Alfred is command line tool for deep-learning usage. if you want split an video into image frames or combine frames into a single video, then alfred is what you want.
[cry]: I have lost the latest update of alfred source codes................
I need to re-write all the thing from scratch now...
To install alfred, it is very simple:
sudo pip3 install alfred-py
alfred is both a package and a command line tool. it can do those things for a command line tool:
- combine a sequences images into a video;
- extract all frames of a video;
- extract all faces from a bunch of images;
it's built for AI.
2050-: to be continue;
2019-07-18: 1000 classes imagenet labelmap added. Call it from:
from alfred.vis.image.get_dataset_label_map import imagenet_labelmap # also, coco, voc, cityscapes labelmap were all added in from alfred.vis.image.get_dataset_label_map import coco_labelmap from alfred.vis.image.get_dataset_label_map import voc_labelmap from alfred.vis.image.get_dataset_label_map import cityscapes_labelmap
2019-07-13: We add a VOC check module in command line usage, you can now visualize your VOC format detection data like this:
alfred data voc_view -i ./images -l labels/
2019-05-17: We adding open3d as a lib to visual 3d point cloud in python. Now you can do some simple preparation and visual 3d box right on lidar points and show like opencv!!
geometries = [] pcs = np.array(points[:,:3]) pcobj = PointCloud() pcobj.points = Vector3dVector(pcs) geometries.append(pcobj) # try getting 3d boxes coordinates for p in box3d: pts3d = compute_3d_box_lidar_coords(xyz, hwl, angles=r_y, origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), lines = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[3,0], [4,5],[5,6],[6,7],[7,4], [0,4],[1,5],[2,6],[3,7]] colors = [[1, 0, 1] for i in range(len(lines))] line_set = LineSet() line_set.points = Vector3dVector(pts3d) line_set.lines = Vector2iVector(lines) line_set.colors = Vector3dVector(colors) geometries.append(line_set) draw_pcs_open3d(geometries)
You can achieve this by only using alfred-py and open3d!
2019-05-10: A minor updates but really useful which we called mute_tf, do you want to disable tensorflow ignoring log? simply do this!!
from import mute_tf mute_tf() import tensorflow as tf
Then, the logging message were gone....
2019-05-07: Adding some protos, now you can parsing tensorflow coco labelmap by using alfred:
from alfred.protos.labelmap_pb2 import LabelMap from google.protobuf import text_format with open('coco.prototxt', 'r') as f: lm = LabelMap() lm = text_format.Merge(str(, lm) names_list = [i.display_name for i in lm.item] print(names_list)
2019-04-25: Adding KITTI fusion, now you can get projection from 3D label to image like this: we will also add more fusion utils such as for nuScene dataset.
We providing kitti fusion kitti for convert
camera link 3d points
to image pixel, and convertlidar link 3d points
to image pixel. Roughly going through of APIs like this:# convert lidar prediction to image pixel from alfred.fusion.kitti_fusion import LidarCamCalibData, \ load_pc_from_file, lidar_pts_to_cam0_frame, lidar_pt_to_cam0_frame from alfred.fusion.common import draw_3d_box, compute_3d_box_lidar_coords # consit of prediction of lidar # which is x,y,z,h,w,l,rotation_y res = [[4.481686, 5.147319, -1.0229858, 1.5728549, 3.646751, 1.5121397, 1.5486346], [-2.5172017, 5.0262384, -1.0679419, 1.6241353, 4.0445814, 1.4938312, 1.620804], [1.1783253, -2.9209857, -0.9852259, 1.5852798, 3.7360613, 1.4671413, 1.5811548]] for p in res: xyz = np.array([p[: 3]]) c2d = lidar_pt_to_cam0_frame(xyz, frame_calib) if c2d is not None:, (int(c2d[0]), int(c2d[1])), 3, (0, 255, 255), -1) hwl = np.array([p[3: 6]]) r_y = [p[6]] pts3d = compute_3d_box_lidar_coords(xyz, hwl, angles=r_y, origin=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), axis=2) pts2d = [] for pt in pts3d[0]: coords = lidar_pt_to_cam0_frame(pt, frame_calib) if coords is not None: pts2d.append(coords[:2]) pts2d = np.array(pts2d) draw_3d_box(pts2d, img)
And you can see something like this:
for lidar prediction,compute_3d_box_cam_coords
for KITTI label, cause KITTI label is based on camera coordinates!. -
2019-01-25: We just adding network visualization tool for pytorch now!! How does it look? Simply print out every layer network with output shape, I believe this is really helpful for people to visualize their models!
