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  • Loading branch information
dhess committed Jan 13, 2022
1 parent 829014b commit f0d7bae
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Showing 20 changed files with 1,734 additions and 1,737 deletions.
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions primer-selda/src/Primer/Database/Selda.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,23 +60,23 @@ import Primer.Database (
-- consisting of the session's 'App', the git version of Primer that
-- last updated it, and the session's name.
data SessionRow = SessionRow
{ -- | The session's UUID.
uuid :: UUID
, -- | Primer's git version. We would prefer that this were a git
-- rev, but for technical reasons, it may also be a last-modified
-- date.
gitversion :: Version
, -- | The session's 'App'. Note that the 'App' is serialized to
-- JSON before being stored as a bytestring in the database.
app :: BL.ByteString
, -- | The session's name.
-- This should be of type 'SessionName', but Selda doesn't make it
-- particularly easy to derive @SqlType@ from a newtype wrapper
-- around 'Text', so rather than copy-pasting the 'Text' instance,
-- we just convert back to 'Text' before serializing to the
-- database.
name :: Text
{ uuid :: UUID
-- ^ The session's UUID.
, gitversion :: Version
-- ^ Primer's git version. We would prefer that this were a git
-- rev, but for technical reasons, it may also be a last-modified
-- date.
, app :: BL.ByteString
-- ^ The session's 'App'. Note that the 'App' is serialized to
-- JSON before being stored as a bytestring in the database.
, name :: Text
-- ^ The session's name.
-- This should be of type 'SessionName', but Selda doesn't make it
-- particularly easy to derive @SqlType@ from a newtype wrapper
-- around 'Text', so rather than copy-pasting the 'Text' instance,
-- we just convert back to 'Text' before serializing to the
-- database.
deriving (Generic)

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions primer-service/src/Primer/Pagination.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ type PP api =
:> api

data Pagination = Pagination
{ -- | Defaults to @1@ if not given in the query parameters
page :: Positive
, -- | Does not default, since there is no default that would work for all cases
size :: Maybe Positive
{ page :: Positive
-- ^ Defaults to @1@ if not given in the query parameters
, size :: Maybe Positive
-- ^ Does not default, since there is no default that would work for all cases

Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions primer/src/Primer/API.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -297,12 +297,12 @@ instance ToJSON Tree
data Prog = Prog
{ types :: [Name]
, -- We don't use Map ID Def, as the JSON encoding would be as an object,
-- where keys are IDs converted to strings and we have no nice way of
-- saying "all the keys of this object should parse as numbers". Similarly,
-- it is rather redundant as each Def carries a defID field (which is
-- encoded as a number), and it is difficult to enforce that "the keys of
-- this object match the defID field of the corresponding value".
defs :: [Def]
-- where keys are IDs converted to strings and we have no nice way of
-- saying "all the keys of this object should parse as numbers". Similarly,
-- it is rather redundant as each Def carries a defID field (which is
-- encoded as a number), and it is difficult to enforce that "the keys of
-- this object match the defID field of the corresponding value".
defs :: [Def]
deriving (Generic)

Expand Down
48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions primer/src/Primer/Action.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ data OfferedAction a = OfferedAction
, description :: Text
, input :: ActionInput a
, priority :: Int
, -- | Used primarily for display purposes.
actionType :: ActionType
, actionType :: ActionType
-- ^ Used primarily for display purposes.
deriving (Functor)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ moveExpr m@(Branch c) z | Case _ _ brs <- target z =
moveExpr m@(Branch _) _ = throwError $ CustomFailure (Move m) "Move-to-branch failed: this is not a case expression"
moveExpr Child2 z
| Case{} <- target z =
throwError $ CustomFailure (Move Child2) "cannot move to 'Child2' of a case: use Branch instead"
throwError $ CustomFailure (Move Child2) "cannot move to 'Child2' of a case: use Branch instead"
moveExpr m z = move m z

-- | Apply a movement to a zipper
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -914,11 +914,11 @@ renameLam y ze = case target ze of
Lam m x e
| unName x == y -> pure ze
| otherwise -> do
let y' = unsafeMkName y
case renameVar x y' e of
Just e' -> pure $ replace (Lam m y' e') ze
Nothing ->
throwError NameCapture
let y' = unsafeMkName y
case renameVar x y' e of
Just e' -> pure $ replace (Lam m y' e') ze
Nothing ->
throwError NameCapture
_ ->
throwError $ CustomFailure (RenameLam y) "the focused expression is not a lambda"

Expand All @@ -928,11 +928,11 @@ renameLAM b ze = case target ze of
LAM m a e
| unName a == b -> pure ze
| otherwise -> do
let b' = unsafeMkName b
case renameTyVarExpr a b' e of
Just e' -> pure $ replace (LAM m b' e') ze
Nothing ->
throwError NameCapture
let b' = unsafeMkName b
case renameTyVarExpr a b' e of
Just e' -> pure $ replace (LAM m b' e') ze
Nothing ->
throwError NameCapture
_ ->
throwError $ CustomFailure (RenameLAM b) "the focused expression is not a type abstraction"

