ssmpfwd is a CLI utility,that can open a port forwarding session from your localhost to a remote port via Utility Host
utility host
shuold have socat preinstalled
Check out this package and install it using pip
git clone
cd ssm-port-forwarding
pip install .
📌Note that you must have sessions manager plugin pre-installed - Install the Session Manager plugin for the AWS CLI
💡 (OPTIONAL) Before installation, you can create a new virtual environment if you want to keep your default environment clean.
python -m virtualenv .venv-ssm-port-forwarding
source .venv-ssm-port-forwarding/bin/activate
💡 (OPTIONAL) Once ssmpfwd is installed, you can add shell completion.
# For bash
eval "$(_SSMPFWD_COMPLETE=source_bash ssmpfwd)"
# for zsh
eval "$(_SSMPFWD_COMPLETE=source_zsh ssmpfwd)"
Alternatively, export the generated completion code as a static script to be executed.
# For Bash:
_SSMPFWD_COMPLETE=source_bash ssmpfwd >
#For Zsh:
_SSMPFWD_COMPLETE=source_zsh ssmpfwd >
To use ssmpfwd
you must have the AWS Instance ID of the utility host which has network connectivity to the remote resource you want to access.
Example forwarding port a local port to an RDS instance in dev1 hub on test-account account.
ssmpfwd forward --profile test-account-oktaRole --region us-east-1 i-0616ea1234338cce6
Press Ctrl+C to exit.
Starting session with SessionId: [email protected]
Port 49839 opened for sessionId [email protected].
Waiting for connections...
On the example above, you can see that your local port 49839
is forwarded to
port 5432
To connect, use:
psql --host localhost --port 49839
By setting defaults for region and profile, you can skip explicit parameters.
📍 region - export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
📍 profile - export AWS_DEFAULT_profile=test-account-oktaRole
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_DEFAULT_profile=test-account-oktaRole
ssmpfwd forward i-0616ea1123338cce6