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Resource-Constrained Annotation Workflows for Paediatric Histopathology Reports

🚀 Introduction

This package contains the source code for an automated entity annotation pipeline for medical reports using local LLMs.

Workflow Steps:

  1. Preparation of annotation guidelines - clinical expert to provide guidelines (see entity_guidelines.xlsx)

  2. Annotation of sample reports by the clinical expert using Streamlit application - this is used for evaluation purpose

  3. Run the script for automated entity annotation

Optional Steps:

  1. Disagreement modelling - To compare two different models for further manual reviewing.

  2. Second Streamlit application for comparing and commenting on results from disagreement modelling

📚 Installations

Setting up new conda environment and package installations

This takes roughly 30 minutes.

# 1. Clone the repository
git clone [repository_url]
cd [repository_name]

# 2. Create and setup conda environment
conda create --name gosh-llm python=3.12.6
conda activate gosh-llm
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=gosh-llm --display-name "gosh-llm (ipython)"

# 3. First pip installations 
pip install python-Levenshtein pandas streamlit

# 4. Install ollama and models
pip install ollama
ollama pull [model_name] # qwen2.5:1.5b-instruct-fp16 recommended as a good initial model
# If using llama-cpp:
mkdir models  # Create models directory
# Download GGUF models from HuggingFace and place in models/
# Ensure models/ is in .gitignore

# 5. Install ML and NLP packages
pip install matplotlib seaborn scikit-learn spacy gensim
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
# Note: If numpy dtype issues occur after gensim, restart notebook kernel

# 6. Final installations
pip install openpyxl streamlit-annotation-tools langchain langchain-community gliner llama-cpp-python


# 1. Activate conda environment
conda activate gosh-llm

# 2. Run annotation app
streamlit run src/renal_biopsy/ src/renal_biopsy src/renal_biopsy/data/real_input.json

# 3. Run LLM annotation and evaluation
python --backend [ollama/llamacpp] \
   --root_dir src/renal_biopsy \
   --model_name [model_name] \
   --n_shots [n_few_shot_samples] \
   --n_prototype [n_annotated_samples] \
# As a good initial test, we recommend the command below:
# python --backend ollama --root_dir src/renal_biopsy --model_name qwen2.5:1.5b-instruct-fp16 --n_shots 1 --n_prototype 1 --include_guidelines

# 4. Run disagreement modeling between two models 
python --backend [ollama/llamacpp] \
   --root_dir src/renal_biopsy \
   --model_1_name [model_1_name] \
   --model_2_name [model_2_name] \
   --n_shots [n_few_shot_samples] \
   --n_prototype [n_annotated_samples] \
   --disagreement_threshold [threshold] \
# As a good initial test, we recommend the two commands below:
# ollama pull gemma2:2b-instruct-fp16
# python --backend ollama --root_dir src/renal_biopsy --model_1_name qwen2.5:1.5b-instruct-fp16 --model_2_name gemma2:2b-instruct-fp16 --n_shots 1 --n_prototype 1 --disagreement_threshold 0.3 --include_guidelines

# 5. View disagreements in comparison app
streamlit run src/renal_biopsy/ \
   src/renal_biopsy \
   data/runs/{timestamp} \
# Note: if there are no disagreements, this won't be able to run.
# TODO: comparison_comments.json currently saves to root directory, fix to save in timestamped folder.

# 6. Additional notebooks available:
# - renal_biopsy.ipynb: For exploratory data analysis and model debugging
# - alt_methods.ipynb: For standard NER-based methods

Adapting this project to your own area of biomedicine

# 1. Create project directory
mkdir src/{project_folder}

# 2. Set up data folder and files
mkdir src/{project_folder}/data
# Add your guidelines.xlsx and sample_data files to data/
# Minimum columns needed in guidelines.xlsx:
# - Entity
# - Entity Question To Ask  
# - Entity Type
# - Entity Code
# Example available in src/project_files/

# 3. Create preprocessor
touch src/{project_folder}/
# Create {Project}Processor class inheriting MedicalReportProcessor
# Implement:
# - create_input_json()
# - process_all_reports() 
# - segment_report()
# Note: Entity Code names in guidelines.xlsx cannot clash with section headings you need to extract in segment_report()

# 4. Create QA module
touch src/{project_folder}/
touch src/{project_folder}/
# Create {Project}QA class inheriting QABase (Ollama/LlamaCpp)
# Implement:
# - get_few_shot_list() (store list in
# - get_report_string()

# 5. Create annotation app
touch src/{project_folder}/
# Create {Project}StreamlitApp class inheriting StreamlitAppBase
# Implement write_report_string_for_streamlit()
# Copy main section from existing renal_biopsy/ and modify it to suit your project

# 6. Run the annotation app from root directory
streamlit run src/{project_folder}/ \
   src/{project_folder} \

🤝 Acknowledgements

This project was a five month internship funded by NHSE and supervised by NHSE and GOSH DRIVE

  • GOSH DRIVE Digital Research Environment (DRE) Team
  • NHSE Data Science Team

🤝 Contributors

  • Avish Vijayaraghavan - PhD student @ Imperial College London (core contributor)
  • Dr. Pavi Rajendran - NLP & Computer Vision Lead @ GOSH DRIVE
  • Dr. Neil J. Sebire - Clinical Lead @ GOSH DRIVE
  • Dr. Dan Schofield - AI Technical Specialist @ NHSE
  • Dr. Jonathan Hope - Data Science Lead Manager @ NHSE
  • Dr. Jonny Pearson - Lead Data Scientist @ NHSE

For any queries, please contact us via email [email protected].

🧑🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏽 Citing & Authors

To be updated

📃 Licenses

Code is this repository is covered by the GNU General Public License and for all documentation the Open Government License (OGL) is used.

Copyright (c) 2024 Crown Copyright


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