radiCALe 1.1.x watchdog/respawner script
an init.d script to check if radiCALe daemon is accepting connections: if not, it kills and respawns the process
tested on 1.1.x, with 'ssl=true' in radicale/config
radiCALe is a CalDAV and CardDAV server
as many of you have experienced, radiCALe daemon may freeze randomly after some time: when (sh)it happens, only way is to kill -9 it and restart
to avoid this issue it needs to run behind a dedicated web server
as I am running it on a cheap nas (dns-320L with alt-f firmware) which simply hasn't the cpu power to run an httpd, I modified an user posted init.d script and added a respawn function
edit as you wish
put the script in /etc/init.d/
chmod +x
set up a cronjob (recommended every hour)
my crontab setup:
0 * * * * /etc/init.d/S80radicale respawn
to suppress info/error messages:
0 * * * * /etc/init.d/S80radicale respawn >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
thanks to the author of the original post: