bandwidth 1.5 --n_filters 32 --lstm 2 --model_type unet --seq_length 1200 --data_folder_path [DATA FOLDER] --use_disc --disc_freq 5
python -m srcs.train --lr 0.00005 --seq_len_p_sec 2.4 --rep_dims 128 --n_residual_layers 1 --enc_ratios 8 4 --finetune_model [PATH TO CONTINUOUS MODEL] --n_filters 32 --lstm 2 --model_type unet --seq_length 1200 --data_folder_path [DATA FOLDER]
python -m srcs.train --lr 0.00005 --seq_len_p_sec 2.4 --rep_dims 128 --diff_dims 256 --n_residual_layers 1 --enc_ratios 8 4 --finetune_model [PATH TO CONTINUOUS MODEL] --n_filters 32 --lstm 2 --model_for_cond [PATH TO DISCRETE CODEC] --exp_name [EXPERIMENT NAME] --run_diff --model_type unet --seq_length 1200 --data_folder_path [DATA FOLDER] --scaling_global --cond_quantization --cond_bandwidth 1