- v1.0 - Included terraform configuration examples for digitalocean.
- v1.1 - Included terraform configurations examples for google cloud.
- v1.2 - Included terraform configuration examples for aws.
- v1.3 - Included terraform configuration examples for azure rm.
Every cloud provider has different API and features, and so you have to read on instructions on their official site to custom terraform according to your needs. This is for learning purposes only and for templating a simples cloud infrastructure in Terraform code.
- Terraform installed
- Token / Secret key / Secret credentials from provider
- v1.0 - Exemplos de configurações para a digitalocean.
- v1.1 - Exemplos de configurações para a Google Cloud Platform.
- v1.2 - Exemplos de configurações para a aws.
- v1.3 - Exemplos de configurações para a azure rm.