- This is some of my notes for passing the certification.
- I found that the provided VM for labworks are not flexible enought so i created a Vagrant to spin some VMs and added some configurations myself.
- Exam is 60 questions and we pass at 70%.
- Read de book and documentation.
- Experience and understanding in distributed Systems helps.
- SSTables are immutable
- Do not do writes or deletes in place.
- Last-write-wins conflict resolution
- Simply chooses the data with the most recent timestamp
- Groups rows Physically together on disk based on Partition Key.
- The Partitioner hashes the Partition Key to create Partition Token.
Primary Keys
Partition Key
- One or more values (composite)
- When composite all value must be in WHERE clause in statement.
Consistent Hashing
Partition Tokens
- Computed hash from the Partition Key.
- Determines the node where the data will go.
Clustering Columns
- Non Partition section of Primary Key.
- Default is Ascending
Aplication Connectivity
- Driver for many lamguages:
- C++
- C#
- Java
- Node.js
- Python
- Driver for many lamguages:
- Can handle 2-4 TB of data.
- Node that handles the request is the Coordinator.
- Determines how data is distributed in the cluster.
Peer 2 Peer
- No one is leader.
- No one is follower.
- All nodes are Equal.
- Default 128.
- Help keep cluster balanced in no data skew.
- Automate Token Ranges.
- Configured in num_tokens in cassandra.yaml.
- Internal comuniction between nodes.
- Purpose is peer discovery and metadata propagation.
- Runs every second.
- Each node gossips with 1-3 peer nodes.
- Determines which datacenters and racks nodes belong to.
- They inform Cassandra about the network topology.
- Requests are routed efficiently and allows Cassandra to distribute replicas.
- Default is SimpleSnitch.
- Cassandra stores data replicas on multiple nodes to ensure reliability and fault tolerance.
- Number of replicas and their location are determined by Replication Factor and Replication Strategy
- Replication Factor: The total number of replicas for a keyspace across a Cassandra cluster.
- Replication Strategy: Determines the nodes where replicas are placed
- SimpleStrategy: Single data center only.
- LocalStrategy: Engine internal purpose only.
- NetworkTopologyStrategy: How many replicas per DC.
- Many Levels
- ANY - Stores a hint.
- ONE, TWO, THREE - Closest to Coordinator.
- QUORUM - Majority vote.
- LOCAL_ONE - One in local DC.
- LOCAL_QUORUM - Majority vote on one DC.
- EACH_QUORUM - Majority vote in each DC.
- ALL - All nodes participate.
- Many Levels
Hinted Handoff
- Optimizes the cluster consistency process and anti-entropy when a replica-owning node is not available.
- When a node goes down, the remaining nodes will save the writes for this node locally as hints.
- Default is 3 hours.
- Enabled by default.
Read Repair
- Always occurs when CONSISTENCY level is ALL.
- Can be triggered manually by nodetool.
- read_repair_changer - Probability that Cassandra will do read repair with a CONSISTENCY level less than ALL.
Node Sync
- DataStax Enterprise feature.
- Low overhead backgroup sync.
Write Path
- Commit log > MemTable > SSTable.
- Two places:
- To disk in append -only CommitLog
- In-Memory MemTable (sorted by Primary Key)
- Write Request are Acknowledged as sucessfull onde data is writen in both places.
Read Path
- Bloom filter > Key Cache > Partition Summary > Partition Index > SSTable
- Bloom filter: Space eficient Probabilistic structure to test if an element is a menber of a set.
- Key Cache: Stores byte offset of most recent accessed records.
- Partition Summary: In-Memory Data Structure to store offsets for Partition Index.
- Partition Index: Index to the SSTable records.
- Bloom filter > Key Cache > Partition Summary > Partition Index > SSTable
- Process of combining SSTables, which each may contain data with the same Partition Token into a single SSTable.
- Process to remove stale data form existing tables.
- Multiple Strategies:
- SizeTierdCompaction
- The default compaction strategy
- Triggers when multiple SSTables of similar size are present.
