- GroupMe's public REST API
- Alamofire for networking
- YapDatabase as a network cache
- Quick and Nimble for BDD-style testing
- OHHTTPStubs for mocking HTTP responses
- Install CocoaPods, then
[LibGroupMe] ➤ pod install
[LibGroupMe] ➤ open LibGroupMe.xcworkspace
- Hit ⌘U to in Xcode
- You can also run tests on the command line, using a long
command build that lives inbuild.sh
[LibGroupMe] ➤ ./build.sh clean test
(the raw xcodebuild
output is pretty ugly. try piping it to xcpretty)
in your Podfile, add something like:
pod 'LibGroupMe', :git => 'https://github.com/jonbalbarin/LibGroupMe.git'
for OS X projects, or
pod 'LibGroupMe_iOS', :git => 'https://github.com/jonbalbarin/LibGroupMe.git'
for iOS projects