- A Collection of Methods for Online Changepoint Detection
- Installation
- Examples
- License
- GitHub Repository
- Experimental
- Contributors
- How to Cite This Work
- References
The changepoint_online package provides efficient algorithms for
detecting changes in data streams, based on the Focus
algorithm. The
algorithm solves the CUSUM likelihood-ratio test exactly in
Key Features
Contains all
exponential family algorithms as well as theNPFocus
algorithm for non-parametric changepoint detection. -
It’s versatile enough to be applied in scenarios where the pre-change parameter is either known or unknown.
It is possible to apply constraints to detect specific types of changes (such as increases or decreases in parameter values).
pip install changepoint-online
python -m pip install 'git+https://github.com/grosed/changepoint_online/#egg=changepoint_online&subdirectory=python/package'
To run package tests:
python -m changepoint_online.tests.runtests
from changepoint_online import Focus, Gaussian
import numpy as np
# generating some data with a change at 50,000
Y = np.concatenate((np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=50000), np.random.normal(loc=2.0, scale=1.0, size=5000)))
# initialize a Focus Gaussian detector
detector = Focus(Gaussian())
threshold = 13.0
for y in Y:
# update your detector sequentially with
if detector.statistic() >= threshold:
{'stopping_time': 50013, 'changepoint': 50000}
If the pre-change location is known (in case of previous training data), this can be specified with:
# initialize a Focus Gaussian detector (with pre-change location known)
detector = Focus(Gaussian(loc=0))
threshold = 13.0
for y in Y:
# update your detector sequentially with
if detector.statistic() >= threshold:
{'stopping_time': 50013, 'changepoint': 50000}
See help(FamilyName)
for distribution specific parameters,
e.g. help(Gaussian)
As in the Gaussian case, we can detect:
Poisson change-in-rate
Gamma change-in-scale (or rate). Exponential change-in-rate implemented as a Gamma
. -
Bernoulli change-in-probability
For example:
from changepoint_online import Focus, Gamma
import numpy as np
Y = np.concatenate((np.random.gamma(4.0, scale=3.0, size=50000),
np.random.gamma(4.0, scale=6.0, size=5000)))
# initialize a Gamma change-in-scale detector (with shape = 4)
detector = Focus(Gamma(shape=4.0))
threshold = 12.0
for y in Y:
if detector.statistic() >= threshold:
{'stopping_time': 50012, 'changepoint': 50000}
If we do not know the underlying distribution, or if the nature of the
change is unkown a priori, we can then use NPFocus
from changepoint_online import NPFocus
import numpy as np
# Define a simple Gaussian noise function
def generate_gaussian_noise(size):
return np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=size)
# Generate mixed data with change in gamma component
gamma_1 = np.random.gamma(4.0, scale=3.0, size=5000)
gamma_2 = np.random.gamma(4.0, scale=6.0, size=5000)
gaussian_noise = generate_gaussian_noise(10000)
Y = np.concatenate((gamma_1 + gaussian_noise[:5000], gamma_2 + gaussian_noise[5000:]))
# Create and use NPFocus detector
## One needs to provide some quantiles to track the null distribuition over
quantiles = [np.quantile(Y[:100], q) for q in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]]
## the detector can be initialised with those quantiles
detector = NPFocus(quantiles)
stat_over_time = []
for y in Y:
# we can sum the statistics over to get a detection
# see (Romano, Eckley, and Fearnhead 2024) for more details
if np.sum(detector.statistic()) > 25:
changepoint_info = detector.changepoint()
It is possible to run a multivariate analysis via MDFocus by feeding, at
each iteration, a numpy
from changepoint_online import MDFocus, MDGaussian
import numpy as np
# Define means and standard deviations for pre-change and post-change periods (independent dimensions)
mean_pre = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 5.0])
mean_post = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 4.5])
# Sample sizes for pre-change and post-change periods
size_pre = 5000
size_post = 500
# Generate pre-change data (independent samples for each dimension)
Y_pre = np.random.normal(mean_pre, size=(size_pre, 3))
# Generate post-change data (independent samples for each dimension)
Y_post = np.random.normal(mean_post, size=(size_post, 3))
# Concatenate data with a changepoint in the middle
changepoint = size_pre
Y = np.concatenate((Y_pre, Y_post))
# Initialize the Gaussian detector
# (for change in mean known, as in univariate case, write MDGaussian(loc=mean_pre))
detector = MDFocus(MDGaussian(), pruning_params = (2, 1))