Expand All @@ -942,15 +942,15 @@ renameLet y ze = case target ze of
Let m x e1 e2
| unName x == y -> pure ze
| otherwise -> do
let y' = unsafeMkName y
(e1', e2') <- doRename x y' e1 e2
pure $ replace (Let m y' e1' e2') ze
let y' = unsafeMkName y
(e1', e2') <- doRename x y' e1 e2
pure $ replace (Let m y' e1' e2') ze
Letrec m x e1 t1 e2
| unName x == y -> pure ze
| otherwise -> do
let y' = unsafeMkName y
(e1', e2') <- doRename x y' e1 e2
pure $ replace (Letrec m y' e1' t1 e2') ze
let y' = unsafeMkName y
(e1', e2') <- doRename x y' e1 e2
pure $ replace (Letrec m y' e1' t1 e2') ze
_ ->
throwError $ CustomFailure (RenameLet y) "the focused expression is not a let"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1028,10 +1028,10 @@ renameForall b zt = case target zt of
TForall m a k t
| unName a == b -> pure zt
| otherwise -> do
let b' = unsafeMkName b
case renameTyVar a b' t of
Just t' -> pure $ replace (TForall m b' k t') zt
Nothing ->
throwError NameCapture
let b' = unsafeMkName b
case renameTyVar a b' t of
Just t' -> pure $ replace (TForall m b' k t') zt
Nothing ->
throwError NameCapture
_ ->
throwError $ CustomFailure (RenameForall b) "the focused expression is not a forall type"
66 changes: 33 additions & 33 deletions primer/src/Primer/Action/Available.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,25 +209,25 @@ findNodeWithParent id x = go x Nothing
go expr parent
| expr ^. _exprMetaLens % _id == id = Just (ExprNode expr, parent)
| otherwise = case expr of
Hole _ e -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
EmptyHole _ -> Nothing
Ann _ e t -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> goTy t expr
App _ a b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> go b (Just (ExprNode expr))
APP _ a b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> goTy b expr
Con _ _ -> Nothing
Lam _ _ e -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
LAM _ _ e -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
Var _ _ -> Nothing
GlobalVar _ _ -> Nothing
Let _ _ a b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> go b (Just (ExprNode expr))
Letrec _ _ a ta b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> goTy ta expr <|> go b (Just (ExprNode expr))
LetType _ _ t e -> goTy t expr <|> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
Case _ e branches ->
let (Alt inBranches) = flip foldMap branches $
\(CaseBranch _ binds rhs) ->
Alt (go rhs (Just (ExprNode expr)))
<> foldMap (Alt . map (\b -> (CaseBindNode b, Just (ExprNode expr))) . findBind id) binds
in go e (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> inBranches
Hole _ e -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
EmptyHole _ -> Nothing
Ann _ e t -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> goTy t expr
App _ a b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> go b (Just (ExprNode expr))
APP _ a b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> goTy b expr
Con _ _ -> Nothing
Lam _ _ e -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
LAM _ _ e -> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
Var _ _ -> Nothing
GlobalVar _ _ -> Nothing
Let _ _ a b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> go b (Just (ExprNode expr))
Letrec _ _ a ta b -> go a (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> goTy ta expr <|> go b (Just (ExprNode expr))
LetType _ _ t e -> goTy t expr <|> go e (Just (ExprNode expr))
Case _ e branches ->
let (Alt inBranches) = flip foldMap branches $
\(CaseBranch _ binds rhs) ->
Alt (go rhs (Just (ExprNode expr)))
<> foldMap (Alt . map (\b -> (CaseBindNode b, Just (ExprNode expr))) . findBind id) binds
in go e (Just (ExprNode expr)) <|> inBranches

goTy t p = case findTypeWithParent id t of
Nothing -> Nothing
Expand All @@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ findType :: forall b. ID -> Type' (Meta b) -> Maybe (Type' (Meta b))
findType id ty
| ty ^. _typeMetaLens % _id == id = Just ty
| otherwise = case ty of
TEmptyHole _ -> Nothing
THole _ t -> findType id t
TCon _ _ -> Nothing
TVar _ _ -> Nothing
TFun _ a b -> findType id a <|> findType id b
TApp _ a b -> findType id a <|> findType id b
TForall _ _ _ t -> findType id t
TEmptyHole _ -> Nothing
THole _ t -> findType id t
TCon _ _ -> Nothing
TVar _ _ -> Nothing
TFun _ a b -> findType id a <|> findType id b
TApp _ a b -> findType id a <|> findType id b
TForall _ _ _ t -> findType id t

