OpenSpiel 1.0.2
This is a minor release: mainly for bug fixes, and also some new functionality and updates to core functionality.
New games and modifications
- Dynamic routing game: change to explicit stochastic (Python MFG), or deterministic (Python)
- New garnet game (randomized MDPs) for mean-field games (C++)
New algorithms and other functionality
- Restricted Nash Response (C++), Johanson et al. '08
- Update mean-field game algorithms to use value functions
- Enable Python best response to work for simultaneous-move games
Bug fixes
- Allow observation tensors for turn-based simultaneous move games
- Fixes to HIGC tournament code, add synchronous mode, explicit calls to bots
- Fix game type in built-in observer
- Fix information type for iterated prisoner's dilemma
- Fix to wheels CI testing: always use python3
- Add missing algorithms and games to algorithms page
- Add patch to our version of absl to compile with newer compilers (Ubuntu 21.10)
- Add python games to API test (now fully supported alongside all C++ games)
- Enable noisy_policy to work for simultaneous move games
- Added Common Loop Utils (CLU) to python extra deps
Thanks to DeepMind for continued support of development and maintenance of OpenSpiel.
Thanks to all of our contributors: