CkEditor 5 for Laravel Nova.
Includes custom written plugins for media (video and image), snippet and publishable stubs for out-of-the-box usage.
I am on an open-source journey ๐, and I wish I could solely focus on my development path without worrying about my financial situation. However, as life is not perfect, I have to consider other factors.
Therefore, if you decide to use my packages, please kindly consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small, goes a long way and is greatly appreciated. ๐บ
- CkEditor v5
- Image Picker
- Video Picker
- Drag & Drop Uploading in Media Picker
- Optimize Images
- Generate Cover for Videos
- Localization
- Configurable
- PHP 8.0.2 or higher
- Laravel 8.40.* or higher
- Nova 4
- FFMPEG (required for larupload usage)
Note: Part of this package's functionality depends on Larapload, which is a super easy package to manage media and uploads. you are recommended to read the docs first to take full advantage of available abilities.
composer require mostafaznv/nova-ckeditor
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mostafaznv\NovaCkEditor\FieldServiceProvider"
After publishing stubs, there will be Image and Video classes in app/Models
and app/Nova/Resources
directories. these classes are essential for media-picker
used in ckeditor field.
You should create a disk in config/filesystems.php
'disks' => [
'image' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => public_path('uploads/image'),
'url' => env('APP_URL') . 'uploads/image',
Note: If you want to change the disk name, you should rename it in
class too. second argument of make function inImageUpload
field is the disk name
This package uses nova-video to handle videos, so you can choose between larupload and laravel's built-in file-system to handle upload process.
Create a disk in
:'disks' => [ 'video' => [ 'driver' => 'local', 'root' => public_path('uploads/video'), 'url' => env('APP_URL') . 'uploads/video', ] ]
If you want to change the disk name, you should rename it in these places:
With Larupload: InApp\Models\Video
(disk function ofAttachment
Without Larupload: InApp\Nova\Resources\Model
(third argument of make function inVideoUpload
field)Larupload uses FFMPEG to generate cover from original video file, and it will try to find the FFMPEG binary path from your system's environment. but you can define it by yourself by publishing larupload config file.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mostafaznv\Larupload\LaruploadServiceProvider"
Prepare migration and model:
- In the case you chose larupload, there is nothing to do with migration and model. you can find more configuration options in nova-video and larupload documentations.
- But if you chose Laravel's file-system, you must make some changes in migration and model. You should remove larupload trait and attachments function from model and use string column instead of upload column in migration file.
class CreateVideosTable extends Migration
public function up()
Schema::create('videos', function(Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('file')->index(); // in case that you don't want Larupload
class Video extends Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'file', 'disk'];
protected static function boot()
self::saving(function($model) {
$hasLaruploadTrait = method_exists(self::class, 'bootLarupload');
if (!$model->name) {
$name = $hasLaruploadTrait ? $model->file->meta('name') : $model->file;
$model->name = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
php artisan migrate
Now you can add CkEditor
field into your resource fields:
use Mostafaznv\NovaCkEditor\CkEditor;
class Article extends Resource
public function fields(Request $request): array
return [
Text::make(trans('Title'), 'title')->rules('required', 'max:255'),
CkEditor::make(trans('Content'), 'content')->stacked()
Video and Image file fields are not updatable by default. replacing media may result in broken links. so delete and re-upload is the intended methodology.
You can override the
service by binding your own extended version:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Mostafaznv\NovaCkEditor\ImageStorage;
class MyImageStorage extends ImageStorage
public function __invoke(Request $request)
// TODO: Change the default implementation.
$this->app->bind('ckeditor-image-storage', MyImageStorage::class);
method | Type | default | description |
toolbar | Array | from config file | Set toolbar items |
height | Integer | from config file | Set editor's height |
limitOnIndex | Integer | 85 | Set character limit on index |
contentLanguage | String | from config file | Language of editor's content. if you want to change text-direction (RTL, LTR), you need this |
textPartLanguage | Array | from config file | The text part language feature provides the ability to mark the language of selected text fragments. It makes working with multilingual content convenient and ensures that user agents can correctly present the content written in multiple languages, so graphical browsers and screen readers are able to identify how to pronounce text and display characters. |
shouldNotGroupWhenFull | Boolean | from config file | Indicates whether the editor shows 3 dots in overflow mode |
imageBrowser | Boolean | from config file | Enable/Disable image picker |
videoBrowser | Boolean | from config file | Enable/Disable video picker |
snippets | Array | from config file | Set Snippet items |
You can change configuration options in config/nova-ckeditor.php
key | type | default | description |
video-model | String | App\Models\Video | Path of your video model |
memory | String | 256M | Max memory (php.ini override) for image resizing |
max-quality | Integer | 75 | Max image output quality |
max-width | Integer | 1024 | Image max width |
max-height | Integer | 768 | Image max height |
image-naming-method | String | hash-file | Naming Method of Images. Available methods: hash-file , real-file-name , unique-real-file-name |
toolbar.height | Integer | 400 | Editor's height. |
toolbar.content-lang | String format: ISO 639-1 |
en | Language of editor's content. if you want to change text-direction (RTL, LTR), you need this | | String format: ISO 639-1 |
en | Language of editor's ui. |
toolbar.ui-language.script | String | null | URL of language file to use in editor's ui. example 1: asset('js/ckeditor-fa.js') example 2: |
toolbar.text-part-language | Array | The text part language feature provides the ability to mark the language of selected text fragments. It makes working with multilingual content convenient and ensures that user agents can correctly present the content written in multiple languages, so graphical browsers and screen readers are able to identify how to pronounce text and display characters. | |
toolbar.should-not-group-when-full | Boolean | false | Indicates whether the editor shows 3 dots in overflow mode |
toolbar.browser.image | Boolean | true | You can disable image picker by changing this flag | | Boolean | true | You can disable video picker by changing this flag |
toolbar.snippets | Array | There are some pre-defined snippets in resources/views/ckeditor . you can add more snippets if you want. > Note: Snippets will only render CkEditor Elements. Standard HTML or Figures (table, image, video), see included views. |
toolbar.items | Array | These are toolbar buttons. you can remove or rearrange them | |
toolbar.options | Array | Options of toolbar items. to see more information, please check the CkEditor's documentation. |
The media embed feature brings support for inserting embeddable media such as YouTube or Vimeo videos and tweets into your rich text content.
- You can use the Insert media button in the toolbar
to embed media like in the following examples.
- You can also paste the media URL directly into the editor content, and it will be automatically embedded.
You can override providers
or add some extraProviders
to media-embed
using config file.
More Information:
// config/nova-ckeditor.php
return [
'toolbar' => [
'options' => [
'mediaEmbed' => [
'providers' => [
'name' => 'youtube',
'url' => [
'html' => '
<div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: calc(56.2493% + 26px);">
<div><b>id</b>: ${match[1]}, <b>start</b>: ${match[2]}</div>
src="${match[1]}${match[2] ? `?start=${match[2]}` : ""}"
style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 26px); top: 26px; left: 0;"
allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"
// or
'extraProviders' => [
'name' => 'example',
'url' => '/^example\.com\/media\/(\w+)\/(.+)/',
'html' => '<p>first: ${match[1]}</p><p>second: ${match[2]}</p>'
- Please add
in config file (config/nova-ckeditor.php).
I am on an open-source journey ๐, and I wish I could solely focus on my development path without worrying about my financial situation. However, as life is not perfect, I have to consider other factors.
Therefore, if you decide to use my packages, please kindly consider making a donation. Any amount, no matter how small, goes a long way and is greatly appreciated. ๐บ
this package is based on bayareawebpro's nova-field-ckeditor.
Refer to the Changelog for a full history of the project.
This software is released under The MIT License (MIT).
(C) 2021 Mostafaznv, All rights reserved.