this is a list of directories and files contained in this repo a long with a description of what is in each
some code and functions that look like they were used for parsing HTML from the comic book db website, which is no longer operational.
a class which is given an id (then uses requests to pull HTML source ) or HTML source from the comic book db website for a given comic book series / Title and parses the following elements
- issue_id
- issue_num
- issue_title
- var_desc
- cover_date
- story_arc
- story_arc_id
would then print all the values that were parsed
apparently there is a sample file located: /old_code/Preview Parsing/sample.html
This PHP script takes an input file (semi-colon delimited generated from Comic Collectorz) and gets the cover date from for each issue listed in the input file. it genearates an output with relevent match information.
see the design.txt file for additional details.
- input file is named:
- output file is named:
- log file is named:
apparently there is a SQLite3 database associated with the PHP script: comics_invoicing.db
it would be interesting to look at this data...
- design.txt
- has details
- on the process steps
- steps to add a new series to the database
- list of database tables and fields
- description of the program logic
- cbdb example series index page.png
- a screen shot of the web page
- create database script.sql
- sql statements to create the database tables and associated indexes
- insert statements for some tables
- internet_sources
- is_series_ids
- series
- sqlite_sequence
- table_create_stmts.sql
- more sql statement to create tables and insert data into select tables
- some big ass sql queries, I think this may have been used to develop a view that is defined in the db?
- final report query - bad.sql
- final report query - good.sql
- final report query.sql
- series table initial load data.xlsx
- insert statements generated from data in the excel spreadsheet for 42 series
- invoice_ouput.xlsx
- looks to be invoice_ouput.csv file saved in the Excel format
- 20150117 - sample comic book purchase document.xls
- I used to create "invoices" each time I bought comic books
- this is an esample template that I would use
- additional
input files used for testing/old files?- cz_issues_input_test.txt
- cz_issues_inputxx.txt
- out.html
- appeares to be the series index for the title: Ten Grand
- Ten Grand (2013) - Comic Book DB
this appears to be HTML series index source saved with a text file extension for: FF (2013) - Comic Book DB
- dir: cbdb
- publishers.php
- series.php
- perl script - used in series.php due to some issue with PHP regex library
- dir: includes
- php include files used by the above
- appl_init_inc.php
- cbdb_inc.php
- config_inc.php
- countries.php
- database_inc.php
- i_inc.php
- inc1.php
- search_inc.php
- utility.php
Note: by looking at the includes/database_inc.php file, looks like this was a database app that used MySQL. However, I am unable to determine the db name or find any sql create table statements in the code.
the following files are already pretty descriptive of what is in this directroy. Please refer to them for additional details.
- analysis
- lf.php
- pp.php
- tt.php
- str2dt.php
- dates.php
- t.php
old_code/Preview Parsing/previews parsing/bipolar_2014_08_16.sql
we should load this data into a database...
contains create table statements and insert statements for tables:
- code_attributes (no inserts)
- code_hdr
- code_values
- pl_publishers
- pl_series
- previews_hdg_lvls (I)
- previews_hdr (I)
- previews_lines (I)
- previews_raw (MI)
- pull_lists
- users
(I) - interesting table
(MI) - most interesting table
see ../
for table columns listings
refer to the notes for pv_type(s), looks to have record counts, values for pv_type and description/logic
- numerous MMMYY_COF.txt files
- contains the same file names (don't know about state) as the cof files in the same diretory (except AUG13 & AUG14)
- not sure of the state of these
- have all of
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- partial
- 2013: Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug
- 2014: Aug
- contains the same file names (don't know about state) as the cof files in the same diretory (except AUG13 & AUG14)
- headings.xlsx
- a listing of the headings in hierarchical order
- titles and token parsing.xlsx
- looks to be a dump of one of the database tables for analysis purposes
- solicitations text codes.txt
- interesting notes regarding codes that appear in the previews text and details about collected works as GN, TPB, HC, etc.
- output files
- pp_out.txt
appears to be a print out of the "PREVIEWS JAN VOL 19 #01" COF text File.
with each line read in, then split into an array & printed out with a line counter printed before the array Contents
lines have either: 1 or 7 elements.
for lines with 7 elements:
appears to be the contents of each column from the COF
the last element is either blank or=$
- tt_out.txt
- appears to be a tab delimited file with the columns from the NOV09_COF.txt file?
- pp_out.txt
the directory (Archive 2), the zip file and the AUG14 cof file seem to be the same as the files in the parent directory.
this appears to be a Django app from a windows PC (most likely one of my old nielsen work laptops)
I must have been exploring bi-temporal tables (different from slowly changing dimensions) with this Django app. there are some very useful comments in with regards to use cases.
note: PostgreSQL version 9.2 added native ranged data types that are capable of implementing all of the features of the pgFoundry temporal contributed extension.[11][12] The PostgreSQL range types are supported by numerous native operators and functions.
it appears that an additional section has been added to this wiki page since my initial exploration of bi-temporal tables: Using three axes: valid time, decision time, and transaction time
also see:
the db.sqlite3 database is for the internal Django state management and doesn't have anything to do with the actual application
in the ./BiTemporal subdirectory, the file seems to indicate that there may have been a MYsql database named, bi_temp_1, that was locally hosted on the PC.
lots of good comments in this file regarding use cases and more
provides details of the various tables that were to be maintained by the Django app.
particularly interesting are the comments for the Publishers
minor tidbits in file, see above under parent directory...
nothing good here
nothing good here
nothing useful except this file:
does not contain anything meaningful
does not contain anything meaningful
does not contain anything meaningful