These are different projects of mine for learning new concepts, libraries and languages. They are meant to be proper learning experiences, albeit smaller in size, not simply "hello world" projects. They are alse meant to answer questions such as "Can you code?" and "Can you learn new things effectively?".
A react multiplayer quiz app. The backend uses graphql and web sockets and fetches questions from opentdb.
- quiz-app-frontend
- quiz-app-backend
- Screenshot
- heroku instance (multiplayer can be tested by opening another instance in a private window with another username)
amplify-app This is an AWS amplify "hello world" app with user authentication, based on a tutorial. It was pushed to github only to test amplify deployment (as it otherwise do not contain much of my own code).
digital-signature-lambda A python lambda function that creates digital signatures for data.
ecs-quiz-app My quiz app deployed to ECS. Automatic configuration after deployment is not yet done.
emoji-casino A mock casino app that returns random wins and emojis. Every bet with it's result is saved to DynamoDB.
movie-rental-api RDS postgresql deployment and initialization CDK stack. The db is the MySQL "sakila" test database in PostgreSQL. Also contains a LambdaRestApi that tests a simple select query.
Create VPC, RDS and init db with a lambda function
The db initialization from schema with a lambda, resource-init.ts and db-init, is based on this article
Test lambda for simple select query:
quiz-app-ec2 Create two ec2 instances for the backend and frontend of my quiz app.
vertx-kotlin-test VertX kotlin test app with json schema validation and jwt creation.
These two courses are excellent and are much harder than those I took when I was studying.