Table of contents
- Downloading OPNsense ISO
- Creating VM (Virtual Maschine)
- Post-Create
- Start the VM and Install OPNsense
- Post-Install
- Adding VLAN's
- Configurate the Access about
- Go to
- Select your System architecture (my architecture: amd64)
- Select the image type to
- Search your nearest and the best Mirror Location (my location: Germany/LeaseWeb)
- Make a right click on the Download-button and copy the Link-Address
Now follow the steps below to download and unzip the ISO file You can now carry out the following steps from your proxmox shell which you can access in the proxmox webui
cd /var/lib/vz/template/iso
bzip2 -d <YOUR_FILENAME.bz2>
If the archive with the ending .bz2 still exists, you should delete it
rm -r <YOUR_FILENAME.bz2>
Start by creating a new VM in proxmox.
I used VM ID 100 to display it at the top because its the first entry point for every request to the server.
Later I also assign VLAN100 to the opnsense.
Click on the Create VM
button above and set the VM with the following values.
I left all values that were not specified as they were or were not specified at the time of creation.
Activate Advanced Mode at the bottom of the window
- General:
- Node: proxmox
- VM ID: 100
- Name: OPNsense
- OS:
- ISO image: Choose your iso here
- Qemu Agent: True (That way proxmox qemu can tell the vm to start, stop and restart when the qemu agent is installed)
- Disk:
- Disk size: 10-30 GB (depends on the amount of firewall rules, configs and plugins)
- Disk size: 10-30 GB (depends on the amount of firewall rules, configs and plugins)
- CPU:
- Cores: 2-4 (depends on the network traffic)
- Extra CPU Flags: aes > on
- Memory:
- 3GB-6GB (depends on the network traffic and rules and plugins)
You must enter this value in MiB, i.e. 8192 MiB for 8GB
- Network:
- Bridge: vmbr0 (WAN)
- Multiqueue: 8 (For better performance)
After creating the VM we will add the vlan network aswell.
Now confirm the whole thing in the Confirm area
and click on the finish
We will need to add the vlan network now aswell.
For that you will need to head to the Hardware Section of your opnsense VM in the Proxmox Web Interface.
Click on "Add" and choose "Network Device" to create a new network device.
- Bridge: vmbr1 (VLAN-Network)
- VLAN Tag: 100 (The same as the VM ID)
- Multiqueue: 8 (For better performance)
Now we also need to tell Proxmox, that Opnsense acts as a trunk in the VLAN-NET. (If you don't know what a trunk is look it up!)
You can now follow the steps below to edit the vm config from your Proxmox shell, accessible in the Proxmox webui.
I use nano
to edit the files here, but you can also use wim
cd /etc/pve/qemu-server
nano 100.conf
Go to the line of net1 and add trunks=1-4095
. The line should then look something like this:
net1: virtio=92:39:CF:F0:F9:A8,bridge=vmbr1,firewall=1,queues=8,tag=100,trunks=1-4095
As a final step, if you didn't specify it during installation, you'll want to make sure that "Start at boot" is checked in the VM options.
Otherwise, opnsense will not start when the server restarts.
If you did everything correct you should be able to startup the VM.
Go to the console-tab
to view the screen of opnsense.
Click “Start Now”
Wait till the opnsense installer promst you with a login.
You should then be able to login as installer
and password opnsense
Start by configuring your keymap. And then continue.
I use the German-Keymap.
Next you have to choose how you want to install opnsense.
I used ZFS but you can choose what you like.
After that I used the stripe installer,
because my proxmox has already raid so I don't need raid here anymore.
Next select your drive with spacebar and press enter and choose Yes to install opnsense.
Here you will be asked if you need to be sure that the installation is required. Confirm this with yes
After that you can choose a secure root password.
Remember that password!
Then you can finish the installation.
After the installation I like to stop the VM and remove the install ISO
so that it will not accidential run again at some point or time.
Currently we can't just stop the VM in proxmox (because of the missing qemu-agent).
So you will have to wait till opnsense starts to login (as root and with your currently specified password) and
shutdown from the console. You can do so by choosing option 5.
After that, you can go to the hardware and remove the installation ISO from the CD/DVD Drive and
then restart the VM for the next steps.