threshold = 25
for y in Y:
if detector.statistic() >= threshold:
{'stopping_time': 5014, 'changepoint': 5000}
from changepoint_online import MDFocus, MDPoisson
import numpy as np
# Define rates (lambda) for pre-change and post-change periods (independent dimensions)
rate_pre = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
rate_post = np.array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
# Sample sizes for pre-change and post-change periods
size_pre = 5000
size_post = 500
# Generate pre-change data (independent samples for each dimension)
Y_pre = np.random.poisson(rate_pre, size=(size_pre, 3))
# Generate post-change data (independent samples for each dimension)
Y_post = np.random.poisson(rate_post, size=(size_post, 3))
# Concatenate data with a changepoint in the middle
changepoint = size_pre
Y = np.concatenate((Y_pre, Y_post))
# Initialize the Poisson detector
detector = MDFocus(MDPoisson(), pruning_params = (2, 1))
threshold = 45 # Adjust the threshold as needed for the Poisson distribution
for y in Y:
if detector.statistic() >= threshold:
{'stopping_time': 5056, 'changepoint': 5000}
More examples, including real-world applications, are found in the examples folder, including:
Change in the tails of Energy Wholesale Price. (markdown, quarto notebook)
Constrained Spike inference in calcium imaging data (markdown, quarto notebook)
Copyright (C) 2023 Gaetano Romano, Daniel Grose
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
Source files for the packages can be found at https://github.com/grosed/changepoint_online
The package includes the nunc
algorithm for non-parametric changepoint
detectino from Austin et al. (2023) as an experimental function. It is
possible to call nunc
from changepoint_online.nunc import nunc, nunc_default_quantiles
import numpy as np
# Generate data with change
X1 = np.random.normal(1, 1, 3000)
X2 = np.random.normal(-2, 4, 5000)
Y = np.concatenate((X1, X2))
# Create and use NUNC detector
detector = nunc(300, 5, nunc_default_quantiles)
stat_over_time = []
for y in Y:
if detector.statistic() > 30:
changepoint_info = detector.changepoint()
print(f"Output information:\n{changepoint_info}")
Output information:
{'stopping_time': 300, 'changepoint': 284, 'max_cost': 31.492069041110202}
Gaetano Romano: email (Author) (Maintainer) (Creator) (Translator)
Daniel Grose: email (Author) (Maintainer) (Creator)
Kes Ward: email (Author)
Austin Edward: email (Author) (Maintainer)
Liudmila Pishchagina: email (Author)
Guillem Rigaill: email (Author) (Thesis Advisor)
Vincent Runge: email (Author) (Thesis Advisor)
Paul Fearnhead: email (Author) (Thesis Advisor)
Idris A. Eckley: email (Author) (Thesis Advisor)
A possible BibTeX entry for this package could be:
author = {Gaetano Romano, Daniel Grose, Kes Ward, Austin Edward, Liudmila Pishchagina, Guillem Rigaill, Vincent Runge, Paul Fearnhead, Idris A. Eckley},
title = {changepoint_online: A Collection of Methods for Online Changepoint Detection.},
month = Apr,
year = 2024,
version = {v1.2.1},
url = {https://https://github.com/grosed/changepoint_online}
For citing the methodologies:
Gaussian FOCuS: (Romano et al. 2023)
Other Exponential Family detectors: (Ward et al. 2024)
Multi-dimentional FOCuS (Pishchagina et al. 2023)
NPFocus: (Romano, Eckley, and Fearnhead 2024)
NUNC: (Austin et al. 2023)
See references below.
Austin, Edward, Gaetano Romano, Idris A Eckley, and Paul Fearnhead. 2023. “Online Non-Parametric Changepoint Detection with Application to Monitoring Operational Performance of Network Devices.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 177: 107551.
Pishchagina, Liudmila, Gaetano Romano, Paul Fearnhead, Vincent Runge, and Guillem Rigaill. 2023. “Online Multivariate Changepoint Detection: Leveraging Links with Computational Geometry.” arXiv Preprint arXiv:2311.01174.
Romano, Gaetano, Idris A. Eckley, and Paul Fearnhead. 2024. “A Log-Linear Nonparametric Online Changepoint Detection Algorithm Based on Functional Pruning.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 72: 594–606. https://doi.org/10.1109/tsp.2023.3343550.
Romano, Gaetano, Idris A Eckley, Paul Fearnhead, and Guillem Rigaill. 2023. “Fast Online Changepoint Detection via Functional Pruning CUSUM Statistics.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 (81): 1–36. https://www.jmlr.org/papers/v24/21-1230.html.
Ward, Kes, Gaetano Romano, Idris Eckley, and Paul Fearnhead. 2024. “A Constant-Per-Iteration Likelihood Ratio Test for Online Changepoint Detection for Exponential Family Models.” Statistics and Computing 34 (3): 1–11.