Table of contents
- Create the DockerCompose-File
- Create a new VLAN in OPNsense
- Start container
- Connect to the web interface
- Login into webinterface
- Create a subdomain with the provider
- Create a Proxy ""
- Create a Proxy ""
- Create a Proxy ""
We create a new folder called “nginx-proxy-manager” in /opt/stacks.
mkdir /opt/stacks/nginx-proxy-manager
We will now create our docker-compose.yml file in it. We open this straight away with the command “nano” or “vim”
nano docker-compose.yml
You can see what is written there from my docker compose file.
I have also written explanations there as a comment for the individual points that you can change.
You should still be connected via the domain and a deactivated firewall in the Proxmox WebUI.
If not, please take another look at the OPNsense documentation on the topic: "Configurate the Access about".
Then create a new VLAN with the OPNsense documentation
The VLAN-Values is like this:
Device: vlan0.102
Parent: vtnet1
VLAN tag: 102
Descript: 102_Proxy
If you are no longer in the folder you previously created, go into the folder
cd /opt/stacks/nginx-proxy-manager
To start the container now, use the following command
docker compose up -d
Explanation of the command
is the app
you address the container
you start it
means that you do it covertly as detached
If you want to know which container is currently active in docker, use Command:
docker ps
If you want to see the logs for a container, go to the folder and run the command:
docker compose logs
We would like to create a temporary firewall rule to access the WebUI via port 81.
To do this, first open opnsense via the browser:
- Go to "Firewall > NAT > Port Forward"
- Create a new NAT rule
- Interface: WAN
- Destination: WAN_ADDRESS
- Destination Port from: (other) 81
- Destination Port to: (other) 81
- Redirect Target IP: Proxy-Alias
Now you can access the web interface of your proxy manager via http://yourip:81
You can find all further information in the OPNsense setup documentation.
Please use the following data for the first login
E-Mailadress: [email protected]
PW: changeme
You will then be asked to change your userinformation and the password, but I recommend filling this out.
Save and Take over everything
In order to access this website, I first create an A record with my domain provider.
Now create all the other subdomains you need in the following diagram.
Here is a list of my subdomains, which I am still creating in this documentation.
Create a DNS record for all subdomains as described in the OPNsense documentation
- Open
- Go to "Firewall > NAT > Port Forward"
- Create a new NAT rule
- Interface: WAN
- Destination: WAN_ADDRESS
- Destination Port from: http (80)
- Destination Port to: http (80)
- Redirect Target IP: Proxy-Alias (
- Redirect Target Port: http (80)
- Safe
Repeat creating a NAT rule only with the ports HTTPS (443)
- Open
- Go to "Hosts > Proxy Hosts"
- Click green "Add Proxy Host"-Button
- Now enter the following values
- Details-Tab
- Domainname:
- Scheme: http
- Forward Hostname / IP:
- Forward Port: 81
- Websockets Support: True
- SSL-Tab
- SSL Certificate: "Requet a new SSL Certificalte"
- Force SSL: True
- HTTP/2 Support: True
- Email Address for LE: Your E-Mailadress
- I Agree to the LE ToS: True
- Details-Tab
- Click Safe-button
It will now take a while as the SSL certificate is created.
Now delete the temporary NAT rule in OPNsense.
Congratulations. You can now access your NGINX Proxy Manager via
Now we create the proxies for the other domains.
We now create access to OPNsense via a subdomain.
The reason behind it is that we no longer need an SSL tunnel and we can leave the firewall permanently activated via the Proxmox WebUI
in the OPNsense console and no longer have to enter -pfctl -d
- Open
- Go to "Firewall > NAT > Port Forward"
- Create a new NAT rule
- Interface: Proxy VLAN
- Destination: PROXY_ADDRESS
- Destination Port from: (other) 9443 - Your Opnsense WebPort
- Destination Port to: (other) 9443 - Your Opnsense WebPort
- Redirect Target IP:
- Redirect Target Port: (other) 9443 - Your Opnsense WebPort
- Safe
- Open
- Go to "Hosts > Proxy Hosts"
- Click green "Add Proxy Host"-Button
- Now enter the following values
- Details-Tab
- Domainname:
- Scheme: https
- Forward Hostname / IP: (OPNsense Gateway)
- Forward Port: 9443
- Websockets Support: True
- SSL-Tab
- SSL Certificate: "Requet a new SSL Certificalte"
- Force SSL: True
- HTTP/2 Support: True
- Email Address for LE: Your E-Mailadress
- I Agree to the LE ToS: True
- Details-Tab
- Click Safe-button
It will now take a while as the SSL certificate is created.
Congratulations. You can now access your OPNsense via
Now you could also close the SSL tunnels and access opnsense without deactivating the firewall.
We now create access to Proxmox via a subdomain.
Advantage: you no longer have to enter my public IPv4 address in the browser.
- Open
- Go to "Firewall > NAT > Port Forward"
- Create a new NAT rule
- Interface: Proxy VLAN
- Destination: ProxmoxGateway-Alias (
- Destination Port from: (other) 8006
- Destination Port to: (other) 8006
- Redirect Target IP: ProxmoxGateway-Alias (
- Redirect Target Port: (other) 8006
- Safe
- Open
- Go to "Hosts > Proxy Hosts"
- Click green "Add Proxy Host"-Button
- Now enter the following values
- Details-Tab
- Domainname:
- Scheme: https
- Forward Hostname / IP: (Proxmox Gateway)
- Forward Port: 8006
- Websockets Support: True
- SSL-Tab
- SSL Certificate: "Requet a new SSL Certificalte"
- Force SSL: True
- HTTP/2 Support: True
- Email Address for LE: Your E-Mailadress
- I Agree to the LE ToS: True
- Details-Tab
- Click Safe-button
It will now take a while as the SSL certificate is created.
Congratulations. You can now access your Proxmox via
We have now regulated all three important accesses via their own subdomain.
Now we can continue with the next steps in a relaxed manner.