The Config component based on Illuminate and DotEnv packages. (Laravel idea)
- store authorization values in .env
- use cached configuration
- default values for ENV
- nested configuration structure
Use Composer to install SXF Config into your project:
composer require gulios/sxf-config
Initialize in your code:
$basePath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$configuration = new Config();
$configuration->setConfigFilesPath($basePath . 'config/');
$configuration->setEnvFile($basePath . '.env');
$configuration->setCacheConfigFile($basePath . 'cache/configuration.php');
You can get configuration by:
Package scan all .php files in defined path (setConfigFilesPath()).
Example file 'config/app.php'
return [
'first_test' => env('TEST', 'defaultvalue'),
'second_test' => [
'key' => 'value'
As you see if you don't set TEST value in .env file it will get 'defaultvalue'.
Config directory structure can be nested.
You can execute just:
or if you use Symfony console you can use two commands:
$config = new Config();
$config->setConfigFilesPath($basePath . 'config/');
$config->setEnvFile($basePath . '.env');
$config->setCacheConfigFile($basePath . 'cache/configuration.php');
$app = new Application();
new ConfigCacheCommand(
new ConfigCacheClearCommand(
and run:
php bin/console config:
Command "config:" is ambiguous.
Did you mean one of these?
config:create Create a cache file for faster configuration loading
config:clear Remove the configuration cache file
it will create cache file with all your configuration.