Added rake task (license:add) for automatic license headers generating
Handle situation when upload_status.json does not exist
Connect using SSO - GoodData#connect_sso
Added Measure semantics, alias methods metrics to measure (ie. interpolate_metric -> interpolate_measure)
rake tasks license:check, license:report & license:info for automated license reporting added
Fixed a typo in labels
Executions are paging + are implemented as lazy enumerators
Fixed after getter in schedule
Blueprint works with deprecated labels
Metadata object has new methods for working with unlisted attribute
Metadata method deprecated= now accepts and return true/false
Included date_facts in building a manifest
Using API for user provisioning by login
Multiple data sets upload Project#upload_multiple
GoodData::MdObject.json is assignable now (using attr_accessor)
Added method for updating report definition in easy way - GoodData::Report#update_definiton(opts, &block)
Added more logging around connecting to server. Cleaning up staging information. Adding tests to make
Middlewares are transforming params to Ruby hash (useful for executors when they pass Java Hash instance)
Cleaning up way Data permissions work with errors so we can update Bricks
Fixed Project#browser_url
Increased max count of retries for 429 - Too Many Requests
Fixed potentional crash of ReportDefinition#replace
Updated dependencies (gems)
You can’t perform that action at this time.