All URIs are relative to /api/v1
Method | HTTP request | Description |
Invoke-GroAdminDeleteAuthmgr | DELETE /system/mconf/authmgr | deleteAuthmgr |
Invoke-GroAdminDeleteLDAPConf | DELETE /system/mconf/ldap | deleteLDAPConf |
Get-GroAdminAuthmgr | GET /system/mconf/authmgr | getAuthmgr |
Get-GroAdminLDAPConf | GET /system/mconf/ldap | getLDAPConf |
Set-GroAdminAuthmgr | PUT /system/mconf/authmgr | setAuthmgr |
Set-GroAdminLDAPConf | PUT /system/mconf/ldap | setLDAPConf |
void Invoke-GroAdminDeleteAuthmgr
Reset authmgr configuration to default
# deleteAuthmgr
try {
$Result = Invoke-GroAdminDeleteAuthmgr
} catch {
Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Invoke-GroAdminDeleteAuthmgr: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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void Invoke-GroAdminDeleteLDAPConf
Remove LDAP configuration and disable service
$XCsrfToken = "MyXCsrfToken" # String | CSRF Token (optional)
# deleteLDAPConf
try {
$Result = Invoke-GroAdminDeleteLDAPConf -XCsrfToken $XCsrfToken
} catch {
Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Invoke-GroAdminDeleteLDAPConf: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
XCsrfToken | String | CSRF Token | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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SystemMconfAuthmgrResponse Get-GroAdminAuthmgr
Get the current authmgr configuration
# getAuthmgr
try {
$Result = Get-GroAdminAuthmgr
} catch {
Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Get-GroAdminAuthmgr: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
SystemMconfAuthmgrResponse (PSCustomObject)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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SystemMconfLdapResponse Get-GroAdminLDAPConf
Get the current LDAP configuration
# getLDAPConf
try {
$Result = Get-GroAdminLDAPConf
} catch {
Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Get-GroAdminLDAPConf: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
SystemMconfLdapResponse (PSCustomObject)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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void Set-GroAdminAuthmgr
Set new authmgr configuration
$XCsrfToken = "MyXCsrfToken" # String | CSRF Token (optional)
$AuthBackendSelection = Initialize-AuthBackendSelection
$SetAuthmgrRequest = Initialize-SetAuthmgrRequest -AuthBackendSelection $AuthBackendSelection # SetAuthmgrRequest | (optional)
# setAuthmgr
try {
$Result = Set-GroAdminAuthmgr -XCsrfToken $XCsrfToken -SetAuthmgrRequest $SetAuthmgrRequest
} catch {
Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Set-GroAdminAuthmgr: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
XCsrfToken | String | CSRF Token | [optional] |
SetAuthmgrRequest | SetAuthmgrRequest | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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void Set-GroAdminLDAPConf
[-Force] <System.Nullable[Boolean]>
Set new LDAP configuration
$XCsrfToken = "MyXCsrfToken" # String | CSRF Token (optional)
$Force = $true # Boolean | Update configuration even if validation failed (optional)
$LdapConfigConnection = Initialize-LdapConfigConnection -Server "MyServer" -BindUser "MyBindUser" -BindPass "MyBindPass" -Starttls $false
$LdapConfigUsers = Initialize-LdapConfigUsers -Username "MyUsername" -DisplayName "MyDisplayName" -Filters "MyFilters" -VarFilter "(&(objectclass=person)(mailPrimaryAddress=*))" -Templates "MyTemplates" -Attributes @{ key_example = "MyInner" } -DefaultQuota 0 -SearchAttributes "MySearchAttributes" -Aliases "MyAliases"
$SetOrgLDAPConfRequest = Initialize-SetOrgLDAPConfRequest -Disabled $false -Connection $LdapConfigConnection -BaseDn "MyBaseDn" -ObjectID "MyObjectID" -Users $LdapConfigUsers # SetOrgLDAPConfRequest | (optional)
# setLDAPConf
try {
$Result = Set-GroAdminLDAPConf -XCsrfToken $XCsrfToken -Force $Force -SetOrgLDAPConfRequest $SetOrgLDAPConfRequest
} catch {
Write-Host ("Exception occurred when calling Set-GroAdminLDAPConf: {0}" -f ($_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json))
Write-Host ("Response headers: {0}" -f ($_.Exception.Response.Headers | ConvertTo-Json))
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
XCsrfToken | String | CSRF Token | [optional] |
Force | Boolean | Update configuration even if validation failed | [optional] |
SetOrgLDAPConfRequest | SetOrgLDAPConfRequest | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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