Siebel-IP19-Module.psm1: Siebel PowerShell Library of commands for managing Siebel environment.
Siebel-Change-Password.ps1: Change password commands to change the Siebel\sadmin password on the domain, gateway, services and DB.
Download the Module
Edit the Mobule and set the Default & Env section, the section contains the host and server names for the enviroment as well the location components are installed.
... $SBLAppIntPath = "d:\Oracle\Siebel\ai"\ $SBLGtwyPath = "d:\Oracle\Siebel\gw\gtwysrvr"\ $SBLGtwyPort = "9999"\ $SBLSrvrPath = "d:\Oracle\Siebel\ses\SiebSrvr"\ $SBLTempPath = "c:\Temp\"\ $SBLClientPath = "C:\Oracle\Siebel\\Client"\ ... ...\ "QA" {\ $global:SBLHost = ""\ $global:SBLGtwyServer = "a123dwawi"\ $global:SBLAIServers = "a123dwawi"\ $global:SBLServers = "a123dwawi"\ $global:SBLAllServers = "a123dwawi"\ $global:SBLGtwyPath = "d:\Oracle\Siebel\gw\gtwysrvr"\ Break\ }\ "P-Prod" {\ ...
Install the module:
Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName "Siebel-IP19-Module.psm1"
- To Remove Module
Remove-Module Siebel-IP19-Module
- Set the environment call Set-SBLEnv and pass in DEV\QA. Note the default is Dev
Set-SBLEnv -Env QA
- Note: The enviroments settings, hosts, server names are stored in the Mobile. Edit the file and adjust as required.
Siebel Services
Get-SBLServer\ Remove-SBLService\ Add-SBLService -
Backup Gateway
Backup-SBLGtwy\ Stop-SBLGtwyServer\ Start-SBLGtwyServer\ Get-SBLGtwyServer
Siebel AI Servicve
Set-SBLAIAuthToken - Change the AI Auth Token on a AI tomcat service
Stop-SBLAIServer\ Start-SBLAIServer\ Get-SBLAIServer -
Siebel Server Components
Get-SBLSrvrComp -
Siebel Gateway Param
Set-SBLGtwySubSysParam\ -
Siebel Gateway Log Level
Get-SBLGtwyEvtLogLevel -
Siebel Logs
Note: For help on the input parameters use the PowerShell command "Get-Help {MethodName}"
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName "Siebel-IP19-Module.psm1"
##remove-module Siebel-IP19-Module
## Set Credential
$SiebPass = "SADMIN1" ## Siebel SADMIN Password
$c = Get-Credential vodacom\xxxx
$cs = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "SADMIN", (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $SiebPass -AsPlainText -Force)
## Set Environment REP, DEV, QA (Default: Dev)
Set-SBLEnv -Env QA
## Clear the Cache
Remove-SBLSrvrLogs -Credential $c -Types Temp -Verbose -Filter "Cache*"
Remove-SBLSrvrLogs -Credential $c -Types Log -Filter "EAI*" -Verbose
## Get Server Log
Get-SBLSrvrLogs -Credential $c -Types Log -Filter "EAI*" -Pattern "{File Content}" -Verbose
## Get\Remove FDR
Get-SBLSrvrLogs -Credential $c -Types FDR,Crash -Verbose
Remove-SBLSrvrLogs -Credential $c -Types FDR,Crash -Verbose
## Set Log Level of Component
Set-SBLGtwyEvtLogLevel -Credential $c -Value 1 -CompAliasName eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu -Password SADMIN
## Cleanup older that 1 day log files
Remove-SBLSrvrLogs -Credential $c -Type AI,EmailResponce,Log,FDR,Crash,LOGARCHIVE -AddMin 1440
## Start\Stop Get Siebel Server
Stop-SBLServer -Credential $c -Verbose
Get-SBLServer -Credential $c -Verbose
Start-SBLServer -Credential $c -Verbose
## Start\Stop Get Siebel Server
Stop-SBLGtwServer -Credential $c -Verbose
Get-SBLGtwyServer -Credential $c -Verbosey
Start-SBLGtwyServer -Credential $c -Verbose
## Change the AI Auth Token
Set-SBLAIAuthToken -Credential $c -NewPassword xyz -Verbose
## Call WFP
##[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls, Tls11, Tls12"
Invoke-SBLWFP -WFPName "VSFA Function - OM Offer Add Instance" -Parameters "OfferId=2-AUO9AYV&AssetIntegrationId=2-18104762448&InputObjectType=SIS OM Quote?workspace=main" -Credential $cs -Verbose