cd fontend
npm install
$cat > frontend/src/ApiKeys.js
$export const MAPS_API_KEY = '[INSERT KEY HERE]'
**Note: include quotes here
Then press Cntrl + D
Then Run:
$cat > backend/target/step-react-demo-1/.env
**Note: no quotes here
Then press Cntrl + D
Based on chen-dawn/react-servlet-test.
// From frontend directory
yarn local
// From backend directory
mvn appengine:devserver
gcloud init
gcloud config set project [Project_ID]
// From frontend directory
yarn build
gcloud app deploy
// From backend directory
mvn package appengine:deploy
// From base directory
gcloud app deploy dispatch.yaml // Config routing
node -v // Check node version
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 10.21.0 // Change node version to 10.21.0
When you open a PR or push a new commit to a PR branch, github CI will automatically run a validator to check for formatting which prevents merging the PR if it fails.
See below for how to run the formatter/linter locally.
You only need to run this once.
# From root directory
make node_modules
Generally a good idea to run this command before committing or pushing a change.
# From root directory
make pretty
If you'd like, you can use a pre-commit hook. Create a file named pre-commit
in the .git/hooks
directory, then, add the following to the .git/hooks/pre-commit
# Move to top level of git repo
cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR "*.js" "*.css" "*.java" | sed 's| |\\ |g')
if [ -z "$FILES" ]
# Move back to original working directory
cd -
exit 0
# Prettify/format all files
make pretty
# Add back the modified/prettified files to staging
echo "$FILES" | xargs git add
# Move back to original working directory
cd -
exit 0
Create a new file named post-commit
in the .git/hooks
directory and include the following:
git update-index -g
Make sure the pre-commit and post-commit files are executable:
chmod 755 .git/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/post-commit
# From root directory
make validate