By default Opnsense will try to setup the WAN with some default values.
But these will not match our configuration and sometimes it will even choose the wrong network adapter.
First make sure you are logged in.
You will then have the option 1 to assign the interfaces. Choose option 1: 1) Assign interfaces
I use the following values within the setting:
- LAGS: No
- VLAN: No (not now)
- WAN-Interface: vtnet0
- LAN-Interface: / (nothing for now just hit enter)
- Optional-Interface: / (nothing hit enter)
- Proceed: Yes
Next we will have to tell opnsense the config of the WAN.
Choose option 2 to set interface IP address: 2) Set interface IP address
I use the following values within the setting:
- IPv4 DHCP: No
- IPv4: (as configured in interfaces in proxmox)
- Subnet: 31 (only and
- WAN-Gateway:
- Namesevers: No
- IPv4 Nameserver: (Cloudflare) or (Google)
- DHCP IPv6: No
- IPv6: / (none press enter)
- WebUI HTTPS -> HTTP: No (HTTPS better)
- Certificate: Yes (self signed tho)
- Restore defaults: Yes
You successfully configured opnsense.
You can try to access it under https://yourip
you will see that the login will not work because the IP is not whitelisted.
You can access it via a ssh tunnel tho.
ssh -L 443: root@yourip
You will then be able to access it with https://localhost on your machine and login into opnsense.
Open PowerShell (not as Administrator) and enter the following command:
ssh -L 443: root@yourip -i <PATH_TO_YOUR_SSH_KEY>
If you receive the error message "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" then you have to carry out the following intermediate steps to continue.
- go to your Explorer on the following path
- Open the file
and delete the line with your IP Address - Safe the File and return to the PowerShell
Now do the previous step again. Enter the following command:
ssh -L 443: root@yourip -i <PATH_TO_YOUR_SSH_KEY>
You will be asked if you are sure you want to connect.
Answer this question with yes
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
If you receive the error message "WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!" then you have to carry out the following steps in this video to continue.
Now do the previous step again. Enter the following command:
ssh -L 443: root@yourip -i <PATH_TO_YOUR_SSH_KEY>
Open Putty.exe and type your IP address. Before connecting, add the tunnel we need.
- Go to Connection > SSH > Tunnels
- Now enter the following
- Source port: 443
- Destination:
- Then press
and connect
I did the same for HTTP too.
i.e. port 80 added.
If you have entered everything correctly, you can now connect via https://localhost
in your Browser. To setup everything important I recommend running the setup wizard. It will configure some important things needed for further configuration
Logged in with root
and your personal password.
If it doesn't open automatically go to "System > Wizard"
I would suggest changing the domain to something like:
I would also set a second dns server like (google) for example.
In the next step you can set your timezone.
On the next page you will not need to change anything.
You can let it stay as is.
On the next page you can also just hit next, because we will configure vlans not LAN.
On the next page you can change your root password again if you want to.
After the wizzard finishes it will reload.
As already mentioned i would suggest installing the qemu-agent to allow proxmox qemu to communicate with the VM on when to restart or stop.
For this go to "System > Firmware > Status".
Here you can first of all update the system and make sure everything is up to date.
You should do this regularry because this is your firewall for your server.
If it cannot find any updates it is possible that you did something wrong while configuration and
now opnsense has no internet access.
Running the update will redirect you to the Updates tab where you will need to scroll down and
hit update if it finds any updates.
It is possible that opnsense will reboot when finding a larger update.
After that you can go to the plugins tab in the Firmware options.
Search for os-qemu-guest-agent
and install it.
After that go to Lobby > Dashboard and make sure that qemu is running under the service section.
If not manually start it.
Congratulations you have now installed opnsense on your server and
configured the necessary things for further use!
You can now start adding new VLANs. But watch out. After creating your first VLAN the Firewall will get enabled and
will lock you out of OPNSense. You can either add a NAT rule to access OPNSense with your public Ip.
Not recommended because everyone could access it and you can forget, that its open
Or you can temporary disable the firewall from the OPNSense console. To do so choose option 8 in the OPNSense console.
There you can then run pfctl -d
to disable and pfctl -e
to enable the firewall.
