This is the Laravel version of our MyGLS REST API integration.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require webapix/laravel-mygls
Create config/my-gls.php configuration file using the following artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Webapix\GLS\Laravel\MyGlsServiceProvider"
Open .env file and set:
use \Webapix\GLS\Requests\GetParcelStatuses;
$request = new GetParcelStatuses(12345678);
/** @var \Webapix\GLS\Responses\GetParcelStatuses $response */
$response = app(\Webapix\GLS\Laravel\Client::class)->request($request);
// Or use the facade: $response = MyGls::request($request);
if ($response->successfull()) {
/** @var \Webapix\GLS\Models\ParcelStatus[] */
$parcelStatusList = $response->parcelStatusList();
foreach ($parcelStatusList as $parcelStatus) {
You can find more information and examples in our wiki.
By default, the MyGLS client use the default account.
You can use multiple accounts:
// add your new account to config/my-gls.php
'accounts' => [
'my-new-account' => [
'api_url' => '',
'client_number' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
Package docs
Official GLS Docs
composer test
According to the postcardware concept, if you use the software for your project(s) we would appreciate to receive a postcard of your hometown.
Please send it to:
Hűvösvölgyi út 54. 2.ép 3.emelet
1021 Budapest
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Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.