➜ mask_yolo3 git:(master) ✗ python3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================================ Conv2d-1 [-1, 64, 224, 224] 1,792 ReLU-2 [-1, 64, 224, 224] 0 ......... Linear-35 [-1, 4096] 16,781,312 ReLU-36 [-1, 4096] 0 Dropout-37 [-1, 4096] 0 Linear-38 [-1, 1000] 4,097,000 ================================================================ Total params: 138,357,544 Trainable params: 138,357,544 Non-trainable params: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Input size (MB): 0.19 Forward/backward pass size (MB): 218.59 Params size (MB): 527.79 Estimated Total Size (MB): 746.57 ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ok, that is all. what you simply need to do is:
from alfred.dl.torch.model_summary import summary from alfred.dl.torch.common import device from torchvision.models import vgg16 vgg = vgg16(pretrained=True) summary(vgg, input_size=[224, 224])
Support you input (224, 224) image, you will got this output, or you can change any other size to see how output changes. (currently not support for 1 channel image)
2018-12-7: Now, we adding a extensible class for quickly write an image detection or segmentation demo.
If you want write a demo which do inference on an image or an video or right from webcam, now you can do this in standared alfred way:
class ENetDemo(ImageInferEngine): def __init__(self, f, model_path): super(ENetDemo, self).__init__(f=f) self.target_size = (512, 1024) self.model_path = model_path self.num_classes = 20 self.image_transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.Resize(self.target_size), transforms.ToTensor()]) self._init_model() def _init_model(self): self.model = ENet(self.num_classes).to(device) checkpoint = torch.load(self.model_path) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) print('Model loaded!') def solve_a_image(self, img): images = Variable(self.image_transform(Image.fromarray(img)).to(device).unsqueeze(0)) predictions = self.model(images) _, predictions = torch.max(, 1) prediction = predictions.cpu().numpy()[0] - 1 return prediction def vis_result(self, img, net_out): mask_color = np.asarray(label_to_color_image(net_out, 'cityscapes'), dtype=np.uint8) frame = cv2.resize(img, (self.target_size[1], self.target_size[0])) # mask_color = cv2.resize(mask_color, (frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0])) res = cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.5, mask_color, 0.7, 1) return res if __name__ == '__main__': v_f = '' enet_seg = ENetDemo(f=v_f, model_path='save/ENet_cityscapes_mine.pth')
After that, you can directly inference from video. This usage can be found at git repo:
The repo using alfred:
2018-11-6: I am so glad to announce that alfred 2.0 released!😄⛽️👏👏 Let's have a quick look what have been updated:
# 2 new modules, fusion and vis from alred.fusion import fusion_utils
For the module
contains many useful sensor fusion helper functions you may use, such as project lidar point cloud onto image. -
2018-08-01: Fix the video combined function not work well with sequence. Add a order algorithm to ensure video sequence right. also add some draw bbox functions into package.
can be called like this:
2018-03-16: Slightly update alfred, now we can using this tool to combine a video sequence back original video! Simply do:
# alfred binary exectuable program alfred vision 2video -d ./video_images
alfred is both a library and a command line tool. It can do those things:
# extract images from video
alfred vision extract -v video.mp4
# combine image sequences into a video
alfred vision 2video -d /path/to/images
# get faces from images
alfred vision getface -d /path/contains/images/
Just try it out!!
Alfred build by Lucas Jin with ❤️, welcome star and send PR. If you got any question, you can ask me via wechat: jintianiloveu
, this code released under MIT license.