When disabled you should be able to access it via ssh port tunnel. But after each apply in the OPNSense WebUI it will enable again. Also the VLANs wont have Internet when its disabled and all NAT rules wont apply which should make sense. After installing the proxy, this message disappears.
Every time you want to split a new service into a new “network”, you need to create a VLAN.
In my setup, I used VLANs everywhere wherever possible. I got this procedure as a tip from @Redacks.
- Got to "Interfaces > Other Types > VLAN"
- Add VLAN by clicking the plus-button
- Enter the following values
- Device: vlan0.<VLAN_ID>
- Parent: vtnet1 (your VLAN-Network)
- VLAN tag: <VLAN_ID>
- Description: <VLAN_ID>_<NAME_FOR_THE_VLAN>
- Hit Save and Apply
My Example
Device: vlan0.101
Parent: vtnet1
VLAN tag: 101
Description: 101_Docker
- Go to "Interfaces > Assignments"
- Select your new VLAN in "Assign a new interface" you just create
- Provide a description (Use the same description as above - Example: 102_Proxy)
- Go to the VLAN tab in the Interfaces options
- Enable the Interface
- Select the "IPv4 Configuration Type" from "none" to "Static IPv4"
- Enter the IP address for the Proxmox Gateway under “Static IPv4 configuration” (Example Docker:
- Choose your Subnet to 24
- Hit Safe and Apply changes
- Run the Preservation of caution under Adding VLANs
If you want to give a certain VLAN access to another device in a different VLAN
NAT is your best friend.
If you want to give access to the whole VLAN and not only a singular IP / Device
you will have to do so in Firewall Rules not NAT.
When defining rules for accessing opnsense itself
you should use (localhost) as a redirect target.
You can create a NAT Rule in "Firewall > NAT > Port Forward".
- Add a new NAT Rule by clicking the plus-button
- As a interface you should select where the request is coming from
- As a Destination you should select which IP it should be allowed to access
- You also need to specify the port number
- As Target you will then select the same IP and Port
- Select the Category (optional)
- Safe
- Safe and Apply Changes (Complete this step once you have added all the rules)
- Run the Preservation of caution under Adding VLANs
Under “Firewall > Aliases” create an “RFC1918” alias.
RFC1918 is all local network addresses. It should be of type Networks
- Add a new alias by clicking the plus-button
- Enter the following values
- Name: RFC1918
- Type: Host(s)
- Categories: none
You could create your categories beforehand under "Firewall > Categories" and insert them here.
But I'll do that at a later date - Content: (Select all networks that start with __ followed by the name)
- Description: "Collection of all private IP addresses"
- Hit Save and Apply
I have also added further aliases here. Including for the upcoming VLANS and their IP addresses.
I took Davice as the name and entered the IP address of the respective device under Content
We will use RFC1918 to configure firewall rules for internet access. If you want to give internet access to a vlan but still restrict access to all other internal IPs you can do that with the help of a firewall rule that accepts all connections except if they target RFC1918.
- Go to "Firewall > Rules"
- Select the VLAN you want to grant internet access
- Create a new rule if it doesnt already exist by hitting the plus.
We want to allow everything except if the destination is RFC1918.
- Select RFC1918 as a destination
- Enable Destination / Invert.
- Select the Category (optional)
- Safe and Apply Changes
- Run the Preservation of caution under Adding VLANs
We now create access via the subdomain of your IP.
It should be said that you should first create a subrecord with your domain provider.
Go to your Domainprovider and create a A-Record on your Domain.
In my example it looks like this for the domain
I create an A record for my domain with this data:
Subdomain: proxmox
TTL: 3600
RR-Type: A
Prio: 0
Value: your Server IPv4
- Go to "System > Settings > Administration"
- Change the "TCP Port" to 9443 (I change this to the 9443 port so that I don't have connection problems with other ports later.)
- Write in the "Alternate Hostnames" your subdomain:
- Safe and Apply Changes
From now on you can only reach your OPNsense via
Also make sure in advance that you are forwarding your NAT firewall to the correct port.
From here on I'll use Chrome for Proxmox because Firefox has problems with the subdomain and its port.