This is the second iteration of the music app which is using Ruby on Rails trying to follow best practices that I have learnt from my work experience.
run asdf install
and all the related tool versions will be installed
- Download all tracks with a single click
- Auto fill metadata using musicbrainz API
- Use Invidious instances to get youtube data
- Use Caching for the trending search page and active invidious instances
- Merge devices in the app
- Album art and metadata updating inline
- Search(online or database) or enter url
- Notifications with websockets
- Zip files for large downloads
- capistrano for cicd
- Import and Export CSV files
- Notifications
- UX improvements
- CI/CD pipeline
- Emailing capabilities
- Auto downloading albums using MusicBrainz search interface
- Cleaning youtube titles
- extra security features
- chat room to continue playing with websockets
- maybe radio to go with chat room
- use youtube photos for more reliability
- specs need to be written
- API only interface with security in mind
- Ability to have multiple independent instances communicating
I would like to continue to investigate microservice architecture so wherever possible I am trying to create a dependency in a different language to try and learn something new through this experience The current dependencies are:
- Postgres
- Redis
- idedit(crystal microservice) -> replaced with ffmpeg
- Docker(optional)
- Sidekiq for job queues
Create Pull Request and we can talk
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
Adding CICD and available at