Geckos-Team-44 Chrome Extension | Voyage-5 |
Work/Play Pomodoro
MVP: A chrome extension which helps users balance their work and play activities by creating daily tasks and using pomodoro techniques to manage time better.
User Stories:
On the popup page, users can…
- view daily tasks list
- add a new task
- edit and delete tasks
- view the current task
- view the pomodoro timer
- start, stop and pause the pomodoro timer
- edit the current task
- access the settings page
- access the activity page
On the settings page, users can…
- set time block size
- enable next task auto start
- blacklist sites for different modes
- enable popup alerts
On the activity page, users can…
- view recently completed tasks
- view history of activities over the past day, week, month, or all time
Front End - Views consist of popup page, activity page, and settings page
Back End - Chrome messages between content scripts and background scripts
Database - Chrome local storage
Deployment - Chrome Web Store
Stack: HTML, CSS (Grid), vanilla JavaScript and jQuery, Jasmine