A production-ready FastAPI template with robust CI/CD pipeline, semantic versioning, and best practices.
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Quick Start
- Development Guide
- Workflow Guide
- Debugging Guide
- Metrics and Monitoring
- Environment Variables
- License
- Contributing
- Security
- Docker Support
- API Documentation
- Performance
- Testing
- Error Handling
- FastAPI-based RESTful API
- Poetry for dependency management
- Comprehensive CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions
- Semantic versioning and automated releases
- Automated changelog generation
- Code quality checks (Black, Commitlint)
- Test coverage reporting
- Prometheus metrics integration
- Structured logging with structlog
- Automated beta and release candidate versioning
- Branch-specific release configurations
- Detailed debugging and monitoring capabilities
- Python 3.9 or higher
- Poetry (Python package manager)
- Git
- Node.js 18+ (for commitlint)
- GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with repo scope
Use this template
# Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/yourusername/fast-api-ci-cd cd fast-api-ci-cd
Install dependencies
# Install Poetry curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 - # Install project dependencies poetry install # Install commitlint npm install -g @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional # Install semantic-release pip install python-semantic-release==9.15.0
Set up pre-commit hooks
# Install pre-commit hooks poetry run pre-commit install poetry run pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
Configure GitHub Token
# Add to your environment or .env file export GH_TOKEN=your_github_pat_token
Run the application
# Development server with hot reload poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --reload --log-level debug # Production server poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8000 --workers 4
Start a New Feature/Fix
# Create a new branch git checkout develop git pull origin develop git checkout -b feature/your-feature # or fix/your-fix
Make Changes and Commit
# Stage changes git add . # Commit with conventional commit message git commit -m "feat(scope): add amazing feature" # or git commit -m "fix(scope): resolve specific issue"
Push and Create PR
git push origin feature/your-feature # Create PR to develop branch via GitHub UI
Release Process
# Beta releases (from develop) git checkout develop git pull origin develop # CI will automatically create beta release # Release candidates (from release/*) git checkout -b release/1.3.0 git push origin release/1.3.0 # CI will automatically create RC release # Final release (from main) # Create PR from develop to main # CI will create final release after merge
Check Versions
# Current version poetry run semantic-release print-version --current # Next version poetry run semantic-release print-version --next
Manual Release Trigger
# Via GitHub Actions UI: # - Set prerelease: true/false # - Set prerelease_token: beta/rc/alpha # - Set force: patch/minor/major # - Set build_metadata: (optional)
Enable Debug Logging
# Run with debug logging poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --reload --log-level debug
Use Debug Endpoints
# Health check curl http://localhost:8000/health # Debug info (development only) curl http://localhost:8000/debug/info
Troubleshoot CI/CD
# Local semantic-release dry run poetry run semantic-release print-version --next # Verify git configuration git config --list # Check GitHub token gh auth status
Release Creation Fails
- Verify GitHub token permissions
- Check branch protection rules
- Ensure commit messages follow convention
- Verify git user configuration
Version Not Incrementing
- Check commit message format
- Verify branch configuration in pyproject.toml
- Check semantic-release logs in GitHub Actions
Workflow Debugging
- Enable workflow debug logging:
- Enable workflow debug logging:
Application Metrics (at
)- Request counts by endpoint
- Response times (p50, p95, p99)
- Error rates and types
- Active connections
- Resource utilization
Custom Business Metrics
# Example metric registration REQUEST_COUNT = Counter('http_requests_total', 'Total HTTP requests') # Example usage in endpoint @app.get("/") async def root(): REQUEST_COUNT.inc() return {"message": "Hello World"}
Prometheus Configuration
scrape_configs: - job_name: 'fastapi' scrape_interval: 10s static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:8000']
Grafana Dashboard
- Import provided dashboard template
- Configure Prometheus data source
- Set up alerting rules
# Basic health check curl http://localhost:8000/health # Detailed health status curl http://localhost:8000/health/detail # Readiness probe curl http://localhost:8000/ready
Custom Health Checks
# Example custom health check @app.get("/health/custom") async def custom_health(): return { "status": "healthy", "checks": { "database": "connected", "cache": "available" } }
Required environment variables:
: GitHub token for releases (CI/CD)LOG_LEVEL
: Logging level (debug/info/warning/error)PORT
: Application port (default: 8000)WORKERS
: Number of worker processes (default: 1)METRICS_ENABLED
: Enable/disable Prometheus metrics (true/false)
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
) - Make your changes
- Commit using conventional commits (
git commit -m "feat: add amazing feature"
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/amazing-feature
) - Open a Pull Request
- All endpoints are rate-limited
- Input validation using Pydantic models
- CORS middleware configured
- Structured logging for audit trails
- Automated security scanning in CI/CD
- Signed commits required
# Run tests with coverage
poetry run pytest --cov=app tests/
# Generate coverage report
poetry run coverage html
# Run specific test file
poetry run pytest tests/test_specific.py -v
# Run tests with logging
poetry run pytest --log-cli-level=DEBUG
The API implements standardized error responses:
- 400: Bad Request - Invalid input
- 404: Not Found - Resource doesn't exist
- 429: Too Many Requests - Rate limit exceeded
- 500: Internal Server Error - Server-side issues
Custom error handling:
async def custom_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: CustomException):
return JSONResponse(
"message": exc.message,
"error_code": exc.error_code,
"details": exc.details
- Generate QR codes from URLs
- Custom QR code colors (fill and background)
- Customizable QR code size and border
- Base64 encoded output
- Error handling with descriptive messages
- API documentation with Swagger UI
- Prometheus metrics for monitoring
- Structured logging with JSON format
- CI/CD pipeline with automated testing and releases
- Semantic versioning with automated changelog
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/qr-code/generate" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"url": "https://example.com",
"fill_color": "#000000",
"background_color": "#FFFFFF",
"box_size": 10,
"border": 4
The response will contain a base64 encoded QR code image:
"qr_code": "base64_encoded_image_data"
You can customize the QR code appearance:
: The color of the QR code pattern (default: "#000000" - black)background_color
: The color of the QR code background (default: "#FFFFFF" - white)box_size
: Size of each QR code box in pixels (default: 10, range: 1-100)border
: Size of the QR code border in boxes (default: 4, range: 0-20)
# List recent workflow runs
gh run list --limit 5
# Watch a specific workflow run
gh run watch
# View details of the latest workflow run
gh run view
# View a specific workflow run by ID
gh run view <run-id>
# View workflow job logs
gh run view --log --job <job-id>
# List failed workflow runs
gh run list --status failed
# Download workflow artifacts
gh run download <run-id>
# Track workflow progress
gh run list --limit 1 --watch
# View workflow run details in browser
gh run view --web
These commands help you:
- Monitor workflow progress in real-time
- Debug failed workflows
- View detailed logs
- Track version creation
- Verify workflow triggers
- Download artifacts for inspection