This is a frontend project developed in React and Tailwind CSS to create a recipe website. The goal is to allow users to view recipes, publish their own recipes, edit existing recipes, favorite recipes, and authenticate to access exclusive features.
- Recipe Feed: View a list of recipes shared by other users.
- Recipe Publishing: Share your own recipes with the community.
- Recipe Editing: Make changes to your published recipes.
- Favorite Recipes: Mark recipes as favorites to access them easily later.
- Authentication: Log in to access exclusive features for authenticated users.
- React: JavaScript library for building the user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: CSS framework for quick and responsive styling.
- Vite: Fast build tool for modern web projects.
Clone this repository.
Install project dependencies with npm install
or yarn install
Configure Tailwind CSS with Vite:
Install the Windi CSS plugin: npm install vite-plugin-windicss --save-dev
or yarn add vite-plugin-windicss --dev
Run the project locally with npm run dev
or yarn dev
Authors: Gustavo Henrique Dias | Lucas Willian de Souza Serpa