This app will provide the ability to:
- Extract Symplectic Elements (SE) profile information for a user (as XML)
- Transform, where possible, certain SE profile entities into equivalent ORCID entities
- Write ORCiD entities to the user's ORCiD profile.
The app will be able to use ORCiD user tokens collected via the orcid-integration app; the app will use these tokens (when enabled) to write to the users' ORCiD profiles.
So far, the app contains an add-membership
route which can successfully write a membership object to a user's ORCiD profile.
Other ORCiD write endpoints should work in a similar fashion.
The app also contains a db-test
route just to confirm that it can connect to the database running in another container. If we fold this app into the orcid-integration app then we can read from the token database.
Here is an example request curl'ed to the add-membership
route. Note that the sample membership data json was
copied from where other entity data samples are available.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"orcid_id": "0009-0008-7777-9999",
"membership": {
"department-name": "Department",
"role-title": "Role",
"start-date": {
"year": {
"value": "2021"
"month": {
"value": "02"
"day": {
"value": "02"
"end-date": {
"year": {
"value": "2023"
"month": {
"value": "01"
"day": {
"value": "02"
"organization": {
"name": "Research Data Alliance",
"address": {
"city": "Dublin",
"region": "Province of Leinster",
"country": "IE"
"disambiguated-organization": {
"disambiguated-organization-identifier": "",
"disambiguation-source": "ROR"
"url": {
"value": ""
"external-ids": {
"external-id": [
"external-id-type": "grant_number",
"external-id-value": "external-identifier-value",
"external-id-url": {
"value": ""
"external-id-relationship": "self"
"external-id-type": "grant_number",
"external-id-value": "external-identifier-value2",
"external-id-url": {
"value": ""
"external-id-relationship": "self"
}' http://localhost:8000/add-membership