- Optimized for high rate of Writes.
- Leveled Compaction
- Groups SStables into Levels x10 greater.
- Optimized for read heavy workloads.
- TimeWindowCompaction - Optimized for Time Series.
- SizeTierdCompaction
- When is Compaction Triggered:
- MemTable flush to disk
- Executed Manually with nodetool
Configuring Clusters
Cluster Sizing
- Data throughput
- Growth rate
- Latency
Cassandra Stress Tool
- Benchmarking tool to determine schema performance.
- cassandra-stress user profile=/home/vagrant/labwork/TestProfile.yaml ops(insert=2,user_by_email=5) -node
- Benchmarking tool to determine schema performance.
Linux Performance
- top
- ps
- dstat -am
- status
- info
- ring
- Flush
- decomission
System & Output Logs
- System
- output
- Cassandra
- Gc logs
Adding/Removing Nodes
- nodetool decommission:
- Live node decommission.
- Streams data to other nodes.
- nodetool remove:
- Removes node.
- nodetool assasinate
- kills the node
- Like Kill -9
- nodetool decommission:
Replace a node
- Replace is better than Remove > Add node.
- Process of combining SSTables, which each may contain data with the same Partition Token into a single SSTable.
- Process to remove stale data form existing tables.
- Multiple Strategies:
- SizeTierdCompaction
- The default compaction strategy
- Triggers when multiple SSTables of similar size are present.
- Optimized for high rate of Writes.
- Leveled Compaction
- Groups SStables into Levels x10 greater.
- Optimized for read heavy workloads.
- TimeWindowCompaction - Optimized for Time Series.
- SizeTierdCompaction
- When is Compaction Triggered:
- MemTable flush to disk
- Executed Manually with nodetool
- Sync Replicas.
- Should be done when node is down for some time.
- Always occurs when CONSISTENCY level is ALL.
- Can be triggered manually by nodetool.
- read_repair_changer - Probability that Cassandra will do read repair with a CONSISTENCY level less than ALL.
- Splits SSTable into multiple tables at a specific size.
- Maybe needed to make sure compaction happens on very large SSTables.
Multi Datacenter
CQL Copy
Command to copy data in and out of the cluster.
COPY cycling.cyclist_name (id,firstname) FROM '../cyclist_firstname.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE ;
COPY cycling.cyclist_name (id,firstname) TO '../cyclist_firstname.csv' WITH HEADER = TRUE ;
- Dump a table for diagnostics.
- Raw SSTable in (json) format
- For Diagnostics
- Bulk load data into cluster.
- Restore snapshots
- Replicate a node to dev.
Spark for Data Loading.
- Using spark can parallelize operations.
- Can do transoformations and processing prior to loading data.
- Datastax Bulk Load tool
- Several sources.
- More performant that COPY.
Backup Fundamentals
- nodetool snapshot
- Point in time
- Snapshot is just a Hardlink
- Only per node
- Offsite to S3 or NFS is good.
- Auto Snapshot - If you do a truncate it does a snapshot first
- nodetool clearsnapshot
- nodetool snapshot
Backup / Restore
- Copy files to node
- ssdtableloader
JVM Settings
- cassandra-env.sh.
- Change java classes and options to the Cassandra runtime.
Garbage Collection
- Process of clening obsolete objects from heap.
Heap Dump
- Its possible to dump head for diagnostics.
JVM Tuning
- Heap Sizes.
- Gc versions.
Tuning the Kernel
- No Swap
- Avoid NAS, SAN, NFS
- ulimit, sysctl
- Nics
- Ex:
- nodetool -u cassandra -pw cassandra status
- cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
- Replicate system_auth Keyspace
- ALTER KEYSPACE "system_auth" WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 2};
- nodetool –u cassandra –pw cassandra repair (on the other nodes to sync )
- Change admin password
- Ex:
- Grant permissions to Roles
- Grant permissions to Roles
- Considerations for cloud.