Nginx and PHP for Docker
nginx: 1.12.1
php: 7.1.12
Pull the image from the docker index rather than downloading the git repo. This prevents you having to build the image on every docker host.
docker pull sparkpos/docker-nginx-php:latest
To pull the New Relic Version:
docker pull sparkpos/docker-nginx-php:newrelic
docker run -itd --name lnmp -p 8080:80 sparkpos/docker-nginx-php:latest
docker run -itd --name lnmp -p 8080:80 -e NEWRELICAPPNAME=testing -e NEWRELICKEY=8322790a22222fa25822188520d8fc3 sparkpos/docker-nginx-php:newrelic
You can then browse to http://<docker_host>:8080 to view the default install files.
If you want to link to your web site directory on the docker host to the container run:
docker run --name lnmp -p 8080:80 -v /your_code_directory:/var/www/html -d sparkpos/docker-nginx-php:latest