Author: Trey Young Version: 1.1.0
Version: 1.0.0 (lab6 & lab7) Version: 1.1.0 (lab8) A link to my trello board for this project
For my Lab 6 WRCC, Daniel Yoon and myself sketched it out. Lab 6 WRCC For my Lab 7 WRCC, Laurel Perkins, Arturo Valadez and myself sketched it out. Lab 7 WRCC For my Lab 8 WRCC, Zach Jeter and myself sketched it out. Lab 7 WRCC
Name of feature: Lab 6
Estimate of time needed to complete: 4hrs
Start time: 8PM-12pm
Finish time: 2pm-4pm
Actual time needed to complete: 6hrs
Name of feature: Lab7
Estimate of time needed to complete: 4hrs
Start time: 4:30PM
Finish time: N/a
Actual time needed to complete: 4 days. I got sick and wasn't able to complete it in a timely manner.
Name of feature: Lab8
Estimate of time needed to complete: 4 hrs
Start time: 4:42pm
Finish time: _____
Actual time needed to complete: _____
Name of feature: Lab9
Estimate of time needed to complete: 4hrs
Start time: 230pm
Finish time: ??
Actual time needed to complete: Finally was able to go back and consolidate the code. Now all the components are grouped similarly and cleaned it up a bit.
=============================================Template============================================= Name of feature: ________________________________
Estimate of time needed to complete: _____
Start time: _____
Finish time: _____
Actual time needed to complete: _____