-- | Find a sub-type in a larger type by its ID. Also returning its parent
findTypeWithParent :: forall b. ID -> Type' (Meta b) -> Maybe (Type' (Meta b), Maybe (Type' (Meta b)))
Expand All @@ -254,13 +254,13 @@ findTypeWithParent id x = go x Nothing
go ty parent
| ty ^. _typeMetaLens % _id == id = Just (ty, parent)
| otherwise = case ty of
TEmptyHole _ -> Nothing
THole _ t -> go t (Just ty)
TCon _ _ -> Nothing
TVar _ _ -> Nothing
TFun _ a b -> go a (Just ty) <|> go b (Just ty)
TApp _ a b -> go a (Just ty) <|> go b (Just ty)
TForall _ _ _ t -> go t (Just ty)
TEmptyHole _ -> Nothing
THole _ t -> go t (Just ty)
TCon _ _ -> Nothing
TVar _ _ -> Nothing
TFun _ a b -> go a (Just ty) <|> go b (Just ty)
TApp _ a b -> go a (Just ty) <|> go b (Just ty)
TForall _ _ _ t -> go t (Just ty)

-- | If the given binding has the given ID, return Just that binding, otherwise return nothing.
-- This is just a helper for 'findNode'.
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions primer/src/Primer/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -333,15 +333,15 @@ applyProgAction prog mdefID = \case
Just _ -> pure (prog, Just id_)
DeleteDef id_
| Map.member id_ (progDefs prog) -> do
let defs = Map.delete id_ (progDefs prog)
prog' = prog{progDefs = defs, progSelection = Nothing}
-- Run a full TC solely to ensure that no references to the removed id
-- remain. This is rather inefficient and could be improved in the
-- future.
runExceptT (checkEverything @TypeError NoSmartHoles (progTypes prog) (progDefs prog')) >>= \case
Left _ -> throwError $ DefInUse id_
Right _ -> pure ()
pure (prog', Nothing)
let defs = Map.delete id_ (progDefs prog)
prog' = prog{progDefs = defs, progSelection = Nothing}
-- Run a full TC solely to ensure that no references to the removed id
-- remain. This is rather inefficient and could be improved in the
-- future.
runExceptT (checkEverything @TypeError NoSmartHoles (progTypes prog) (progDefs prog')) >>= \case
Left _ -> throwError $ DefInUse id_
Right _ -> pure ()
pure (prog', Nothing)
DeleteDef id_ -> throwError $ DefNotFound id_
RenameDef id_ nameStr -> case Map.lookup id_ (progDefs prog) of
Nothing -> throwError $ DefNotFound id_
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ copyPasteSig p (fromDefId, fromTyId) toDefId setup = do
Left err -> throwError $ ActionError err
Right (_, _, tgt) -> pure $ focusOnlyType tgt
let sharedScope =
if fromDefId == toDefId --optimization only
if fromDefId == toDefId -- optimization only
then getSharedScopeTy c $ Right tgt
else mempty
-- Delete unbound vars
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ copyPasteBody p (fromDefId, fromId) toDefId setup = do
(Right _, InExpr _) -> throwError $ CopyPasteError "tried to paste a type into an expression"
(Right srcT, InType tgtT) -> do
let sharedScope =
if fromDefId == toDefId --optimization only
if fromDefId == toDefId -- optimization only
then getSharedScopeTy srcT $ Left tgtT
else mempty
-- Delete unbound vars. TODO: we may want to let-bind them?
Expand All @@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ copyPasteBody p (fromDefId, fromId) toDefId setup = do
tcWholeProg finalProg
(Left srcE, InExpr tgtE) -> do
let sharedScope =
if fromDefId == toDefId --optimization only
if fromDefId == toDefId -- optimization only
then getSharedScope srcE tgtE
else mempty
-- Delete unbound vars. TODO: we may want to let-bind them?
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion primer/src/Primer/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ data TypeCacheBoth = TCBoth {tcChkedAt :: Type' (), tcSynthed :: Type' ()}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Data)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via VJSON TypeCacheBoth

--TODO `_chkedAt` and `_synthed` should be `AffineTraversal`s,
-- TODO `_chkedAt` and `_synthed` should be `AffineTraversal`s,
-- but there is currently no `failing` for AffineTraversals, only for AffineFolds (`afailing`).
-- See

Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions primer/src/Primer/Database.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ data Session = Session {id :: SessionId, name :: SessionName}

-- | Per-session information.
data SessionData = SessionData
{ -- | The session's 'App'.
sessionApp :: App
, -- | The session's name.
sessionName :: SessionName
{ sessionApp :: App
-- ^ The session's 'App'.
, sessionName :: SessionName
-- ^ The session's name.
deriving (Generic)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ data Op

-- | A config for the 'serve' computation.
data ServiceCfg = ServiceCfg
{ -- | The database operation queue.
opQueue :: TBQueue Op
, -- | The running version of Primer.
version :: Version
{ opQueue :: TBQueue Op
-- ^ The database operation queue.
, version :: Version
-- ^ The running version of Primer.

-- | A 'Page' is a portion of the results of some DB query, along with the
Expand Down

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