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Kang-min Liu edited this page Jun 23, 2011 · 1 revision

Perlbrew Release 0.25

Big congrats to p5p for releasing 3 branches of perl5 in the same week!

perlbrew 0.25 is basically a bug-fixing release with some small improvements

  • suggest when user types wrong commands
  • Improvements about self-upgrade
  • exit with non-zero status code when there's some sort of error
  • Added verification of existing alias before attempting unalias
  • Fix install-cpanm for those who uses curl

Command suggestion

Now when you have a typo in your command names, perlbrew shows you a list of suggestions

> perlbrew lixt
Unknown command: `lixt`. Did you mean one of the following?

Thanks Rob Hoelz for the implementation.

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